In STRUDS recently i design a sample building. STRUDS design the slabs and beams with centre to centre distance between the columns only what about overhanging portion of the slabs and beams.
Useful spread sheets for RC & steel design to BS codes.
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Seismic capacity evaluation of post-tensioned concrete
Seismic capacity evaluation of post-tensioned concrete slab-column frame buildings designed only
for gravity loads and wind load is presented. The series of nonlinear pushover analyses are carried out
by using the computer program SAP2000. An equivalent frame model with explicit transverse torsional
members is introduced for modeling slab-column connections. The analyses are carried out by following
guidelines in ATC-40 and FEMA-273/274, where several important factors such as P-Delta effects, strength
and stiffness contributions from masonry infill walls, and foundation flexibility are well taken into account.
The pushover analysis results, presented in the form of capacity curves, are compared with the seismic
demand from the expected earthquake ground motion for Bangkok and then the seismic performance can
be evaluated. Numerical examples are performed on the 9- and 30-storey post-tension flat-plate buildings
in Bangkok. The results show that in general post-tensioned concrete slab-column frame buildings without
shear wall possess relatively low lateral stiffness, low lateral strength capacity, and poor inelastic response
characteristics. The evaluation also shows that the slab-column frame combined with the shear wall system
and drop panel can increase the strength and stiffness significantly.
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Structural Engineering International - from Nr.1/2008 to Nr.4/2008
Structural Engineering International (SEI), the quarterly Journal of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), is the leading international journal of structural engineering dealing with all types of structures and materials.
SEI offers its readers a unique blend of short profiles on recent structures, and longer, in-depth technical articles on research, development, design, construction and maintenance. Articles are written by practicing engineers and academia from around the world and reflect the high standards of IABSE. All technical articles are reviewed by the IABSE SEI Editorial Board, with collaboration of over 250 experts and over 20 Correspondents. IABSE Peer Review stamps are given to papers that have passed through a highly selective review process and demonstrate a significant contribution to the state of structural engineering knowledge. To recognise contributions of the highest quality, an Outstanding Paper Award is presented each year.
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* Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional
* Number Of Pages: 1135
* Publication Date: 2008-06-18
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0071494375
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071494373
Product Description:
The Definitive Guide to Land Development-Every Detail, Every Issue, Every Setting
Land Development Handbook provides a step-by-step approach to any type of project, from rural greenfield development to suburban infill to urban redevelopment. With the latest information regarding green technologies and design, the book offers you a comprehensive look at the land-development process as a whole, as well as a thorough view of individual disciplines. Plus, a bonus color insert reveals the extent to which land development projects are transforming our communities!
This all-in-one guide provides in-depth coverage of:
* Environmental issues from erosion and sediment control and stormwater management to current regulatory controls for plan approval, permitting, and green building certification
* Comprehensive planning and zoning including new development models for mixed-use, transit-oriented, and conservation developments
* Enhanced approaches to community and political consensus building
* Technical design procedures for infrastructure components including roads and utilities with a new section on dry utilities
* Surveying tools and techniques focusing on the use of GPS and GIS to collect, present, and preserve data throughout the design process
* Plan preparation, submission, and processing with an emphasis on technologies available-from CAD modeling and design to electronic submissions, permit processing, and tracking
Subjects include:
* Planning and zoning
* Real Property Law
* Engineering Feasibility
* Environmental Regulations
* Rezoning
* Conceptual and Schematic Design
* Development Patterns
* Control, Boundary, and Topographical Surveys
* Historic Assessment and Preservation
* Street and Utility Design
* Floodplain Studies
* Grading and Earthwork
* Water and Wastewater Treatment
* Cost Estimating
* Subdivision Process
* Plan Submittals
* Stormwater Management
* Erosion and Sediment Control
* And much more!
