Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams:
Design, Performance, and Research Needs
Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams: Design, Performance, and Research Needs
By Panel on Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams, Committee on Earthquake Engineering, Division of Natural Hazard Mitigation, National Research Council
* Publisher: National Academies Press
* Number Of Pages: 158
* Publication Date: 1991-01-01
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0309043360
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780309043366
Book Description:
The hazard posed by large dams has long been known. Although no concrete dam has failed as a result of earthquake activity, there have been instances of significant damage. Concerns about the seismic safety of concrete dams have been growing recently because the population at risk in locations downstream of major dams continues to expand and because the seismic design concepts in use at the time most existing dams were built were inadequate.
In this book, the committee evaluates current knowledge about the earthquake performance of concrete dams, including procedures for investigating the seismic safety of such structures. Earthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams specifically informs researchers about state-of-the-art earthquake analysis of concrete dams and identifies subject areas where additional knowledge is needed.
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Authors: Joseph De Chiara, John Hancock Callender
Edition: 2 (The picture belongs to 4. Edition)
Publisher: McGraw-Hill International Book, 1983
ISBN: 007099076X, 9780070990760
Length: 1275 pages
Pdf: 166 Mb (scanned) Condition: 6 points (over 10)
Save time with topic-by-topic guide to building standards. It is the only comprehensive reference to all building types. Authors Joseph DeChiara and Michael Crosbie focus on topical issues of rehabilitation, change of use, preservation, accessibility, energy conservation and environmental regulations.
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Product Description:
This two-volume work mainly addresses undergraduate and graduate students in the engineering sciences and applied mathematics. Hence it focuses on partial differential equations with a strong emphasis on illustrating important applications in mechanics. The presentation considers the general derivation of partial differential equations and the formulation of consistent boundary and initial conditions required to develop well-posed mathematical statements of problems in mechanics. The worked examples within the text and problem sets at the end of each chapter highlight engineering applications. The mathematical developments include a complete discussion of uniqueness theorems and, where relevant, a discussion of maximum and minimum principles. The primary aim of these volumes is to guide the student to pose and model engineering problems, in a mathematically correct manner, within the context of the theory of partial differential equations in mechanics.
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Product Description:
This two-volume work mainly addresses undergraduate and graduate students in the engineering sciences and applied mathematics. Hence it focuses on partial differential equations with a strong emphasis on illustrating important applications in mechanics. The presentation considers the general derivation of partial differential equations and the formulation of consistent boundary and initial conditions required to develop well-posed mathematical statements of problems in mechanics. The worked examples within the text and problem sets at the end of each chapter highlight engineering applications. The mathematical developments include a complete discussion of uniqueness theorems and, where relevant, a discussion of maximum and miniumum principles. The primary aim of these volumes is to guide the student to pose and model engineering problems, in a mathematically correct manner, within the context of the theory of partial differential equations in mechanics.
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Fluid Mechanics: An Introduction to the Theory of Fluid Flows
Fluid Mechanics: An Introduction to the Theory of Fluid Flows
Publisher: Springer | Pages: 724 | 2008-10 | ISBN: 3540713425 | PDF | 12 MB
Fluid mechanics is a field that spreads widely and to all fields of engineering, science and medicine. The book takes this into account and provides a sound basis.
This is a modern book on fluid mechanics that is written in a way needed these days to teach the subject to students in engineering and science at higher educational institutes. The book is well structured for this purpose and is arranged in a logical teaching sequence of chapters. It is starting with an introductory chapter that contains also the summary of the history of fluid mechanics. In two chapters the basic knowledge in mathematics and physics is summarized to provide the background information needed by the students to enter the fluid mechanics. Kinematics of fluid motion is briefly described followed by the complete derivations of the differential form of the continuity and momentum equations, as well as the mechanical and thermal form of the energy equation. Subjects like hydrostatics, similarity theory, potential flows, gas dynamics etc. are treated in an introductory way to lead the students into fluid mechanics. The t_ij terms are introduced to describe the molecular momentum transport and their complete derivation is given by looking at the basis of molecular motions like that in an ideal gas. Subjects like one-dimensional viscous flows, stationary and in stationary, are treated to give the students an introduction into laminar flows. Wave motions in fluids, low Reynolds number flows, high Reynolds number flows and flows with heat transfer are treated to permit the students to get introductory treatments of important parts of fluid mechanics. Introductions are also provided into numerical computations of flows, into turbulence, as well as into measuring techniques as applied in fluid mechanics. In this way, the entire theory and practise of fluid mechanics is treated in the book, providing the student with information needed for more advanced books in specialized subjects of fluid flow treatments.
