Boundary concepts are introduced and immediately applied in simple - but useful - computer codes. These codes facilitate the comprehension of boundary elements. This text also discusses basic concepts, potential problems, elastostatics and other topics of interest to engineers.
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* Publisher: Taylor & Francis
* Number Of Pages: 1006
* Publication Date: 2008-06-23
Unsaturated Soils: Advances in Geo-Engineering comprises 136 contributions from leading international researchers and practitioners, presented at the First European Conference on Unsaturated Soils (Durham, UK, 2-4 July 2008). The papers report on the latest advances in geo-engineering aspects of unsaturated soils. It is the first collection to focus on research developments within Europe, where a resurgence of interest in unsaturated soil behaviour has lead to major advances.
The volume is divided into five sections:
- Advances in testing techniques,
- Engineering behaviour,
-Constitutive modelling,
- Numerical modelling,
-Case histories.
The areas of application include slope stability, foundations, dams, contaminated land, landfill and nuclear waste repositories. The section on advances in testing techniques includes recent developments in high capacity tensiometers, spatial Time Domain Reflectometry and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy. The section on engineering behaviour includes the latest findings concerning factors affecting the water retention surface; volume change of soils during wetting and drying; peak, ultimate and residual strength of soils; small strain modulii and shear wave responses. The sections on Constitutive and Numerical modelling address major developments in coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical elasto-plastic models.c
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The Journal of Structural Engineering reports on fundamental knowledge that contributes to the state of the art and state of the practice in structural engineering. Authors discuss the art and science of structural design; investigate the physical properties of engineering materials as related to structural behavior; develop methods of analysis; and study the merits of various types of structures and methods of construction.
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In today's tough job market, the perfect resume and cover letter are a must for every job seeker. Outlined in this book are the Goof-Proof Rules—the 36 simple solutions for composing Goof-Proof resumes and cover letters that get you hired! Goof-Proof Resumes and Cover Letters includes up-to-date resume and cover letter formats (with examples), clear and concise instructions on how to best express your unique skills, experience, and education, valuable lessons on everything from proper punctuation to expressing your personal style, and accurate and up-to-date advice on electronic submission. Also included are fill-in-the-blank sections to practice crafting your information after you've read and understood the Goof-Proof Rules.
It is non-engineering book but it is helpful to us in preparing our resume and cover letter.
I hope it will be useful for other members who was affected in global crisis in seeking for a new job.
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Presentation FEMA
Presented & Developed by:
Michael D. Symans, PhD
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Initially Developed by:
Finley A. Charney, PE, PhD
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Pages: 206
Outline: Part I
• Objectives of Advanced Technology Systems and Effects on Seismic Response
• Distinction Between Natural and Added Damping
• Energy Distribution and Damage Reduction
• Classification of Passive Energy Dissipation Systems
Outline: Part II
• Velocity-Dependent Damping Systems: Fluid Dampers and Viscoelastic Dampers
• Models for Velocity-Dependent Dampers
• Effects of Linkage Flexibility
• Displacement-Dependent Damping Systems: Steel Plate Dampers, Unbonded Brace Dampers, and Friction Dampers
• Concept of Equivalent Viscous Damping
• Modeling Considerations for Structures with Passive Energy Dissipation Systems
Outline: Part III
• Seismic Analysis of MDOF Structures with Passive Energy Dissipation Systems
• Representations of Damping
• Examples: Application of Modal Strain Energy Method and Non-Classical Damping Analysis
• Summary of MDOF Analysis Procedures
Outline: Part IV
• MDOF Solution Using Complex Modal Analysis
• Example: Damped Mode Shapes and Frequencies
• An Unexpected Effect of Passive Damping
• Modeling Dampers in Computer Software
• Guidelines and Code-Related Documents for Passive Energy Dissipation Systems
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• Utility: apartmentes
• Structural typology: Frames (Special Moment Frame)
• Category: III
• Type floor: metaldeck
• No. Floors: 8
• Heigth: 20.32 ft
• Beam section: W18 and W24
• Column section W14
• Secondary beams: W12
• Thicknes metaldeck: 4.5 in
• Dead Load: own weight
• Live Load: floor apliead: 55 psf
• Live Load: roof apliead: 40 psf
• Super Dead: floor apliead: 39 psf
• Super Dead: roof apliead: 39 psf
• Notional Load: Dead and super dead based load
Note: Don’t include dinamic analysis.
Gravity load: ASCE 07-05
AISC 360 -05, IBC 2006, include special seismic load.
EDB file
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Comparison of results of the design of a column ... calculation manual and proved from the etabs
file in excel... in spanish...
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Estimation of Soil Moisture in Unsaturated Zone and Irrigation Sceduling
A dissertation report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF TECHNOLOGY (Hydraulics and Water Resources Engineering) by Sunil Gurrapu Register No.: 0322667 Under the Guidance of Dr. K. Varija Department of Applied Mechanics & Hydraulics NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KARNATAKA, (A DEEMED UNIVERSITY) SURATHKAL, P.O. SRINIVASNAGAR - 575 025 MANGALORE, INDIA JULY - 2005
1.56 MB
Actually I was doubt if I will put this one in technical paper but I think it is more appropriate in this thread
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Hydraulic Structures
Publisher: Taylor & Francis | 640 pages | July 2, 2001 | ISBN: 0415250706 | PDF | 17 MB
Provides a comprehensive introduction to the structural aspects of hydraulics. The authors explain dam engineering, the design and construction of embankments, dam outlet works, hydroelectric power development and pumping stations. It also contains worked examples to help the reader comprehend the structural processes discussed. This brand new third edition contains new and expanded subject matter on strength and compressibility, air transport tunnels, dam-break analysis and coastal engineering.
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Structural Timber Design is a comprehensive textbook that provides students of building and civil engineering courses with a wealth of information and in-depth guidance on design methods to the recently revised BS 5268 : Part 2 and the proposed Eurocode 5. It is also an invaluable reference source and design aid for practising engineers and architects. The text provides a step-by-step approach to the design of all the most commonly used timber elements and connections (illustrated by detailed work examples), and encourages the use of computers to carry out design calculations. I t covers the characteristics of timber; a review of BS 5268: Part 2 and its requirements; the design of beams and columns of solid, glued laminated and composite sections and mechanical and glued timber connections. The book also reviews the proposed Eurocode 5 and its limit states requirements, including the design of flexural and axially loaded members and connections.
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Roxanna McDonald “Illustrated Building Pocket Book, Second Edition"
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2006-12-12 | ISBN: 0750680156 | 240 pages | PDF | 7,9 MB
Building and architecture has developed a language of its own, with terms and jargon that can confuse an expert let alone an outsider. Misunderstandings over what a word means can be irritating but unimportant, but could in the worst cases be costly or even dangerous.
Traditional building dictionaries rely on the reader to already know what the correct word is, and that's not always the case. Roxanna McDonald's technique is radically different, and makes full use of the power of visual communication to convey information. Each stage of the building and design process is illustrated, and each hand-drawn illustration is carefully labelled with the relevant technical terms, to ensure that each term is used correctly and consistently by everyone working on a project.
The 'Illustrated Building Pocket Book' is a radical approach to the age-old problem of the ambiguous use of technical language in building and architecture. By using drawings - which leave little room for ambiguity - clarity, safety and certainty can be achieved.
* Detailed hand-drawn images explain what terms mean and show how to use them
* Logical progression though the building process
* Avoid costly and dangerous misunderstandings about what is meant by building jargon
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