This report reviews the state of the art in design, construction, and maintenance of joints in concrete structures subjected to a wide variety of use and environmental conditions. In some cases, the option of eliminating joints is considered. Aspects of various joint sealant materials and jointing techniques are discussed. The reader is referred to ACI 504R for a more comprehensive treatment of sealant materials, and to ACI 224R for a broad discussion of the causes and control of cracking in concrete construction.
Chapters in the report focus on various types of structures and structural elements with unique characteristics: buildings, bridges, slabs-on-grade, tunnel linings, canal linings, precast concrete pipe, liquid-retaining structures, walls, and mass concrete.
Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the Seismic Design of Highway Bridges
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Highway Subcommittee on Bridge and Structures
Prepared by: Roy A. Imbsen TRC/Imbsen & Associates, Inc. May 2006
The seismic design specifications included in the current AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, Third Edition (2004) with 2006 Interim Revisions and the AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, Division I-A, 17th Edition (2002) with Errata March 2005 are essentially the recommendations that were completed by the Applied Technology (ATC-6) in 1981 and adopted by AASHTO as a “Guide Specification” in 1983. In 1990 AASHTO adopted the Guide Specification (i.e., ATC-6/Division I-A) as part of the AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges. Some minor revisions were made for their inclusion into the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. There have been some significant changes that have occurred in seismic design since the adoption of ATC-6. Recognizing the availability of improvements as documented in NCHRP 12-49, Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (SDC) 2004, SCDOT – Seismic Design Specifications for Highway Bridges, 2002 and related research projects, the T-3 AASHTO committee for seismic design has, with the financial support of NCHRP, initiated this project to update the Recommended LRFD Guidelines for the “Seismic Design of Highway Bridges” May 2006.
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Structural Optimization with Uncertainties
Publisher: Springer | Pages: 245 | 2010-01-01 | ISBN 9048125170 | PDF | 2.4 MB
This monograph is devoted to the exposition of new ways of formulating problems of structural optimization with incomplete information and techniques of solution. Research results concerning the optimum shape and structural properties of the bodies subjected to external loadings are recapitulated. Problems of optimal design with incomplete information, accounting for the interaction between the structure and its environment, properties of materials, existence of initial damages and damage accumulation are studied. This volume treats overcoming the corresponding mathematical difficulties caused by raising local functionals. Most of the book is devoted to the minimax approach using worst case scenarios, i.e. the so-called guaranteed approach. However, the probabilistic approach, that does not guarantee the result, is also described in the monograph, because it gives more “optimistic” results. Also, the mixed probabilistic guaranteed approach is discussed and applied for the solution of structural optimization problems with uncertainties.
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Regional and Urban GIS: A Decision Support Approach
Regional and Urban GIS: A Decision Support Approach
Timothy L. Nyerges, Piotr Jankowski
Publisher: The Guilford Press 2009 | 299 Pages | ISBN: 160623336X | PDF | 5.5 MB
This unique text shows students and professionals how geographic information systems (GIS) can guide decision making about complex community and environmental problems. The authors’ step-by-step introduction to GIS-based decision analysis methods and techniques covers important urban and regional issues (land, transportation, and water resource management) and decision processes (planning, improvement programming, and implementation). Real-world case studies demonstrate how GIS-based decision support works in a variety of contexts, with a special focus on community and regional sustainability management. Ideal for course use, the book reinforces key concepts with end-of-chapter review questions; illustrations include 18 color plates.
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Ground Water Control - Design & Practice - By M Preene , TOL Robert...
This report provides information and guidance on pumping methods used to control groundwater as part of the temporary works for construction projects. Subjects covered include: potential groundwater problems, groundwater control techniques, safety, management and contractual matters, legal and environmental aspects when groundwater is pumped and discharged, site investigation requirements, and design methods for groundwater control schemes.
The report explains the principles of groundwater control by pumping and gives practical information for the effective and safe design, installation and operation of such works.
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Hi all, i am trying to install ansys 12 in my computer, its the first time i am installing it, the medicine, have a text file that i cant read cause its in a strange language.
For now i dont know how to use the medicine, i downloaded the files of timosi in mediafire, could anyone help me with the steps?
Zhenhan Yao, Mingwu Yuan, "Computational Mechanics: Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Computational Mechanics in Beijing"
Springer | 2009 | ISBN: 3540759980 | 300 pages | PDF | 23,6 MB
Computational Mechanics is the Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM) held July 30-August 1, 2007 in Beijing. The book includes 22 full papers of plenary and semi-plenary lectures, and approximately 150 one-page summaries; the CD-ROM contains all full papers presented at the conference.
This conference is the first of a series that is created by a group of prominent scholars from the Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and overseas Chinese, who are very active in the field. This conference series will be held alternately in the Mainland of China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and overseas countries.
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This text offers a physical--rather than mathematical--approach to the study of continuum mechanics. The Third Edition enhances the three-fold objective established in previous editions: to emphasize the formulation of problems in mechanics, to reduce vague ideas into precise mathematical statements, and to cultivate a habit of questioning, analyzing, designing and inventing in engineering and science.
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