Bus Systems for the Future«Achieving Sustainable Transport Worldwide»
Bus Systems for the Future«Achieving Sustainable Transport Worldwide»
By: Iea | International Energy Agency | ISBN: 9264198067 | 2002-08 | PDF | 192 pages | 1,5 Mb
Rapidly increasing traffic congestion, air pollution, and sprawl are jeopardising the ability of the developing world’s premier cities to achieve sustainability. These problems, present in most large urban areas of developing countries, also account for a substantial share of the expected increase in world oil use and CO2 emissions over the next twenty years. Near-term bus system improvements in these cities – before cars become dominant – could be among the most important and most cost-effective approaches for achieving transport sustainability. Compared to urban transport systems dominated by private vehicles, bus-dominated systems result in much less traffic congestion, lower energy use and emissions, and improved mobility for all social and economic classes.
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Rock Blasting & Overbreak Control
Calvin J. Konya, Edward J. Walter
United States Government Printing | 1985-12 | ISBN : 0318198967 | Pages : 435 | PDF | 37.5 MB
Geared to the practicing engineer and blasting practitioner who have little theoretical background in blasting & explosives engineering. For highway agency field construction and geotechnical contractor performed blasting in the field
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RAM Connection V8i release 6.0 has now been released. This new version has many new features and fixes all issues reported by users in the previous 5.5.0 release. This version highlights are: 1. British Standard for the Design of Structural Steelwork: a) BS 5950-1:2000 Simple Connections b) BS 5950-1:2000 Moment Connections 2. New GUI for RAM Connection Standalone and RAM Connection for RSS 3. Additional warning messages in connection assignment for AISC 360-05 4. Minor bug fixes
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Cra*c*k The medicine for previous version might work, if not, the program will be under trial period.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Vadim Komkov, Kyung K. Choi, Edward J. Haug, "Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Systems"
Academic Press | 1986 | ISBN: 0123329205 | 381 pages | PDF | 13,6 MB
The book is organized into four chapters. The first three treat distinct types of design variables, and the fourth presents a built-up structure formulation that combines the other three. The first chapter treats finite-dimensional problems, in which the state variable is a finite-dimensional vector of structure displacements and the design parameters. The structual state equations are matrix equations for static response, vibration, and buckling of structures and matrix differential equations for transient dynamic response of structures, which design variables appearing in the coefficient matrices.
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Yehuda Ben-Zion, Charles Sammis, "Mechanics, Structure and Evolution of Fault Zones"
Birkhäuser Basel | 2009 | ISBN: 3034601379 | 381 pages | PDF | 16,7 MB
Considerable progress has been made recently in quantifying geometrical and physical properties of fault surfaces and adjacent fractured and granulated damage zones in active faulting environments. There has also been significant progress in developing
rheologies and computational frameworks that can model the dynamics of fault zone processes. This volume provides state-of-the-art theoretical and observational results on the mechanics, structure and evolution of fault zones. Subjects discussed include damage rheologies, development of instabilities, fracture and friction, dynamic rupture experiments, and analyses of earthquake and fault zone data.
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RAM Concept is a finite element program for the analysis and design of post-tensioned and reinforced concrete floor systems and mat foundations
RAM Concept lets structural engineers model, analyze, and design virtually any cast-in-place geometry, no matter how complex. Efficiency and quality control are realized through the advanced analysis and design tools for reinforced and post-tensioned concrete slabs and mats. Integration allows for analysis and design of a multi-story concrete structure therefore streamlining workflows.
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Cra*c*k The medicine for previous version might work, if not, the program will be under trial period.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
Rosetta Stone - No. 1 in the world among linguistic software. Rosetta Stone - one of the best programs for learning a foreign language at home. Flash allows you to teach the technique as you do in his childhood began to teach their native language - no rules, by immersion, multiple repetition of the association and the formation of a number of different areas of life, development patterns and automatisms in principle from the simple to complex, from a practical perception of writing and rules.
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