Guidelines for the Simplified Design of Structural Reinforced Concrete for Buildings
The aim of this International Standard is to provide rules for the design and construction of low-rise concrete
structures of small area to be built in the less developed areas of the world. The document is developed for
countries that do not have existing national standards. This document shall not be used in place of a national
standard unless specifically considered and accepted by the national standard body or other appropriate
regulartory organization. The design rules are based in simplified worldwide-accepted strength models. The
document is self-contained; therefore actions (loads) and simplified analysis procedures are included, as well as
minimum acceptable construction practice guidelines.
The minimum dimensional guidelines contained in this document are intended to account for undesirable side
effects that will require more sophisticated analysis and design procedures. Material and construction guidelines
are aimed at site mixed concrete as well as ready-mixed concrete, and steel of the minimum available strength
The earthquake resistance guidelines are included to account for the fact that numerous underdeveloped regions
of the world lay in earthquake prone areas. The earthquake resistance is based upon the employment of structural
concrete walls (shear walls) that limit the lateral deformations of the structure and provide for its lateral strength.
The document contains guidelines that can be modified by the national standards body due to local design and
construction requirements and practices. These guidelines that can be modified are included using ["boxed
values"]. The authorities in each member country are expected to review the "boxed values" and may substitute
alternative definitive values for these elements for use in the national application of the document.
A great effort was made to include self-explanatory tables, graphics, and design aids to simplify the use of the
document and provide foolproof procedures. Notwithstanding, the economic implications of the conservatism
inherent in approximate procedures as a substitution to sound and experienced engineering should be a matter of
concern to the designer that employs the document, and to the owner that hires him.
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Stiffness Reduction Factor for Flat Slab Structures under Lateral Loads
Sang-Whan Han,1 Ph.D., P.E.; Young-Mi Park,2 and Seong-Hoon Kee3
1Professor, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang Univ., Seoul 133-791, Korea. E-mail: [email protected]
2Graduate Student, Dept. of Architectural Engineering, Hanyang Univ., Seoul, Korea.
3Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX 73301.
Effective beam width model (EBWM) has been widely used for predicting lateral drifts and slab moments in flat slab structures under lateral loads. As the slab moment due to lateral loads increases, slab stiffness decreases due to crack formation. The accuracy of the EBWM strongly depends on how the reduced slab stiffness is estimated. For this purpose, this study developed equations for calculating slab stiffness reduction factor () by conducting nonlinear regression analysis using stiffness reduction factors estimated from collected test results. The slab stiffness reduction factor () is defined as a ratio of reduced slab stiffness due to crack formation to the stiffness of the uncracked slab section. For verifying the proposed equation, the lateral stiffness of two slab–column connection specimens tested by the writers was compared with the lateral stiffness calculated using the EBWM with the proposed stiffness reduction factor. Further, two flat plate specimens having two continuous spans were also considered for verifying the proposed equations for .
Formulas for Mechanical and Structural Shock and Impact
Formulas for Mechanical and Structural Shock and Impact
CRC | 2009 | ISBN: 1420065564 | 790 pages | PDF | 11,3 MB
In dealing with extreme loads on structures, simple approximations of key variables can indicate if there is a threat of collapse. The ability to determine such variables early on strongly impacts the decisions about the engineering approach to adopt.
Formulas for Mechanical and Structural Shock and Impact is a self-contained and concise presentation of formulas and methodology you can use to determine dynamic response to shock loads, to help you decide on the optimal design. This book offers insight into how objects and structures respond to sudden, strong—and generally short—impulses. In our computer-oriented environment, in which structural programs are used for most large analytical tasks, engineers can still benefit from certain manual calculations and analytical methods to quickly assess the situation at hand.
Exploring a range of mechanical and civil engineering applications, the text enables engineers to manually calculate what happens to structures and objects when pushed, pulled, jerked, or blasted by providing ready access to formulas required for advanced problem solving. It describes relatively simple methods of dealing with many design situations, in which simple spreadsheets or MathCad are sometimes employed. These scenarios may include:
Determination of preliminary figures on the anticipated dynamic response of a system that is in an early stage of design and for which a full-scale computation is not practical
Preparations for physical testing or for large-scale calculations, during which a dynamic model is generated
Indirect verification of computer-generated results, to explain questionable results or guard against hidden errors
Structural safety can be facilitated through the use of simple approximate solutions early in the design process, often eliminating the need for complicated and more involved solutions later. This book is a valuable companion for modern engineers who need concise and relatively easy methods of hand calculation to determine the essential variables. Without emphasizing any one particular type of structure, its scope is quite broad and applies to mechanical aspects of aeronautical, automotive, nuclear, and civil engineering, as well as those in general machine design. Stressing simplicity, the author presents the theoretical basis for manual calculations that will remain abundantly useful in the foreseeable future.
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Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Geology
The book presents multivariate statistical methods useful in geological analysis. The essential distinction between multivariate analysis as applied to full-space data (measurements on lengths, heights, breadths etc.) and compositional data is emphasized with particular reference to geochemical data. Each of the methods is accompanied by a practically oriented computer program and backed up by appropriate examples. The computer programs are provided on a compact disk together with trial data-sets and examples of the output.
An important feature of this book is the graphical system developed by Dr. Savazzi which is entitled Graph Server. Geological data often deviate from ideal statistical requirements. For this reason, close attention has been paid to the analysis of data that contain atypical observations.
Paperback: 250 pages
Publisher: Elsevier Science (December 8, 1999)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0444504125
ISBN-13: 978-0444504128
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Aims to teach simple mathematics using geological examples to illustrate mathematical ideas. Emphasizes the relevance of mathematics to geology, helps to motivate the reader, and gives examples of mathematical concepts in a context familiar to students of geology. Previous edition not cited.
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This second edition of Fundamentals of Geophysics has been completely revised and updated, and is the ideal geophysics textbook for undergraduate students of geoscience with an introductory level of knowledge in physics and mathematics. It gives a comprehensive treatment of the fundamental principles of each major branch of geophysics, and presents geophysics within the wider context of plate tectonics, geodynamics and planetary science. Basic principles are explained with the aid of numerous figures and step-by-step mathematical treatments, and important geophysical results are illustrated with examples from the scientific literature. Text-boxes are used for auxiliary explanations and to handle topics of interest for more advanced students. This new edition also includes review questions at the end of each chapter to help assess the reader's understanding of the topics covered and quantitative exercises for more thorough evaluation.
Paperback: 392 pages
Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (October 22, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0521675960
ISBN-13: 978-0521675963
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Water Wells and Boreholes provides the necessary scientific background together with practical advice using global case studies, in an accessible easy to use style suitable for both postgraduates/researchers and practitioners.
The book begins with an introduction to the type and uses of water wells from water supply and irrigation through to groundwater remediation. It then covers well siting detailing how to source data from geophysical surveys, remote sensing etc. Well design is then summarized to ensure the well is stable and cost-effective. The book ends with three chapters covering well construction, well testing and well performance, maintenance and rehabilitation.
Hardcover: 514 pages
Publisher: Wiley (December 13, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0470849894
ISBN-13: 978-0470849897
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