Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Non-Engineered Construction (IAEE Manual)
The book starts with the presentation of the basic concepts that determine the performance of constructions when subjected to high intensity earthquakes, as well as with the sensitivity of that performance to the basic geometrical and mechanical properties of the systems affected. This information is later applied to the formulation of simplified design rules and to the presentation of practical construction procedures, both intended to prevent system collapse and to control the level of damage produced by seismic excitations. Emphasis is placed on basic principles and simple solutions that can be applied to different types of structural systems, representative of those ordinarily used in low-cost housing construction in different regions and countries in the world.
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GUIDELINES for Earthquake Resistant Design, Construction, and Retrofitting of Buildings in AFGHANISTAN (June 2003)
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Ulrich Knaack, Tillmann Klein,
Marcel Bilow, Thomas Auer
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Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Field Guide
This Post-Earthquake Investigation Field Guide (hereafter called Field Guide) stresses
advance planning. It outlines procedures that enable EERI to dispatch investigation teams
quickly and effectively when the need arises. This advance planning is essential if EERI
is to use its resources to best advantage, avoid duplicating the efforts of others, and
ensure that all important aspects of destructive earthquakes are adequately studied.
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Description: This is the essential reference for both engineering students and others with a professional or academic interest in the physics and technologies behind horizontal axis wind turbines.
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Author: B.F Backman
This book is intended for Structural Safety Professionals in industry, government
and academia and for advanced graduate students with an ambition to better
understand the challenges of the design process for composite structures.
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Finite Element Modeling of Partially Restrained Beam-to-Girder Connections
In recent years the design of steel framed composite floor systems has been controlled more often by serviceability criteria than by strength. It has been suggested that a partially continuous composite floor system would improve serviceability limit states; and that, partially restrained beam-to-girder connections are the key to such a floor system (Rex and Easterling 1994). A research project aimed at developing design methods and criteria for partially restrained beam-to-girder connections and partially continuous floor systems is currently in progress at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI). This paper focuses on a finite element modeling technique that is being used to predict the moment-rotation behavior of various beam-to-girder connections. This method relies heavily on the behavior models of various connection sub-elements (bolts, welds, etc...). These connection sub-element models are also discussed.
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Checks for ultimate strength of frames with partially restrained connections require that the non-linear connection characteristics and the P-~, effects be appropriately modelled. This complexity is unwarranted for preliminary design but few alternatives exist. In this paper an alternate approach, utilizing a second-order plastic analysis method called the mechanism curve (Horne and Morris, 1982), is described. This approach results in a simple and reliable estimation of the collapse capacity of the frame. It was found that this ultimate capacity seldom controls since limitations of drift at service loads results in strong, stiff structures that provide an adequate safety margin against stability failures,
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Product Description:
The purpose of this manual is to familiarize industry and students with the technology of asphalt in its several forms namely asphalt cement, cutback asphalt, and asphalt emulsions. The laboratory work is designed to develop an understanding of asphalt properties, characteristics, testing procedures, and specifications.
The procedures outlined are all derived from ASTM designations and practice as recommended by the Asphalt Institute. Where the particular ASTM method permits alternate procedures, the one more applicable to the available equipment and the teaching situation was chosen.
The manual consists of the following:
1. 35 of the frequently used ASTM tests in Asphalt Binder and Mix Design.
2. Sample computation sand easy to use data sheets, most of which have been developed specifically for the manual.
3. An up-to-date overview of Asphalt Technology including sources, historical development, and classifications of asphalt products.
4. Easy to understand explanations for Voids Mineral Aggregate, Absorbed Asphalt, Effective Asphalt Content, Percent Air Voids, and Percent of Voids filled with Asphalt.
5. A stand-alone asphalt manual, written specifically for university laboratory instruction, yet applicable for a commercial testing laboratory. Rarely will other reference materials need to be referred to.
6. Dimensions in both the SI and the U.S. Standard systems of measurement.
7. An Appendix with conversion factors, rules of safety and procedures, overview of SHRP SUPERPAVE, explanation of asphalt emulsions, and additional data sheets on single-sided pages.
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