Authors:Richard Hallows, Mark Unwin, Martin Birtill
Publisher: Heinle, division of Thomson Learning
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Structural Analysis and Synthesis: A Laboratory Course in Structural Geology
This widely used, highly readable introduction to structural analysis is specifically designed to support the laboratory work of undergraduates in structural geology courses.
The new third edition includes:
* New and amended exercises and redrafted figures to improve clarity
* A single fold-out map of the Bree Creek Quadrangle – a mythical site used to help students analyze various aspects of the geologic structures exposed within this quadrangle and ultimately to develop a grand synthesis
* A user-friendly spiral binding ideal for work in the lab or out in the field
* An Instructor’s Resource CD-Rom available on request including answers to problems, artwork and other teaching suggestions - artwork from the book is also available to instructors online at
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John Jaeger, N. G. Cook, Robert Zimmerman, "Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics"
Widely regarded as the most authoritative and comprehensive book in its field, the fourth edition of Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics includes new and substantially updated chapters to this highly praised text.
•Extensively updated throughout, this new edition contains substantially expanded chapters on poroelasticity, wave propogation, and subsurface stresses
•Features entirely new chapters on rock fractures and micromechanical models of rock behaviour
•Discusses fundamental concepts such as stress and strain
•Offers a thorough introduction to the subject before expertly delving into a fundamental, self-contained discussion of specific topics
•Unavailable for many years, now back by popular demand
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Advances in Earthquake Engineering for Urban Risk Reduction
* Publisher: Springer
* Number Of Pages: 551
* Publication Date: 2006-06-30
Earthquakes affecting urban areas can lead to catastrophic situations and hazard mitigation requires preparatory measures at all levels. Structural assessment is the diagnosis of the seismic health of buildings. Assessment is the prelude to decisions about rehabilitation or even demolition. The scale of the problem in dense urban settings brings about a need for macro seismic appraisal procedures because large numbers of existing buildings do not conform to the increased requirements of new earthquake codes and specifications or have other deficiencies. It is the vulnerable buildings - liable to cause damage and loss of life - that need immediate attention and urgent appraisal in order to decide if structural rehabilitation and upgrading are feasible. Current economic, efficient and occupant-friendly rehabilitation techniques vary widely and include the application either of precast concrete panels or layers, strips and patches of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) in strategic locations. The papers in this book, many by renowned authorities in earthquake engineering, chart new and vital directions of research and application in the assessment and rehabilitation of buildings in seismic regions. While several papers discuss the probabilistic prediction and quantification of structural damage, others present approaches related with the in-situ and occupant friendly upgrading of buildings and propose both economical and practical techniques to address the problem.
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Theory and Design of Seismic Resistant Steel Frames is a state-of-the-art summary of recent developments in the behaviour, analysis and design of seismic resistant steel frames. The book provides advanced students, researchers and professionals in civil and structural engineering with the basic principles upon which the modern seismic codes are based. It deals with all recent developments in seismic design of steel frames, and illustrates how these can be used to improve design rules. The book is much more than a simple background volume, giving the most recent results which can be used to improve the codified recommendations for steel structures in seismic zones. It contains new material which cannot be found in any standard reference book on seismic engineering. The important issues in seismic design of steel frames, such as the evaluation of the local and global ductility, and the evaluation of the q-factor, are fully discussed. In addition, the authors closely examine the influence of second order effects and connection behaviour. Particular attention is devoted to the problems related to the influence of geometric configuration and of random material variability.
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Do you want to download anything from RapideShare without buying premium accounts, with no limit on the speed and without expectations? Then this program is for you!
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DLD was developed to not only accelerate your downloads by up to 500% (sometimes more) but also let you manage them via one central screen. We wanted to ensure ease of use for the average home user with its simple, clean, great looking interface, but included features for even the most demanding, high usage internet users.
With added support for Torrent files, we have eliminated the need for multiple programs to serve your purpose.
Please navigate through this help file for answers to most of your questions.
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Here's a tip to protect your system from virus attacks (mainly from the internet) even if you don't have a an AV software installed. Most of the users create only one user account in Windows. So, that one account will act as the administrator. The viruses reaching the system via that user account will have full access to every part of the operating system including registry. So they are allowed to function normally.
Now what you have to do is, create another user account having no adminstrative previlages and then onwards use that account for surfing the net. Even if some viruses reach the system, they won't get access to the key areas because the user has no administrative rights. So your operating system will be protected from viruses coming from the internet.
Note: This is not an excuse for not installing an AV software. It is always recommended to install an AV software. This tip should only be considered as a preventive measure. But it is true that sometimes it can protect your OS from viruses even if you don't have an AV software installed.
Journal of the
Proceedings of the Americna Society of Civil Engineers
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