Posted by: asim99 - 01-25-2010, 02:20 AM - Forum: Request
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does someone has construction drawings for this building. I downloaded these drawings from some website a year ago but i have lost them. Now i could not find that site.
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Dear All :
Who can provide this book? Thank you very much!
Rules for Member Stability in EN 1993-1-1: Background documentation and design guidelines
Authors TC 8
Publisher ECCS
Year 2006
English version
This volume intends at helping in the understanding of the new design rules for member stability in Eurocode 3 Part 1.1 (EN 1993-1-1:2005). In particular, the new recommendations for lateral torsional buckling and beam-column stability in chapter 6.3.3 (4) of Eurocode 3 are concerned. It is divided into two independent parts A and B.
Part A, devoted to the background of the proposed formulae, gives further information on the way the formulae have been built and validated. Moreover, the different basic concepts used in the formulae are detailed, for the two sets of formulae proposed in the code. It is to be noted that a great number of papers prepared within the development of the formulae are made available by means of a CD-Rom that is part of this publication.
Part B is dedicated to practitioners; it contains fully detailed worked examples on isolated members, from basic situations to the most complex one. In addition, an example of design of a member extracted from a frame is also given. Furthermore an annex shows especially the determination of the elastic lateral torsional buckling moment for different loading and support conditions.
Presents an approach to designing pile foundations, embedded at depth in a stiff substratum and influenced by adjacent loads applied on the surface of soft superficial soils. The effect of lateral thrust on the piles in an upper soft clay layer due to simulated embankment construction is examined, and soil-pile interaction mechanisms are identified herein for behaviour both at working load and ultimate lateral capacity. A design procedure is recommended, and illustrated by a worked example, for full height bridge abutments and other facilities which feature passive lateral loading of piles by a nearby surcharge.
Civil engineering and public utilities
Earthworks/foundations/piling/retaining walls
Bearing piles
Tunnelling and underpinning
Supplement Civil & Structural
Publisher Address
Transport Research Laboratory
Crowthorne House
Nine Mile Ride
RG40 3GA
Contacting the publisher
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Email: [email protected]
Publisher History The Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) is an internationally recognised organisation providing research, consultancy, testing and certification for all aspects of transport
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Structural Developments in Tall Buildings: Current Trends and Future Prospects
Moderator note:
This article corresponds a part of the "Architectural Science Review Volume 50, Number 3, September 2007" - pages 205 to 223 (19 pages)
Abstract: Tall building developments have been rapidly increasing worldwide. Tis paper reviews the evolution of tall building’s structural systems and the technological driving force behind tall building developments. For the primary structural systems, a new classification – interior structures and exterior structures – is presented. While most representative structural systems for tall buildings are discussed, the emphasis in this review paper is on current trends such as outrigger systems and diagrid structures. Auxiliary damping systems controlling building motion are also discussed. Further, contemporary “out-of-the-box” architectural design trends, such as aerodynamic and twisted forms, which directly or indirectly affect the structural performance of tall buildings, are reviewed. Finally, the future of structural developments in tall buildings is envisioned briefly.
Keywords: Aerodynamics, Building forms, Damping systems, Diagrid structures, Exterior structures, Interior structures, Outrigger systems, Structural performance, Structural systems, Tall buildings
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The Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (WASHTO) has recognized this problem and has set forth a process to bring vehicle uniformity to the West and to attack unnecessary regulatory roadblocks that stand in the way of increased productivity. In 1987 WASHTO Chief Administrative Officers adopted a resolution committing development of uniformity in truck size and weight as the top priority of its’ Subcommittee on Highway Transport, (which became the Committee on Highway Transport in 1995).
This resolution set in motion a rather unique effort to attack the problem. Every state and federal department belonging to WASHTO assigned representatives to the Subcommittee. This insured that not only every state had equal and ample opportunity of involvement, but it produced a group of wide spread experts ranging from top level to first line state representatives who work daily with the laws and regulations governing large vehicles. Early commitment was made by the Subcommittee to heavily involve the private sector in the process. As a result, the Western Trucking Association Executive Council, the Western Highway Institute and the Specialized Carriers and Riggers Association joined the efforts.
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Steel-framed structures in high-rise office buildings have historically survived fire exposures extremely well. Two examples of severe fires are the 1988 First Interstate Bank fire in Los Angeles and the 1991 One Meridian Plaza fire in Philadelphia; the details of these and other significant building fires are given in Section 7.2. In fact, there has been no recorded structural failure of a protected high-rise steel frame building solely due to fire.
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Facts for Steel Buildings #3: Earthquakes and Seismic Design
71 pages
Why was destruction so widespread in Haiti and would a similar earthquake be as devastating in the U.S.? A new publication from the American Institute of Steel Construction, the group that writes the specification for the seismic design of steel buildings in the U.S., provides a broad understanding of earthquakes and how they affect buildings. While Facts for Steel Buildings Number 3: Earthquakes and Seismic Design was written prior to and does not directly address the situation in Haiti, the reader gains a basic understanding of earthquake engineering and the U.S. buildings codes that are designed to prevent this level of catastrophe.
Written by Ronald O. Hamburger of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Inc., this publication presents an overview of the causes of earthquakes, the earthquake effects that damage structures, the structural properties that are effective in minimizing damage, and the organization and intent of seismic design requirements for steel structures in the U.S. today and also looks at the future of seismic design. Hamburger is one of the world’s leading experts on seismic design and chairs the AISC committee responsible for prequalifying moment connections for use in high-seismic applications. He’s a past president of the National Council of Structural Engineers Associations and played a key leadership role in the post-Northridge earthquake research that helped to create our current seismic design standards. For his work on performance-based seismic design, he received the AISC T.R. Higgins Lectureship Award in 2007.
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