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Corrosion and Corrosion Control:
An Introduction to Corrosion Science and Engineering
Authors: R. Winston Revie, Herbert Henry Uhlig
Edition: 4, illustrated
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience, 2008
ISBN: 0471732796, 9780471732792
Length: 490 pages
Pdf: 3.6 Mb Condition: 9 points (over 10)
The ability to prevent failures by managing corrosion is one of the main global challengesof the twenty-first century. However, most practicing engineers and technologists have only a basic understanding of how they can actively participate in this urgent economic and environmental issue. Now, students and professionals can turn to this newly revised edition of the trusted Corrosion and Corrosion Control for coverage of the latest developments in the field, including advances in knowledge, new alloys for corrosion control, and industry developments in response to public demand.
This Fourth Edition presents an updated overview of the essential aspects of corrosion science and engineering that underpin the tools and technologies used for managing corrosion, enhancing reliability, and preventing failures. Although the basic organization of the book remains unchanged from the previous edition, this new update includes:
* An introduction to new topics, including the element of risk management in corrosion engineering and new advanced alloys for controlling corrosion
* Expanded discussions on electrochemical polarization, predicting corrosion using thermodynamics, steel reinforcements in concrete, and applications of corrosion control technologies in automotive, nuclear, and other industries
* A stronger emphasis on environmental concerns and regulations in the context of their impact on corrosion engineering
* A discussion of the challenge of reliability in nuclear reactors; stainless steels; the concept of critical pitting temperature; and information on critical pitting potential (CPP)
Complemented with numerous examples to help illustrate important points, Corrosion and Corrosion Control, Fourth Edition enables readers to fully understand corrosion and its control and, in turn, help reduce massive economic and environmental loss. It is a must-read for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in engineering and materials science courses, as well as for engineers, technologists, researchers, and other professionals who need information on this timely topic.
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Product Description:
The Finite Element Method (FEM) has become an indispensable technology for the modelling and simulation of engineering systems. Written for engineers and students alike, the aim of the book is to provide the necessary theories and techniques of the FEM for readers to be able to use a commercial FEM package to solve primarily linear problems in mechanical and civil engineering with the main focus on structural mechanics and heat transfer.
Fundamental theories are introduced in a straightforward way, and state-of-the-art techniques for designing and analyzing engineering systems, including microstructural systems are explained in detail. Case studies are used to demonstrate these theories, methods, techniques and practical applications, and numerous diagrams and tables are used throughout.
The case studies and examples use the commercial software package ABAQUS, but the techniques explained are equally applicable for readers using other applications including NASTRAN, ANSYS, MARC, etc.
Full sets of PowerPoint slides developed by the authors for their course on FEM are available as a free download from a companion website.
* A practical and accessible guide to this complex, yet important subject
* Covers modeling techniques that predict how components will operate and tolerate loads, stresses and strains in reality
* Full set of PowerPoint presentation slides which illustrate and support the book are available on a companion website.
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Sustainable Construction
By Sandy Halliday
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Number Of Pages: 408
Publication Date: 2008-01-23
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0750663944
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780750663946
It has taken a very long time for sustainable development to be recognised as a justified restraint on inappropriate development and a primary driver of improving quality of life for all.
For designers, clients and project managers this means we have to create healthy buildings and places which support communities, enhance biodiversity and contribute to reversing unsustainable trends in pollution and resource consumption. It is a very positive agenda.
This groundbreaking book will help all building design, management and cost professionals to understand sustainable design and provide the technical skills needed to implement the most up-to-date concepts. Based on a hugely successful series of workshops for professionals in construction, the book covers the history of ideas, materials, measurement – both cost and benchmarking performance – environmental services, and the building design and delivery process through to post-occupancy evaluation. It covers individual buildings and the urban scale.
Sustainable Construction is a master-class in how to achieve practical, affordable, replicable, sustainable design.
It has something new and often surprising in it for everybody in the construction industry.
For the Architect and Engineer it gives chapter and verse to the basic design issues at all scales and through the whole of the plan of work
For Quantity Surveyors and cost professionals it challenges current conventions with researched case study evidence”
For clients and project managers it outlines the drivers and the justification for a sustainable approach and outlines the legislative framework; and it gives guidance on procurement and project and site management issues
For contractors and developers it contains a wealth of case study material, rooted in practical experience and economic reality.
For teachers and students it will bust myths, liberate thinking and inform design
*Best practice solutions and case studies
*Practical advice on implementation of sustainable construction techniques
*Prepared by industry experts for their peers
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