Math Mechanixs is a versatile and powerful mathematical analysis tool. Math Mechanixs is as easy to use as a common calculator is and may be used by high school students, college students, engineers and scientists.
Math Mechanixs does not work like a conventional calculator. Math Mechanixs understands the mathematical language as opposed to a calculator, which only understands keystrokes on the buttons. Because Math Mechanixs is capable of understanding the language of mathematics, you can communicate with Math Mechanixs simply by typing a mathematical expression into the Math Editor the way that you would write it on a sheet of paper. This allows you to describe the problem using words in addition to solving the problem mathematically. After you have completed the problem you can save it to a file and send the file to a printer.
The Function Library also includes a unique feature designed to provide a convenient graphical user interface (GUI) for solving any defined function. This utility is called the Function Solver. The function solver works with any predefined or embedded function including user defined functions.
This software works 30 day in Evaluation Mode and after 30 days in Evaluation Lite Mode.
Moving the clock forward before installation will add the same time interval.
In case you forgot to do that use regedit and delete the folowing keys:
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
On Tuesday the 12th of this month (January 2010), at about 16.00 hours local time, 7.0 magnitude earthquake struck the American country of Haiti. It was that bad that the presidential building and the United Nations buildings also collapsed. It is estimated that more than 200,000 people lost their lives. The United Nations could not account for some of its staff including the head of its operation in Haiti. Many more are still trapped in rubbles. Thousands were seriously injured. What part did civil engineering play in this tragic event and what part should it play in the reconstruction of this unfortunate poor nation?
Many of the software contact their servers without our knowledge. We think that the software is updating. Many of the software developers say that no personal information is exchanged with the server. But are you sure? :ihih: I'm not.
A firewall can not only prevent unauthorised access from the internet, but can also prevent unauthorised access to the internet. It is always good to check what all programs are trying to access the internet by using your firewall (either an independent one or the one in your security suite). If you find something suspicious, block it. :yes:
When you think about software, you should think about your operating system also. You can turn off the update feature easily. But you need the crucial updates don't you?
I think is a good website from which you can download updates and patches.
I hope that you realise the importance of this thread. Especially since many of the users are using p*rtd software.
oops. Sorry! I forgot to put the link within code tags. Sorry mods. I couldn't find an edit button. So I couldn't edit it. Sorry.
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Geoenvironmental Engineering: Principles and Applications
Geoenvironmental Engineering: Principles and Applications
CRC Press | May 15, 2000 | ISBN-10: 0824700457 | 494 pages | PDF | 2.8 mb
Applies science and engineering principles to the analysis, design, and implementation of technical schemes to characterize, treat, modify, and reuse/store waste and contaminate media, including site remediation
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• Publisher: California Institute of Technology
• Number Of Pages: 281
• Publication Date: 1980
• ISBN-10 / ASIN: B0006Y4V6O
Theoretical and experimental investigations of the dynamic behavior of cylindrical liquid storage tanks are conducted to seek possible improvements in the design of such tanks to resist earthquakes. The study is carried out in three phases: 1) a detailed theoretical treatment of the liquid-shell system, 2) an experimental investigation of the dynamic characteristics of full-scale tanks, and 3) a development of an improved design-procedure based on an approximate analysis. Natural frequencies of vibration and the associated mode shapes are found through the use of a discretization scheme in which the elastic shell is modeled by finite elements and the fluid region is treated as a continuum by boundary solution techniques. In this approach, the number of unknowns is substantially less than in those analyses where both tank wall and fluid are subdivided into finite elements. A method is presented to compute the earthquake response of both perfect circular and irregular tanks; it is based on superposition of the free lateral vibrational modes. Detailed numerical examples are presented to illustrate the applicability and effectiveness of the analysis and to investigate the dynamic characteristics of tanks with widely different properties. Ambient and forced vibration tests are conducted on three full-scale water storage tanks to determine their dynamic characteristics. Comparison with previously computed mode shapes and frequencies shows good agreement with the experimental results, thus confirming the reliability of the theoretical analysis. Approximate solutions are also developed to provide practicing engineers with simple, fast, and sufficiently accurate tools for estimating the seismic response of storage tanks.
RAR-ed PDF 14.7 MB
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The Fourth edition of FLUID MECHANICS continues the tradition of precision, accuracy, accessibility and strong conceptual presentation. The author balances three separate approaches¿integral, differential and experimental¿to provide a foundation for fluid mechanics concepts and applications. Chapter 1 now provides a more student-accessible introduction to the field. After covering the basics in the first six chapters, the author moves on to applications, with chapters on ducts, immersed bodies, potential flow, compressible flow, open channel flow and turbomachinery. New material on CFD is included in Chapter 7, to give students a sense of its importance in modern engineering practice.
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Does anyone have any bridge design book by Javier Manterola (one of Spain's greatest bridge designers)? Even the spanish version would be greatly appreciated.