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Modern Fluid Dynamics: Basic Theory and Selected Applications in Macro- and Micro-Fluidics
Modern Fluid Dynamics: Basic Theory and Selected Applications in Macro- and Micro-Fluidics (Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications)
Clement Kleinstreuer
Springer | English | 2010-01-01 | ISBN: 1402086695 | 620 pages | PDF | 8,1 MB
This textbook is divided into three parts, i.e., a review of essentials of fluid mechanics and convection heat transfer (Part A) as well as traditional (Part B) and modern fluid dynamics applications (Part C).
Pedagogical elements include a consistent 50/50 physics-mathematics approach when introducing new material, illustrating concepts, showing flow visualizations (App. D), and solving problems. The problem solution format follows strictly: System Sketch, Assumptions, and Concept/Approach – before starting the solution phase which consists of symbolic math model development (App.A), numerical solution, graphs, and comments on "physical insight". After some illustrative examples, most solved text examples have the same level of difficulty as suggested quiz, test, and/or exam problems.
The ultimate goals are that the more serious undergraduate student can solve basic fluid dynamics problems independently, can provide physical insight, and can suggest, via a course project, system design improvements
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The most clearly and comprehensible publications about nonlinear analysis
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SoftPlan Architectural Design Software is the building industry’s leading residential and light commercial CAD software package. Utilizing SoftPlan as your design tool will give you the flexibility to create complex, custom drawings with speed, accuracy, and ease. Draw with fully assembled and fully customizable items such as walls, windows, beams, etc. With SoftPlan you can create floor plans, cross-sections, elevations, framing plans, detail drawings, and site plans.
Developed specifically to automate the design and presentation of residential and light commercial construction projects, SoftPlan allows you to build a model of your project on your computer before you build it on the lot. SoftPlan’s “virtual model” design gives you complete working drawings and realistic 3D renderings.
From quality and speed second to none to easy automated features, drawing in SoftPlan offers the convenience and accuracy of detailed floor plans using familiar objects such as walls, windows, and doors, automatic or custom roofs, site plans based on engineering data, instant cross sections and elevations and much more.
Easier Drawing Through Object Orientation:
SoftPlan’s learning curve is the absolute shortest in the industry, and object orientation is one of the key reasons SoftPlan has established such an extensive and varied range of users. SoftPlan allows you to draw with fully assembled items such as walls, windows, beams, etc. Therefore, you do not need to learn a whole new language or x,y,z coordinates to effectively use the program. Because SoftPlan is an object oriented design program, users of this software are only responsible for designing floor plans. Once the floor plan designs have been completed, SoftPlan automatically creates elevations, cross sections, roof framing, wall framing and much more!
Profit With Greater Speed:
Not only does SoftPlan make the design process easier, it greatly impacts your bottom line profits by increasing the speed at which designs can be created and edited. One of the keys to SoftPlan’s timesaving characteristics is automation. SoftPlan has been designed with specific tools that eliminate the unnecessary and repetitive tasks that conventional CAD packages require. For example, through the SoftTalk module you are able to do what no other CAD program in the world enables you to do, and that is simply speak your way from concept to completed drawing.
Achieve a Higher Level of Client Relations:
Although SoftPlan is an exceptional design tool, it is a practical and necessary sales tool as well. Through SoftList, it has the capability to provide you with accurate material lists and cost estimates. Through SoftView, it automatically renders your floor plan into an amazingly realistic visual presentation. Your clients will be pleased at how precise and meticulous their estimate is and amazed when they can actually see a 3D rendering right from the start! This alone will aid in building your reputation and increasing the number of jobs you will secure.
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Microtunnelling and Horizontal Drilling: Recommendations
Microtunnelling and Horizontal Drilling: Recommendations
By The French Society for Trenchless Technology
* Publisher: ISTE Publishing Company
* Number Of Pages: 352
* Publication Date: 2008-02-04
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1905209002
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781905209002
* Binding: Hardcover
Book Description:
This book includes recommendations prepared by members of the French Society for Trenchless Technology (FSTT), based on their recent national multi-year project. Comprehensive guidelines, techniques and theories in the areas of both microtunneling and horizontal drilling are given, encompassing the fields of application for each method, what investigations should be undertaken, which machines and equipment should be used, how the work should be managed and potential problems that may arise.
The recommendations, the analytical methods used and their verification with laboratory and field data should not only improve the rate of success of trenchless projects, but will also be of great value to engineers in other countries, who can compare the results with their own findings and assess the international state of the art.
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Water in Road Structures: Movement, Drainage & Effects
Andrew Dawson, "Water in Road Structures: Movement, Drainage & Effects"
Springer | 2008 | ISBN: 1402085613 | 438 pages | PDF | 13,2 MB
Water in and beneath a road pavement has a major impact on the road's performance and its survivability. This book provides a state-of-the-art on the topic of water in pavements and the adjacent ground. It includes coverage of the basic theory; where the water comes from; how it may (or may not) be drained; the effect of temperature on the movement; how movements may be modelled numerically; and the impact that water content has on pavement material and subgrade behaviour. Sections on instrumentation and monitoring are also provided. With increased concerns that road construction may introduce contaminants into the environment, the book also studies environmental aspects of water in roads and their immediate surroundings by describing the leaching action of pavement water; the opportunities for the pavement to sorb contaminants from pavement run-off; water sampling; and water quality needs. It draws on information from a wide variety of sources, particularly in Europe and the USA, both published and unpublished, having been written by a broad team of practising engineers, hydrogeologists, environmental scientists and researchers. This book is the principal output of a large collaborative study performed as part of the COST programme, managed by the European Science Foundation.
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These recommendations, reported by the joint ACI-ASCE Committee 343 on Concrete Bridge Design, provide currently acceptable guidelines for the analysis and design of reinforced, prestressed, and partially prestressed concrete bridges based on the state of the art at the rime of writing the report.
The provisions recommended herein apply to pedest rian bridges, highway bridges, railroad bridges, airport taxiway bridges, and other special bridge structures. Recommendations for Transit Guideways are given in ACI 358R.
The subjects covered in these recommendations are: common terms; general considerations; materials; construction: loads and load combinations; preliminary design: ultimate load analysis and strength design; service load analysis and design: prestressed concrete; superstructure systems and elements; substructure systems and elements; precast concrete: and details of reinforcement.
The quality and testing of materials used in construction are covered by reference to the appropriate AASHTO and ASTM standard specifications. Welding of reinforcement is covered by reference to the appropriate AWS standard.
Chapter 1 -- Definitions, Notation and Organizations
Chapter 2 -- Requirements for Bridges
Chapter 3 -- Materials
Chapter 4 -- Construction Considerations
Chapter 5 -- Loads and load combinations
Chapter 6 -- Preliminary Design
Chapter 7 -- Strength Design
Chapter 8 -- Service Load Analysis and Design
Chapter 9 -- Prestressed Concrete
Chapter 10 -- Superstructure Systems and Elements
Chapter 11 -- Substructure Systems and Elements
Chapter 12 -- Precast Concrete
Chapter 13 -- Details of Reinforcement for Design and Construction
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Posted by: raffah - 12-09-2009, 10:09 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
If someone have the following:
or some of the papers/articles presented in that conference, please share.
thanks in advance,
PS: here is the list of the lectures:
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