In 1992 the Centre of Environmental Science (CML) at Leiden University, The Netherlands, published a Guide on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Many copies of this guide have been sold all over the world, setting the standard for a long time.
Since then LCA methodology has progressed enormously and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a series of Standards on LCA. These developments have now been incorporated into a new Handbook on LCA authored by CML in cooperation with a number of other important institutes in the area of LCA.
The general aim of this Handbook on LCA is to provide a stepwise `cookbook' with operational guidelines for conducting an LCA study step-by-step, justified by a scientific background document, based on the ISO Standards for LCA. The different ISO elements and requirements are made operational to the `best available practice' for each step.
This book will appeal to persons from a wide range of scientific disciplines working in industry, in government, as consultants, or at university, who are interested in learning more about LCA and in performing LCA studies. It will be of especial interest to students and researchers in the field of LCA, industrial ecology, and those interested in environmental sciences in general.
CML is strongly involved in the development of a standard methodology to determine environmental impacts of products, i.e., LCA. This is done within international fora such as the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP).
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Wood Modification: Chemical, Thermal and Other Processes
Author: Callum A. S. Hill | Size: 6.1 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2006 | pages: 260 | ISBN: 978-0-470-02172-9
This book is exclusively concerned with wood modification, although many of these processes are generic and can be applied to other lignocellulosic materials. There have been many rapid developments in wood modification over the past decade and, in particular, there has been considerable progress made in the commercialisation of technologies. Topics covered include:
The use of timber in the 21st century
Modifying the properties of wood
Chemical modification of wood: Acetic Anhydride Modification and reaction with other chemicals
Thermal modification of wood
Surface modification
Impregnation modification
Commercialisation of wood modification
Environmental consideration and future developments
This is the first time that a book has covered all wood modification technologies in one text. Although the book covers the main research developments in wood modification, it also puts wood modification into context and additionally deals with aspects of commercialisation and environmental impact.
This book is very timely, because wood modification is undergoing huge developments at the present time, driven in part by environmental concerns regarding the use of wood treated with certain preservatives. There has been considerable commercial interest shown in wood modification over the past decade, with products based upon thermal modification, and furfurylation now being actively being marketed. The next few years will see the commercialisation of acetylation and impregnation modification. This is a new industry, but one that has enormous potential.
This book will prove useful to all those with an interest in wood modification including researchers, technologists and professionals working in wood science and timber engineering, wood preservation, and well as professionals in the paper and pulp industries, and those with an interest in the development of renewable materials.
Series Preface.
List of Abbreviations.
1. The Use of Timber in the Twenty-first Century
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Nonrenewables: a Finite and Exhaustible Resource.
1.3 Renewable Materials.
1.4 The Global Timber Resource.
1.5 Timber Production.
1.6 Wood Preservation.
1.7 Preservative-treated Wood and Legislation.
1.8 Competition from Nonrenewable Materials.
1.9 The Need for Wood Modification.
1.10 Conclusions.
2. Modifying the Properties of Wood.
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Wood Properties and Wood Modification.
2.3 Wood Modification Methods.
2.4 The Cell Wall of Wood.
2.5 The Chemical Constituents of Wood.
2.6 The Wood–Water Relationship.
2.7 The Mechanical Properties of Modified Wood.
2.8 Modified Wood and Biological Degradation.
2.9 Wood and Weathering.
2.10 Proof of Bonding.
2.11 Conclusions.
3. Chemical Modification of Wood (I): Acetic Anhydride Modification.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Reaction Protocols.
3.3 Cell Wall Reactivity.
3.4 Analysis of Anhydride-modified Wood.
3.5 Dimensional Stability.
3.6 Mechanical Properties.
3.7 Microbiological Degradation.
3.8 Biological Degradation by Insects and Marine Organisms.
3.9 Moisture Relationships of Anhydride-modified Wood.
4. Chemical Modification of Wood (II): Reaction with Other Chemicals.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Reaction of Wood with Other Noncyclic Anhydrides.
4.3 Reaction of Wood with Cyclic Anhydrides.
4.4 Acetylation Using Ketene Gas.
4.5 Carboxylic Acid Modification.
4.6 Acid Chloride Modification.
4.7 Isocyanate Modification.
4.8 Epoxide Modification.
4.9 Alkyl Halide Modification.
4.10 Aldehyde Modification.
4.11 Cyanoethylation.
4.12 Beta-Propiolactone.
4.13 Quinone Methides.
4.14 Conclusions.
5. Thermal Modification of Wood.
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Process Variables.
5.3 Chemical Changes in Wood due to Thermal Modification.
5.4 Physical Changes in Wood due to Thermal Modification.
5.5 Biological Properties of Thermally Modified Wood.
5.6 Compressed Wood.
5.7 Oil Heat-treatments.
5.8 Conclusions.
6. Surface Modification.
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Surface Chemical Modification for UV Stability.
