Probability and Risk Analysis An Introduction for Engineers
This text presents notions and ideas at the foundations of a statistical treatment of risks. The focus is on statistical applications within the field of engineering risk and safety analysis. Coverage includes Bayesian methods. Such knowledge facilitates the understanding of the influence of random phenomena and gives a deeper understanding of the role of probability in risk analysis. The text is written for students who have studied elementary undergraduate courses in engineering mathematics, perhaps including a minor course in statistics. This book differs from typical textbooks in its verbal approach to many explanations and examples.
Written for:
Engineering students and researchers; students of applied mathematics and economics
Bayesian methods
Conditional distributions
Poisson Models
Random Variables
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Managing Project Risk and Uncertainty: A Constructively Simple Approach to Decision Making
This title confidently puts forward a practical, new approach to decision making in an uncertain business world.
Many variables are accounted for and the authors are innovative in integrating previous types of decision-making approaches with a more fluid, and therefore realistic model that can be applied across a wide range of contexts and decisions.
A new title on a important topic that not only stands well on its own, but also complements Chapman and Ward's previous title Project Risk Management. This book is practical and rigorous yet written in an engaging way.
It is perfect for courses, or to be used by practitioners.
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Scenario Logic and Probabilistic Management of Risk in Business and Engineering
-Five new chapters
-Treatment of the basic principles of the modern risk LP theory (the LP-calculus, the LP-methods and the risk LP-theory with GIE) using uniform methodology and terminology with a practical orientation towards both engineering and economics, for the first time in book form
-Clear definitions and notations, revised sections and chapters, an extended list of references, and a new subject index
-More than a hundred illustrations and tables which motivate the presentation
The book proposes a uniform logic and probabilistic (LP) approach to risk estimation and analysis in engineering and economics. It covers the methodological and theoretical basis of risk management at the design, test, and operation stages of economic, banking, and engineering systems with groups of incompatible events (GIE). It considers the risk LP-models in classification, investment, management of companies, bribes and corruption, analysis of risk and efficiency of social and economical processes, and management of development.
Key features of this Second Edition:
-Five new chapters
-Treatment of the basic principles of the modern risk LP theory (the LP-calculus, the LP-methods and the risk LP-theory with GIE) using uniform methodology and terminology with a practical orientation towards both engineering and economics, for the first time in book form
-Clear definitions and notations, revised sections and chapters, an extended list of references, and a new subject index
-More than a hundred illustrations and tables which motivate the presentation
Specialists in risk management in economics, banking and business, as well as graduates and post-graduates in economics and engineering, will benefit from this book.
Written for:
Scientists, managers, and experts in the field of risk management in business, banks and engineering; students and post-graduates in economics and engineering
LP Theory
Scenario logic
logic and probabilistic
risk management
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The world’s tallest building, the BURJ (Dubai) is to be inaugurated today (the 4th of January 2010). It is estimated to be of more than 800m tall!!. Could we discuss the conception, analysis/design and the realisation of the project (the construction), if possible model it with the noted (or the popular) soft wares as to compare their similarities, divergence and also to propose possible discrepancy in the results?
Posted by: babak - 01-04-2010, 07:49 AM - Forum: General Books
- No Replies
Industries and Careers for Engineers 2008
WetFeet | 2008 | ISBN: 1582077657 | 75 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB
Engineers enjoy abundant employment opportunities.
To help you weigh the myriad options,
this WetFeet Insider Guide offers a broad range of
information about relevant industries and careers.
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Jochen Albrecht, "Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS"
Sage Publications Ltd | 2007 | ISBN: 1412910153, 1412910161 | 120 pages | PDF | 1,0 MB
Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS is a concise overview of the fundamental ideas that inform Geographic Information Science. It provides detailed descriptions of the concepts and techniques that anyone using GIS software must fully understand to analyse spatial data.
Short and clearly focussed chapters provide explanations of:
" spatial relationships and spatial data
" the creation of digital data, the use and access of existing data, the combination of data
" the use of modelling techniques and the essential functions of map algebra
" spatial statistics and spatial analysis
" geocomputation - including discussion of neural networks, cellular automata, and agent-based modelling
Illustrated throughout with explanatory figures, the text also includes a glossary, cross referenced to discussion in the text. Written very much from a user's perspective, Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS is highly readable "refresher course" for intermediate level students and practitioners of GIS in the social and the natural sciences.
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This powerful tool increases the efficiency of Windows-based system administration. Abundant functionalities such as system reconfiguration, deployment, backup, and disaster recovery will guarantee optimized disk partitioning and maximum utilization of your drives.
Partition Manager 10 Server Editions can help you minimizing downtime and required technician resources!
System Requirements: Windows 7 (32/64 bit), Vista (32/64 bit), 2000 Professional, XP, XP Professional SP 2 (32/64 bit)
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Hi friends,
i am looking for some tutorial for designing mat foundations usinf SAFE V 12. I am particulary interested in mat foundation supporting some columns and some loaded concrete walls. Can any body please help me?
Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics: Modelling, Theory, Basic Numerical Facts - An Introduction
Mathematical Models of Fluid Dynamics: Modelling, Theory,
Basic Numerical Facts - An Introduction
Rainer Ansorge, Thomas Sonar,
Wiley-VCH | 2009 | ISBN: 352740774X | 242 pages | PDF | 1,6 MB
Without sacrificing scientific strictness, this introduction to the field guides readers through mathematical modeling, the theoretical treatment of the underlying physical laws and the construction and effective use of numerical procedures to describe the behavior of the dynamics of physical flow.
The book is carefully divided into three main parts:
- The design of mathematical models of physical fluid flow;
- A theoretical treatment of the equations representing the model, as Navier-Stokes, Euler, and boundary layer equations, models of turbulence, in order to gain qualitative as well as quantitative insights into the processes of flow events;
- The construction and effective use of numerical procedures in order to find quantitative descriptions of concrete physical or technical fluid flow situations.
Both students and experts wanting to control or predict the behavior of fluid flows by theoretical and computational fluid dynamics will benefit from this combination of all relevant aspects in one handy volume
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Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion (2nd Edition)
Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion (2nd Edition)
A. W. Peabody
Nace International | ISBN: 1575900920 | 2001-01 | PDF (OCR) | 347 pages | 13.0 Mb
For over 30 years Control of Pipeline Corrosion, written by A.W. Peabody, has been the most trusted resource in the field of pipeline cor-rosion. Now completely revised and updated, the second edition of this classic reference continues the tradition of excellence by providing the most thorough and authoritative coverage of the prevention and control of pipeline corrosion. Peabody's Control of Pipeline Corrosion, Second Edition, blends traditional corrosion engineering practices with modern technologies to make this the single source for corrosion control. Chapters have updated information and graphics to expand on the user-friendly nature of the original book. This second edition is a must for anyone who has purchased the first edition and for anyone dealing with corrosion control of underground pipelines. Every manager, engineer, and corrosion technician should have a copy of this revised and updated classic!
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