The finite element method (FEM) is a computational technique for solving problems which are described by partial differential equations or which can be formulated as functional minimization. The FEM is commonly used in the design and development of products, especially where structural analysis is involved. The simple object model of the Java™ programming language lends itself to efficient implementation of FEM analysis.
Programming Finite Elements in Java™ teaches the reader FEM algorithms and their programming in Java™ through a single finite element Java™ program. The compact, simple code makes it straightforward to understand the algorithms and their implementation, thereby encouraging developers to extend the code to their own tasks. All of the main aspects of finite element techniques are considered:
• finite element solution;
• generation of finite element meshes; and
• visualization of finite element models and results with Java 3D™.
The step-by-step presentation includes algorithm programming and code explanation at each point. Problems and exercises are provided for each chapter, with Java™ source code and problem data sets available from the book’s webpage at
Graduate students using the FEM will find the simple but detailed object-oriented programming methods presented in this textbook to be of great assistance in understanding the FEM, including mesh generation and visualization. Programming Finite Elements in Java™ will also be of interest to senior undergraduates doing special studies encompassing the FEM. Researchers and practicing engineers already familiar with the FEM but seeking an alternative approach will find this book readily suited to self study.
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Reflecting the historic first European seismic code, this professional book focuses on seismic design, assessment and retrofitting of concrete buildings, with thorough reference to, and application of, EN-Eurocode 8. Following the publication of EN-Eurocode 8 in 2004-05, 30 countries are now introducing this European standard for seismic design, for application in parallel with existing national standards (till March 2010) and exclusively after that. Eurocode 8 is also expected to influence standards in countries outside Europe, or at the least, to be applied there for important facilities. Owing to the increasing awareness of the threat posed by existing buildings substandard and deficient buildings and the lack of national or international standards for assessment and retrofitting, its impact in that field is expected to be major.
Written by the lead person in the development of the EN-Eurocode 8, the present handbook explains the principles and rationale of seismic design according to modern codes and provides thorough guidance for the conceptual seismic design of concrete buildings and their foundations. It examines the experimental behaviour of concrete members under cyclic loading and modelling for design and analysis purposes; it develops the essentials of linear or nonlinear seismic analysis for the purposes of design, assessment and retrofitting (especially using Eurocode 8); and gives detailed guidance for modelling concrete buildings at the member and at the system level. Moreover, readers gain access to overviews of provisions of Eurocode 8, plus an understanding for them on the basis of the simple models of the element behaviour presented in the book.
Also examined are the modern trends in performance- and displacement-based seismic assessment of existing buildings, comparing the relevant provisions of Eurocode 8 with those of new US prestandards, and details of the most common and popular seismic retrofitting techniques for concrete buildings and guidance for retrofitting strategies at the system level. Comprehensive walk-through examples of detailed design elucidate the application of Eurocode 8 to common situations in practical design. Examples and case studies of seismic assessment and retrofitting of a few real buildings are also presented.
From the reviews:
"This is a massive book that has no equal in the published literature, as far as the reviewer knows. It is dense and comprehensive and leaves nothing to chance. It is certainly taxing on the reader and the potential user, but without it, use of Eurocode 8 will be that much more difficult. In short, this is a must-read book for researchers and practitioners in Europe, and of use to readers outside of Europe too. This book will remain an indispensable backup to Eurocode 8 and its existing Designers’ Guide to EN 1998-1 and EN 1998-5 (published in 2005), for many years to come. Congratulations to the author for a very well planned scope and contents, and for a flawless execution of the plan". AMR S. ELNASHAI
"The book is an impressive source of information to understand the response of reinforced concrete buildings under seismic loads with the ultimate goal of presenting and explaining the state of the art of seismic design. Underlying the contents of the book is the in-depth knowledge of the author in this field and in particular his extremely important contribution to the development of the European Design Standard EN 1998 - Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance. However, although Eurocode 8 is at the core of the book, many comparisons are made to other design practices, namely from the US and from Japan, thus enriching the contents and interest of the book".
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Hi - Does anyone have a copy of EN 1993-1-1 (Eurocode 3) with the UK national annex. I know it is available elsewhere on the site - but only as part of a 770MB download... I just need this code...
This thread is a response to cve_jule post on the Arup Millennium Bridge paper by Tony Fitzpatrick which has the most used formula for calculating the limiting number of people on a footbridge for a given level of damping (section 4.10)
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Sétra is a Technical Department for Transport, Roads and Bridges Engineering and Road Safety of the French ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea, in charge of green technologies and climate change negotiations.
As a center of excellence in infrastructure and transport engineering, Sétra has to produce and spread state of art knowledge and know how.
Sétra’s essential aim is to support national and local authorities in their policies to provide an effi cient and safe road network for people and goods, and to develop an integrated and sustainable European transportation system. In all the strategic fi elds dealing with road, bridges, multimodal and intermodal facilities, it provides expertise, methodologies, guidelines, as well as software and information systems.
To elaborate these methodologies and facilitate use of emerging technologies and innovative practices Sétra works with a broad range of public and private stakeholders.
Sétra has a strong focus on exchanging experiences and knowledge within the international community. It is an active member of PIARC committees (World Road Association) and, as a technical approval body, is an EOTA member (European Organisation for Technical Approvals)
The site also has some good guideline to segmental and timber bridges.
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hi everyone,
I am doing my Mtech project related to cable stayed bridges. i searched with some of the companies for detailed drawing af the model . I couldnt get any help. Pls if anyone has the drawing of a cable stayed bridge with material properties can upload here. It will be very helpful. Pls do help.
Dynamic Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Frames Designed with Direct Displacemen-Based Design
By J. Didier Pettinga
M.J. Nigel Priestley
Year: 2005
Pages: 162
Reinforced concrete frame structures are a common building form in seismically active regions. However, the use of such structural forms and the inherent variability in geometric proportions, sectional shapes and material properties mens that the dynamic behaviour under earthquake loading has been, and remains, difficult to consistently evaluate.
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Vinicio A. Suarez and Mervyn J. Kowalsky
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Campus-Box 7908, Raleigh, NC-27695, USA
Pages: 60
This paper presents the DDBD method with all the details required for its application to the design of conventional highway bridges. The method presented here includes new features such as: the incorporation of the displacement capacity of the superstructure as a design parameter, the determination of a stability-based target displacement for piers the design of skewed bents and abutments, among others.
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Presented & Developed by:
Michael D. Symans, PhD
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
FEMA: Instructional Material Complementing FEMA 451, Design Examples
Pages: 87
• Illustrate why use of seismic isolation systems
may be beneficial
• Provide overview of types of seismic isolation
systems available
• Describe behavior, modeling, and analysis of
structures with seismic isolation systems
• Review building code requirements
Seismic Base Isolation
– Configuration and Qualitative Behavior of Isolated Building
– Objectives of Seismic Isolation Systems
– Effects of Base Isolation on Seismic Response
– Implications of Soil Conditions
– Applicability and Example Applications of Isolation Systems
– Description and Mathematical Modeling of Seismic
Isolation Bearings
• Elastomeric Bearings
• Sliding Bearings
– Modeling of Seismic Isolation Bearings in Computer Software
– Code Provisions for Base Isolation
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Since we are on the Stay Cable Design, Please find below the link to FIB Acceptance of stay cable systems using prestressing steels.
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