Table of contents
Part I: Overview
Chapter 1. Overview of the Land Development Process
Part II: Feasibility and Site Analysis
II.A: Feasibility and Programming
Chapter 2. Environmental Policy and Regulations
Chapter 3. Environmental Site Feasibility and Assessments
Chapter4. Historic Architectural and Archaeological Resource Assessment
Chapter 5. Engineering Feasibility
II.B: Site Analysis: Allowable Use of Site
Chapter 6. Real Property Law
Chapter 7. Comprehensive Planning and Zoning
Chapter 8. Subdivision Ordinances, Site Plan Regulations, and Building Codes
II.C: Rezoning
Chapter 9. The Rezoning Process
Chapter 10. Exactions, Infrastructure Enhancements, and Fees
Part III: Conceptual Design
Chapter 11. Development Patterns and Principles
Part IV: Schematic Design
II.A: Base Map Preparation
Chapter 12. Control Surveys for Land Development
Chapter 13. Boundary Surveys for Land Development
Chapter 14. Topographic Surveys
II.B: Refinement of Previous Assumptions
Chapter 15. Environmental and Natural Resources
Chapter 16. Impacts to Historic Architectural and Archaeological Resources
Chapter 17. Brownfield Redevelopment and Environmental Considerations
Chapter 18. Floodplain Studies
Chapter 19. Preliminary Engineering and Hydrologic Analysis
Part V: Final Design
Chapter 20. Street Design
Chapter 21. Storm Drainage Design
Chapter 22. Stormwater Management Design
Chapter 23. Grading and Earthwork
Chapter 24. Wastewater Collection
Chapter 25. Water Distribution
Chapter 26. Dry Utility Design and Engineering
Chapter 27. Erosion and Sediment Control
Chapter 28. Construction and Contract Documents
Chapter 29. Construction Cost Estimating
Part VI: Plan Submission and Permitting
Chapter 30. Plan Submission, Review, and Approval Process
Chapter 31. Environmental Permits
Chapter 32. Building Permits
Part VII: Construction
Chapter 33. Construction Stakeout Surveys
Chapter 34. Certificates of Occupancy and Postconstruction Services
Part VIII: Technical Appendices
App. A. Aerial Mapping and Surveying
App. B. Stream Restoration
App. C. Soils
App. D. Wastewater Treatment
App. E. Water Supply and Treatment
App. F. Case Study: Merrifield Town Center
App. G. Technical Appendix
Biographical note
The Dewberry Companies is an A/E firm operating in 18 states. It was rated by Building Design and Construction magazine as one of the top 20 commercial design firms, and routinely appears in Engineering News-Record's annual list of the top 50 design firms.
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STAAD.Pro V8i SELECTseries 1 introduces several new enhancements in the analysis and design engine and enhancements to the RAM Connection and Piping Modes. This includes a nuclear design engine to the AISC N690:1984 code, additional UK and French National Annexes for the Eurocode 3 steel design module an updated Russian concrete design module and steel section databases and a Chinese Seismic Forces engine. The RAM Connection Mode has been redesigned to better operate with RAM Connection and use the RAM Connection v5.5 engine. The Piping mode has been enhanced with a new connection wizard to connect AutoPIPE models and thus rapidly transfer forces and complete designs.
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- stpst20070623en.exe, 248 MB
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Hello Friends,
I am new to Revit Structure. I am trying to learn it. I am just curious that is this software basically for drafting or is it good for structural engineers to learn it? Pleas all the structural engineers out there who work on this software, please share your experience.
Also if you have some example files ( Revit Files, not some tutorial or videos) please share it.
Also want to know the difference between Revit Structure and Autodesk Structural Detailing.
Handbook of Groundwater Engineering, 1st Edition
Jacques Delleur
Springer | ISBN: 3540647457 | 1998-08 | PDF (OCR) | 949 pages | 52.1 Mb
This handbook concerns the general field of groundwater from an engineering perspective. It covers the several disciplines concerned with the design and control of flow and contaminant transport in groundwater. Each chapter is authored by a specialist in the topic treated, and special care has been taken to keep the literature up-to-date with recent developments and research in this field. This handbook is an essential reference for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, for professional engineers and professionals in government regulatory agencies.
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Computational Analysis of Randomness in Structural Mechanics: Structures and Infrastructures, Vol. 3
Computational Analysis of Randomness in Structural Mechanics: Structures and Infrastructures, Vol. 3
Christian Bucher,
CRC | 2009 | ISBN: 0415403545 | 248 pages | PDF | 4,2 MB
Proper treatment of structural behavior under severe loading - such as the performance of a high-rise building during an earthquake - relies heavily on the use of probability-based analysis and decision-making tools. Proper application of these tools is significantly enhanced by a thorough understanding of the underlying theoretical and computational concepts as provided by this book.
Detailing the computational aspects of stochastic analysis within the field of structural mechanics, this book first presents a few motivating examples that demonstrate the various random effects within the context of simple structural analysis models. It moreover briefly reviews the fundamental concepts from continuum mechanics and puts them in the perspective of modern numerical tools, such as the finite element method. More advanced topics are developed step by step while gradually increasing the complexity of the structural and probabilistic analyses.
This volume is intended for structural analysts and advanced students who wish to explore the benefits of stochastic analysis. It will provide researchers and decision makers working on structural and infrastructural systems with the necessary probabilistic information needed for strategic developments in construction, inspection and maintenance.
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