Alan J. Laub “Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers"
SIAM: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics | 2004-12-01 | ISBN: 0898715768 | 170 pages | PDF | 4,9 MB
Matrix Analysis for Scientists and Engineers provides a blend of undergraduate- and graduate-level topics in matrix theory and linear algebra that relieves instructors of the burden of reviewing such material in subsequent courses that depend heavily on the language of matrices. Consequently, the text provides an often-needed bridge between undergraduate-level matrix theory and linear algebra and the level of matrix analysis required for graduate-level study and research. The text is sufficiently compact that the material can be taught comfortably in a one-quarter or one-semester course. Throughout the book, the author emphasizes the concept of matrix factorization to provide a foundation for a later course in numerical linear algebra. The author addresses connections to differential and difference equations as well as to linear system theory and encourages instructors to augment these examples with other applications of their own choosing.
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David Muir Wood. Geotechnical Modelling (Applied Geotechnics)
Taylor & Francis | 2004-09 | ISBN: 0419237305 | 496 pages | PDF | 5.5 Mb | rar
The book gives you the basic knowledge of modeling in geotechnical engineering.
This book begins by presenting some of the models which form a part of the typical undergraduate geotechnical curriculum. There is then a description of some of the aspects of soil behavior which contribute to the challenge of geotechnical modelling.
The book is derived from courses given to students (postgraduate and final year undergraduate students). A familiarity with basic soil mechanics and with traditional methods of geotechnical design is assumed. The book will also be useful to practising engineers who find themselves involved in the specification of numerical or physical geotechnical modelling.
Modelling forms an implicit part of all engineering design but many engineers are not aware either of the fact that they are making assumptions as part of the modelling or of the nature and consequences of those assumptions.
Many engineers make use of numerical modelling but may not have stopped to think about the approximations and assumptions that are implicit in that modelling still less about the nature of the constitutive models that may have been invoked. They are probably not aware of the possibilities and implications of physical modelling either at single gravity or on a centrifuge at multiple gravities.
The book gives you the basic knowledge of modeling in geotechnical engineering.
Recommended for teachers and professors and students of postgraduate study.
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Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates, Shells and Disks
Plastic Limit Analysis of Plates, Shells and Disks
C.E. Massonnet, G. de Saxcé,
North Holland | ISBN: 0444894799 | 1997 | PDF | 602 pages | 14.48 MB
This revised and updated edition of a book first published in 1972 has kept the general features of the first edition but as could be expected after two decades there are also substantial differences. For instance optimal design has been completely deleted as the developments in this field have been so great that it warrants a book in itself. The fundamental concepts based on Drucker's postulate rather than those of Prager's assumptions function have been introduced. Problems of cyclic loading have been given some more extensive treatment, both in the general theory and in applications. General indications and references have been added for reinforced concrete plates and shells. A general presentation of the yield condition for both plates and shells has been included and the section on the influence of axial force in plates has been almost re-written. Finally, a chapter has been added exclusively devoted to the numerical approach to limit load and shake-down load evaluation
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The California Building Code is based on the 1997 Uniform Building Code. It is divided into two volumes, with the first volume covering adminstrative provisions, fire and life safety requirements and provisions for field inspections. Volume 2 of the California Building Code covers structural design and engineering provisions, such as seismic design requirements. We have a wide variety of products to support the Uniform Codes, such as handbooks, workbooks, a seismic map book, ASCE and ACI standards, and more. Volume Three of the 1997 Uniform Building Code contains the ASTM Standards referenced in the 1997 Uniform Building Code.
Title 24, Part 2, California Building Code, Volume 2, contains provisions for structural engineering design. It comes fully integrated with the 1997 Uniform Building Code, Volume 2, in a custom 8" x 11" binder and includes a subscription service to provide all updates, errata and supplements from the State of California.
About the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (from the California Building Standards Commission)
The California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24, also known as the California Building Standards Code, is a compilation of three types of building standards from three different origins:
Building standards that have been adopted by state agencies without change from building standards contained in national model codes.
Building standards that have been adopted and adapted from the national model code standards to meet California conditions.
Building standards, authorized by the California legislature, that constitute extensive additions not covered by the model codes that have been adopted to address particular California concerns.
Notwithstanding, the national model code standards adopted into Title 24 apply to all occupancies in California except for modifications adopted by state agencies and local governing bodies.
Starting in 1989, the BSC has published triennial editions of Title 24 in their entirety every three years.
