Architect Magazine January - December 2009 (All Issues)
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The European Prestandard ENV 1993—1—1: Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures: Part 1.1
General rules and rules for buildings was published in 1992. The Steel Construction
Institute is in the process of preparing design guides to encourage the use of the Eurocodes
during their Prestandard or ENV periods. This publication will form part of a set of
design guides that will serve that purpose. It deals with steel portal framed buildings and
shows how to choose an efficient frame and prepare calculations to Eurocode 3.
The design principles presented in this publication are applicable for construction throughout
the European Economic Area (EU and EFFA), provided that the relevant National
Application Document of the country of use is complied with. The design guidance
includes additions to the Eurocode text derived from SC! P147 Plastic design of single
storey pitched roof portal frames to Eurocode 3, which was written as part of the Eureka
CIMsteel project.
Eurocode 3 may be more convenient than national standards in certain countries for the
design of steel portal frames. However, it is important that designers check that the key
requirements of the Eurocode on plastic design, Sections, 5.2.5 and, are
accepted in the National Application Document of the country where the structure is to be
erected. In some cases, the relevant national design standard may contain rules that are
compatible with this document instead. It is unlikely that Eurocode 3 will be used much
for the design of pitched roof portal frames to be constructed in the UK, because
BS 5950:1990 Structural use of steelwork in building: Part 1: Code of practice for design
in simple and continuous construction: ho: rolled sections gives greater economy in most
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Plastic design is one of the most widely used methods for the design of portal frames and other low rise steel structures, as well as for continuous beams and other simple indeterminate structures. This book provides a complete summary of plastic theory, from elementary principles to the use of plastic theory as a practical tool in the design office. It examines plastic design and behaviour of main frames, both low rise industrial and
agricultural, and multi—storey.
Topics such as member stability, frame stability and restraints are covered in clear, detailed presentations, backed up by
numerous diagrams and worked examples.
The book recognises the increasing significance of the elastic critical load as a measure of the sensitivity of a structure to second order effects, and in so doing anticipates the requirements of Eurocode 3 which will become increasingly important for designers. Whilst much of the book is devoted to portal frames, it also includes what is believed to be the first complete plastic design procedure for multi—storey frames.
Combining a unique blend of theory and practice, the book provides both a complete university course to master level in the subject and all the practical methods required by designers. 'The structural steelwork community has been waiting for over a decade for an authoritative text explaining the plastic design provisions of BS 5950: Part 1 - it is now available.'
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I think we need to evaluate moderators performance every now and then. We also need to evaluate them from different aspects, one of which how they handle problems. Some moderators unfortunately feel the power (hopefully not many in this distinguished forum)
Link includes power point presentations of photos. (1 MB only)
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