What is it?
MouseExtender is a cosy utility with shortcuts to programs, folders and system functions (Control panel, Restart and Shutdown).
This program allows you to improve your productivity. It is extremely simple and fully customizable.
It will popup where ever your mouse cursor is, with any button you like. Please follow the link to download the latest version as it is under active development
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Verbix is a universal Verb Conjugator that shows complete verb inflections
of any verb in 100+ languages. Unlike any other sources, Verbix for
Windows also returns the glossary look-up form from any inflection; you no
more need to know them by heart! 100+ languages is good. For our forum i hope the english will help to all.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE: You may use this software for evaluation purposes only.
If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
By any means you may not use this software to make money or use it for commercial purpose.
colection of papers regarding earthquake and earquake analysis and design from the well known PEER
The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) is a multidisciplinary research and education center with headquarters at the University of California, Berkeley. PEER was founded in 1997 under the National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center Program as part of NSF's program to reduce losses due to earthquakes through the National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP). The Federal Government, the State of California and private industry provide funding for the Center. Investigators from over 20 universities and several consulting companies conduct research in earthquake-related geohazard assessment, geotechnical and structural engineering, risk management, and public policy.
PEER organizes its research around the concept of performance-based earthquake engineering. This new technology enables earthquake professionals to design facilities to meet the specific seismic performance needs of owners and other stakeholders, including considerations such as safety, cost, and post-earthquake functionality. PEER’s research defines appropriate performance targets, and develops engineering tools and criteria that can be used by practicing professionals to achieve those targets.
In addition to conducting research to develop performance-based earthquake engineering technology, PEER actively disseminates its findings to earthquake professionals who are involved in the practice of earthquake engineering. PEER also conducts Education and Outreach programs to reach students, policy makers, and others interested in earthquake issues.
PEER has nine Core Institutions but actively involves researchers, educators, students, and earthquake professionals from
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BitDefender Rescue CD With Auto Update Virus Definition
Please Copy and Paste The Link in Browser and download both files and burn them to CD and BootUp the system.
Removes Kernel level trojans and viruses
If you are using pirated copies of windows then a scan with this software is a must because the patch you apply can have viruses or trojans and they can not be detected in windows mode as they are at very low level.
BitDefender Rescue Disk , a bootable anti virus scanner that scan your computer for any virus. The functionality of BitDefender Rescue Disk is similar like Kaspersky Rescue Disk which performs anti virus scanning and other before loading the operating system. Meanwhile, BitDefender Rescue Disk has ability to automatically update its virus definition which makes it more advance than other rescue disk CD utility.
The update Anti Virus definition will be automatically trigger once the BitDefender rescue disk detected internet connection while boot up. Plus more, BitDefender security technology consists highly sensitive in detecting both known and unknown virus.
Meanwhile, this free BitDefender Rescue CD also bundles a lot of useful third party utilities such as ChkRootkit for scanning for rootkis, Nessus Network Scanner as remote network security scanner, Mozilla Firefox, Partition Image, GtkRecover and etc to improve productivity of rescue disk.
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Polyesters and polyamides (Woodhead Publishing in Textiles)
Polyesters and polyamides (Woodhead Publishing in Textiles)
BL Deopura, R. Alagirusamy, M. Joshi, B. Gupta,
CRC | 2008 | ISBN: 1420079727 | 632 pages | PDF | 7,1 MB
Polyester and polyamides remain the most used group of synthetic fibres. This authoritative book reviews their methods of production, ways of improving their functionality and their wide range of applications.
The first part of the book describes raw materials and manufacturing processes, including environmental issues. Part two considers ways of improving the functionality of polyester and polyamide fibres, including blending, weaving, coloration and other finishing techniques as well as new techniques such as nanotechnology. The final part of the book reviews the range of uses of these important fibres, from apparel and sportswear to automotive, medical and civil engineering applications.
With its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, Polyester and polyamides will be a standard reference for all those using this important group of fibres.
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Analysis of a building of metallic structure of 4 floors(flats), realized in Etabs...
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Analysis of a gas station (metallic structure) realized in Sap2000 V14.00
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This study endeavors to develop improved analytical methods for predicting the
nonlinear static and dynamic response of multistory reinforced concrete frames. This report is
limited to the study of the static response.
A new approach in describing the nonlinear hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete
frame elements is proposed. This approach consists of isolating the basic mechanisms
controlling the hysteretic behavior of girders and columns into individual subelements which
are connected in series to form the girder or column superelement. Two particular subelement
models are developed in this study: one describes the inelastic behavior along the girder
accounting for the gradual spread of inelastic deformations at the girder ends, while the other
models the fixed-end rotations that arise at the beam-column interface due to bond
deterioration and slippage of reinforcing bars in the beam-column joint region. The properties
of these elements can be derived from basic principles or refined finite element models.
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