The 2001 triennial edition of the California Code of Regulations, Title 24 (California Building Standards Code) applies to all occupancies that applied for a building permit on or after November 1, 2002, and remains in effect until the effective date of the 2004 triennial edition.
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dubai to build the world's largest arch bridge in 2012
if any real city on our planet can claim an active stake in creating the urban landscape of the future, it's probably dubai. artificial islands arranged in the shape of the world? check. the world's only seven-star hotel? check. and in 2012, it will also become home to the largest, tallest arch bridge ever
here's some info on the bridge as envisioned by new york architecture firm fxfowle:
- it's one mile long and 670 feet tall.
- it will have 12 lanes for traffic.
- it will cost 817 million dollars.
- the design has sheikh mohammed's official stamp of approval.
- the bridge will carry more than 2,000 vehicles per hour in each direction.
- a metro line will run across the middle.
- construction begins in march, with a slated completion date of 2012
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Engineering with Mathcad
Using Mathcad to Create and Organize Your Engineering Calculations
Mathcad is perfectly suited for engineering calculations. You work in Mathcad just as you would on a piece of calculation paper. The equations you write on a piece of paper can be entered into Mathcad just as they look on the paper, and just as quickly as you write them on the paper. The benefit of Mathcad is that your calculations are now electronic and can be archived,shared with coworkers, reused on other projects and updated as variables change.Another advantage of Mathcad is that your results can be used in further calculations. If the variables for the first result change, then all the calculations based on that first result are also immediately updated.
Mathcad is easy to learn. There is no programming language that you need to learn. With just a few simple instructions, you can begin using Mathcad. With Mathcad all your calculations are presented on the worksheet. They are not hidden in cells as they are in spreadsheets. Also, all variables are named. You do not need to remember which cells the variables are stored in. This makes
checking the Mathcad calculations much simpler.
This book is divided into four parts:
Part I—Building your Mathcad Toolbox. This is where you build your Mathcad toolbox—your basic understanding of Mathcad. It teaches the basics of the Mathcad program. The chapters in this part create a solid foundation upon which to build.
Part II—Hand Tools for your Mathcad Toolbox. The chapters in this part will focus on simple features to get you comfortable with Mathcad.
Part III—Power Tools for your Mathcad Toolbox. This part addresses more complex and powerful Mathcad features.
PartIV—Creating and Organizing your Engineering Calculations with Mathcad.
This is where you start using the tools in your toolbox to build something— engineering calculations. This part discusses embedding other programs into Mathcad. It also discusses how to assemble calculations from multiple Mathcad files, and files from other programs.
Brent Maxfield
ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-6702-9
ISBN-10: 0-7506-6702-8
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Here are some videos on how STEEL is fabricated and how its used in the construction of buildings and factories. These training videos are from Corus, Europe's second biggest steelmaker in collaboration with the BCSA (British Constructional Steel Association). Video Resolution is 320x240.
SIZE: 37MB x 3Videos
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dear members
this illustration belong to phase 1(TCBF1-HSS-8t)
The properties of Specially Concentric Braced Frames (SCBF) systems have the potential to meet multiple performance objectives. However, previous research has shown that the current design procedures can lead to soft stories, inadequate gusset plate connections, unexpected failure modes, brittle welds and premature brace failure. To improve the performance and to meet the engineering needs of future seismic load resisting systems, an international research team is working to develop Tomorrows Concentric Braced Frame (TCBF) systems. This research team receives support from the NEES program and the National Science Foundation with a NEESR Small Group project entitled "International Hybrid Simulation of Tomorrows Braced Frame Systems". The international team of collaborators includes researchers from the University of Washington (UW), the University of California Berkeley (UCB), the University of Minnesota (UM) and the NCREE Laboratory in Taiwan. Researchers from Japan, Canada, industry professionals and practicing engineers are also collaborating on this project.
for more drawings,photos and seeing phase 2
please visit above link,
i think ,this post useful for forum memebrs
in additional,
if you visit the,you can view plot results.
like frame displacements etc..
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Depicts actual construction progress throughout the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit System during 1967-68, emphasizing the original and continuing aims of the district--to provide safe, fast, economical and comfortable mass transit, thereby eliminating traffic congestion and preserving the beauty and character of the area.
you can watching online and/or downlaod video
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Skyline identity has often been important to the designers of (and those commissioning) skyscrapers. This pyramid with flared wings has become the advertising logo of its owners. At 853 feet, it is the tallest commercial building in San Francisco.