A lot has been written about Dubai, particularly, about her mode of development. Did it follow the right part or the wrong one? What is your opinion?
Perspectives On Intelligent Transportation Systems (Its)
Perspectives On Intelligent Transportation Systems (Its)
By: Joseph M. Sussman | Springer | ISBN: 0387232575 | 2005-04-07 | 229 Pages | PDF | 9,9 Mb
"Perspectives on ITS" is a collection of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) writings of Professor Joseph M. Sussman from MIT. Professor Sussman is a long-time major participant in the ITS world, beginning with his work on the core writing team in the original "IVHS" Strategic Plan in 1991-92, and continuing on to the present day. He has worked in a number of ITS area and is a keen observer of the ITS scene in general.
The book contains extended articles on various aspects of ITS and perspectives on the future of the field, building on its rich history; organizational issues related to ITS ? in particular, regionalism and the transportation / information infrastructure; and ITS? implications for the transportation profession at large and for transportation education. In addition it contains 14 selected columns from the ITS Quarterly
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Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics: A Solutions Manual (Scientific Computation)
Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics: A Solutions Manual (Scientific Computation)
Karkenahalli Srinivas, Clive A. J. Fletcher
Springer | ISBN: 354054304X | 1992-05-05 | PDF (OCR) | 268 pages | 11.6 Mb
This complementary text provides detailed solutions for the problems that appear in C.A.J. Fletcher's treatise Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics. The solutions are indicated in enough detail for the reader to complete any intermediate steps. Many of the problems require a computer program to be written, some of which are completely new; their listing forms part of the solution. Many problems are substantial enough to be considered mini-projects, and they should encourage the reader to explore extensions and further developments. Although targeted at instructors, the manual should be of considerable interest for mechanical engineers and fluid dynamicists.
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Book Description:
As the theories and methods have evolved over the years, the mechanics of solid bodies has become unduly fragmented. Most books focus on specific aspects, such as the theories of elasticity or plasticity, the theories of shells, or the mechanics of materials. While a narrow focus serves immediate purposes, much is achieved by establishing the common foundations and providing a unified perspective of the discipline as a whole. Mechanics of Solids and Shells accomplishes these objectives. By emphasizing the underlying assumptions and the approximations that lead to the mathematical formulations, it offers a practical, unified presentation of the foundations of the mechanics of solids, the behavior of deformable bodies and thin shells, and the properties of finite elements. The initial chapters present the fundamental kinematics, dynamics, energetics, and behavior of materials that build the foundation for all of the subsequent developments. These are presented in full generality without the usual restrictions on the deformation. The general principles of work and energy form the basis for the consistent theories of shells and the approximations by finite elements. The final chapter views the latter as a means of approximation and builds a bridge between the mechanics of the continuum and the discrete assembly. Expressly written for engineers, Mechanics of Solids and Shells forms a reliable source for the tools of analysis and approximation. Its constructive presentation clearly reveals the origins, assumptions, and limitations of the methods described and provides a firm, practical basis for the use of those methods.
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David George PriceāEngineering Geology: Principles and Practice"
Springer | 2008-11 | ISBN: 3540292497 | 450 pages | PDF | 21,5 MB
This book is written to explain the influence ground conditions can have upon engineering with rocks and soils, and upon designing, analysing and executing an engineered response to the geological and geomorphological processes acting on them; these subjects form the essence of Engineering Geology. The text is written for students of the subject, either geologists or engineers, who encounter the challenge of idealising the ground and its processes for the purposes of design and of quantifying them for the purpose of analysis. With this in mind the book describes how geology can dictate the design of ground investigations, influence the interpretation of its findings, and be incorporated into design and analysis. The reader is constantly reminded of basic geology; the "simple" things that constitute the "big picture", a neglect of which may cause design and analyses to be at fault, and construction not to function as it should.
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Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators
Publisher: CRC | Pages: 680 | 2004-10-27 | ISBN: 0824757890 | PDF | 9 MB
Product Description:
The need for a comprehensive book on spillways and energy dissipators has been increasing for a long time. This book explores all aspects of spillways and energy dissipators with adequate coverage of recent advances in the field and brings out a comprehensive treatise in research and design. Drawing on the author's years of experience, Hydraulics of Spillways and Energy Dissipators analyzes the vast amount of information scattered in journals and proceedings of congresses and conferences, and links it with traditional information on various approaches, design procedures, and structure types. Twenty-eight chapters in four main sections bring out the advancements in the theory and practice in the field.
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Posted by: saed - 01-10-2010, 04:24 AM - Forum: Archive
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Earthquake Geotechnical Case Histories for Performance-Based Design
ISSMGE TC4 2005-2009 Term Volume
Edited by Takaji Kokusho
* ISBN: 978-0-415-80484-4
* Binding: Hardback
* Published by: CRC Press
* Publication Date: 25th May 2009
* Pages: 452
Earthquake Geotechnical Case Histories for Performance-Based Design is a collection of 26 case histories, each study containing well-instrumented geotechnical and earthquake data. The book is intended to serve as a reference work, since it contains a common scale to develop and implement design methodologies and numerical analyses, so that their reliability can be evaluated. Each case history consists of site characterization, earthquake motions and descriptions of failure as quantitative as possible. Wherever available, digital data on earthquake records and other information associated with individual cases are supplied in the attached CD-ROM as text files EARTHQUAKE GEOTECHNICAL CASE HISTORIES FOR PERFORMANCE-BASED DESIGN will be invaluable to researchers in earthquake geotechnical engineering, practicing geotechnical engineers, as well as engineers and researchers interested in numerical analysis.
Posted by: saed - 01-10-2010, 04:22 AM - Forum: Archive
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Performance-Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
From Case History to Practice
Edited by Takaji Kokusho, Yoshimichi Tsukamoto, Mitsutoshi Yoshimine
* ISBN: 978-0-415-55614-9
* Binding: Hardback
* Published by: CRC Press
* Publication Date: 24th September 2009
* Pages: 388
This book presents current developments in performance-based design (PBD) in earthquake geotechnical engineering, including various case histories, numerical methods, soil investigations and engineering practice. Special attention is paid to the 2008 Wenchuan Sichuan earthquake in China, performance evaluations, the role of soil investigations, criteria/design codes, and the performance and future perspectives of PBD. The information in this book will be of particular interest to researchers in earthquake geotechnical engineering, and practicing geotechnical and structural engineers.