plate bending elements
shell elements
shape functions
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Presentation Overview
FEMA 356 Requirements and Experimental Results
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ABSTRACT: Simple quasi-static treatment of wind loading, which is universally applied to design of typical low to medium-rise structures, can be unacceptably conservative for design of very tall buildings. On the other hand such simple treatment can easily lead to erroneous results and under-estimations. More importantly such a simplified treatment for deriving lateral loads does not address key design issues including dynamic response (effects of resonance, acceleration, damping, structural stiffness), interference from other structures, wind directionality, and cross wind response, which are all important factors in wind design of tall buildings. This paper provides an outline of advanced levels of wind design, in the context of the Australian
Wind Code, and illustrates the exceptional benefits it offers over simplified approaches. Wind tunnel testing, which has the potential benefits of further refinement in deriving design wind loading and its effects on tall buildings, is also emphasized.
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Civil Engineering Principles and Practice Exam Review-Video Course
Civil Engineering Principles and Practice Exam Review
The following reviews were specifically prepared for the field of Civil Engineering.
They were prepared for the Principles and Practices exam.
For each of the presentations you will find
Tape presentations (Real Video or AVI)
Original notes to accompany the presentation. (PDF)
We suggest that you first download the notes and print them out before viewing the videos. The video presentations are not that clear, and it is easy to get lost without a hard copy of the notes to follow. If you really don't wish to print out the notes, a second suggestion is that you open two instances of your browser on the screen, and use one to display the talking head, and the other to display the notes.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are having problems viewing the files, please click here.
Introduction - 1 hour - Dr. Dan Turner
Concrete Design - 3 hours - Dr. Joe Bracci
Economics - 1/2 hour - Dr. Calvin Woods
Environmental Engineering - 3 hours - Dr. Calvin Woods
Fluids - 1 hour - Dr. Ralph Wurbs
Hydraulics - 3 hours - Dr. Ralph Wurbs
Hydrologics - 1.5 hours - Dr. Ralph Wurbs
Soils - 3.5 hours - Dr. Calvin Woods
Statics - 2.5 hours - Dr. Lee L. Lowery, Jr.
Steel Design - 3 hours - Dr. Peter Keating
Strength of Materials - Structures - 3 hours - Dr. Lee L. Lowery, Jr.
Transportation - 3.5 hours - Dr. Dan Fambro
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Harris' Shock and Vibration Handbook Book Description
Here is the classic work on shock and vibration--expanded and updated to incorporate the latest advances, theories, and materials--and the only book you'll ever need on the subject.
Written by a team of hands-on internationally recognized experts, HARRIS' SHOCK AND VIBRATION HANDBOOK logically covers three major subject areas:
* The basic theory of shock and vibration
* Measurement, testing, design, and control methodologies
* Practical applications of theory
This new Fifth Edition has been completely revised to provide coverage of critical topics such as:
* Application of computers to shock and vibration problems
* Recent advances in the analysis of vibration data
* The use of composite materials
* High-intensity sound-induced vibration
* Protection against injuries from shock and vibration
* Design of equipment for shock and vibration environments
* And much more!
Invaluable to engineers specializing in mechanical, aeronautical, acoustical, civil, electrical, and transportation engineering, HARRIS' SHOCK AND VIBRATION HANDBOOK is a valuable guide to the solution of shock and vibration problems.
Chapters are grouped according to subject matter. The first group discusses theory; the second considers instrumentation and measurements, and procedures for analyzing and testing systems subjected to shock and vibration. Vibration that is induced by ground motion and fluid flow is considered next; then methods of controlling shock and vibration; followed by chapters on packaging engineering to prevent equipment from being damaged in transit; on the theory and practice of equipment design; and on the effects of shock and vibration on humans. New material includes computer techniques for solving problems, new instrumentation based on microchip technology, advances in analysis of data and models, application of finite element methods, and test criteria and specifications.
Allan G Piersol has contributed to Harris' Shock and Vibration Handbook as an author. JULIUS S. BENDAT, PhD, is President of the J. S. Bendat Company and the author of Nonlinear System Techniques and Applications (available from Wiley).
ALLAN G. PIERSOL, PE, is President of Piersol Engineering Company and the author of several chapters in engineering handbooks. The authors have previously collaborated on the companion volume to this book, Engineering Applications of Correlation and Spectral Analysis, Second Edition, also available from Wiley.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Author: Allan G Piersol, Cyril M Harris, Harris Cyril
Edition Number: 5
Language: English
ISBN: 0071370811
EAN: 9780071370813
No. of Pages: 1 568
Publish Date: 2001-10-31
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Performance-Based Seismic Design of a Large Seismically Isolated Structure
This paper describes the performance-based seismic design of the Sabiha Gökçen1 International Airport (SGIA) Terminal Building in Istanbul, Turkey utilizing seismic-isolation concept with triple-friction-pendulum devices. When completed, the SGIA terminal building will be one of the largest seismically isolated structures in the world with an
area over 160,000 square meters and 252 seismic isolators.
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basic concepts in ductile detailing of steel structures
2007 north american steel construction conference
april 18-21,2007
micheal englehardt,phd,pe
university of texas at austin
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The presentation will require complete download before interactivity will be available. Download time will vary by connection speed.
Total Running Time:
31 minutes 32 seconds
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This report uses an example structure to show how PERFORM 3D
might be used to model a shear wall structure. The example provides
modeling suggestions only, not recommendations It is not promised
that if you follow these suggestions you will have an appropriate model
for practical purposes.
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