RAM Elements V8i SELECTseries1 release
(formerly RAM Advanse)
RAM Elements V8i SELECTseries1 release has now been launched. This new version includes minor enhancements and several fixes or problems reported by users of v10.00.01.38. The features included are:
1. Compatibility with RAM Connection v6.0.
2. Physical shells with more than 4 nodes.
3. Improved DXF import to bring in simple surfaces (3DFACE) from CAD as shells in RE.
4. Customizable vertical direction (Y or Z) when importing from a DXF from CAD programs.
5. Several minor bug fixes and corrections.
Download Links: RAM Elements V8i SELECTseries1 release installer
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Dependencies (must be installed first): RAM Elements V8i release & Bentley IEG License Service installer
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Cra*c*k The medicine for previous version might work, if not, the program will be under trial period.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Paper published at 6th. International conference - Cases Histories in Geotechnical Engineering - Arlington - VA - Aug 16-18 2008
PDF format
16 pages
This paper describes the foundation design process adopted for the Burj Dubai, the world’s tallest building. The foundation system is a piled raft, founded on deep deposits of carbonate soils and rocks. The paper will outline the geotechnical investigations undertaken, the field and laboratory testing programs, and the design process, and will discuss how various design issues, including cyclic degradation of skin friction due to wind loading, were addressed. The numerical computer analysis that was adopted for the original design together with the check/calibration analyses will be outlined, and then the alternative analysis employed for the peer review process will be described. The paper sets out how the various design issues were addressed, including ultimate capacity, overall stability under wind and seismic loadings, and the settlement and differential settlements.
The comprehensive program of pile load testing that was undertaken, which included grouted and non-grouted piles to a maximum load of 64MN, will be presented and “Class A” predictions of the axial load-settlement behavior will be compared with the measured behavior. The settlements of the towers observed during construction will be compared with those predicted.
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Product Description:
Displacement-Based Seismic Design of Structures is a book primarily directed towards practicing structural designers who are interested in applying performance-based concepts to seismic design. Since much of the material presented in the book has not been published elsewhere, it will also be of considerable interest to researchers, and to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students of earthquake engineering who wish to develop a deeper understanding of how design can be used to control seismic response.
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