6.3 Modification to Render the Wood Surface Hydrophobic.
6.4 Surface Chemical Modification for Bonding.
6.5 Enzymatic Modification.
6.6 Corona or Plasma Discharge.
6.7 Conclusions.
7. Impregnation Modification.
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Resin Treatments.
7.3 Impregnations using Silicon-containing Compounds.
7.4 Other Inorganic Cell Wall Precipitation Treatments.
7.5 Cell Wall Impregnation with Monomers.
7.6 Cell Wall Impregnation with Polymers.
7.7 Conclusions.
8. Commercialization of Wood Modification.
8.1 Introduction.
8.2 Thermal Modification.
8.3 Oil Heat Modification/Treatments.
8.4 Acetylation.
8.5 Impregnation Modification.
8.6 Conclusions.
9. Wood Modification: Environmental Considerations and Future Developments.
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Principles of the Determination of Environmental Impact.
9.3 Methods of Determining Environmental Impacts.
9.4 The Environmental Impact of Wood Modification.
9.5 Industrial Ecology and Wood Modification.
9.6 The Future of Wood Modification.
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A State-of-the-Art Review of High Performance Concrete Structures Built in Canada: 1990-2000
Author: John A. Bickley Denis Mitchell | Size: 2.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Cement Association of Canada | Year: 2001 | pages: 122
In the search for durability, researchers in Canada and in other countries sought for higher performance materials. Technology from other countries, notably France, Norway, Japan and Germany, was incorporated into developments in Canada in the 1980s. High Performance Concrete (HPC) was included in this research. With the establishment of Concrete Canada (CC) in 1990, a co-ordinated and concentrated programme of research commenced. In 1994, this programme expanded to include demonstration projects to implement HPC technology on construction sites. Technology Transfer was a primary goal of CC. Many seminars, workshops and technology transfer days were held across Canada, by CC alone, in co-operation with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Chapters, the Cement Association of Canada (CAC) and its member companies, and for specific entities such as Provincial Highway Departments and Cities.
Between 1990 and 2000, CC researchers published over 400 Papers in scientific journals. It seemed appropriate, as the old millennium ended, to assess the practice in the use of HPC in Canada over the past 10 years. The extent of its use, the varying specifications, results, economics and problems encountered have been reviewed. Looking ahead, areas for ongoing research and development have been identified. The study demonstrates that, for those who have correctly implemented this technology, HPC is the high quality concrete of choice for high strength, durability and optimum lifecycle costs.
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Ultrasonic evaluation methods applicable to polymer concrete composites
Author: Andrzej Garbacz, Edward J. Garboczi | Size: 3 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: NIST | Year: 2003 | pages: 76
This publication is the final report on the three-year project entitled "Ultrasonic evaluation methods applicable to polymer concrete composites." The project was sponsored by the M.Skłodowska-Curie US-Polish Joint Fund II. The project was collaboratively carried out by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, USA and the Institute of Construction Engineering and Management (ICEM), Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland. Edward J. Garboczi (NIST) and Andrzej Garbacz (ICEM, from Prof. Lech Czarnecki’s Building Polymer Composites Group), were the principal investigators.
The main objective of the project was to evaluate the possibility of implementing ultrasonic
methods for the nondestructive assessment of polymer composite properties. The two main fields
of polymer composite applications, anticorrosion protection of concrete structures (including
industrial floors) and polymer concrete pre-cast elements, were both taken into account. The
possibility of nondestructive evaluation of the quality of multi-layer repair systems, including
adhesion mapping, has arisen as the most interesting result of the project. The design of the
experimental program was developed by the principal investigators, and was carried out at the
ICEM laboratories. NIST also collaborated in the interpretation of the test results and preparation
of the report.
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Author: Rangachari Narayanan, V. Kalyanaraman | Size: 10.28 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Institute for Steel Development And Gro | Year: 2003 | pages: 198 | ISBN: none
INSDAG has played a pivotal role over the last few years in propagating the awareness amongst students, faculties of various engineering institutes and experts and professionals from various industries, about the advantages and benefits of usage of steel in the construction sector. It is now being accepted by most engineering professionals both academic and industrial, that the main stumbling block in the development of the steel construction industry in India is the primitiveness of the methods of design adopted by the Indian codes as against the international codes which allow higher flexibility in design approach. The relevant Indian codes of practice (IS: 800-1984 and IS: 801-1975) applicable for hot-rolled and cold-formed steel are based on the "Allowable Stress Design" approach as against the more internationally popular "Limit State Method" approach which has been proved to be technically sound and its use results in optimum economy of the structure.
With the technical contributions from leading academics and professionals, INSDAG has already brought out various publications on the design methodology of steel structures using the Limit State Method of Design (LSM), which have been beneficial to the engineering fraternity in learning the most intricate facets in LSM design. On request from INSDAG, this publication in the form of a Guide book has been written and compiled by Dr. Rangachari Narayanan and Dr. V. Kalyanraman for the benefit of not only the student community both under-graduate and post graduate level, but also other engineering professionals across the country, since most of the engineering institutions have started including the LSM design in their curriculum and also the engineering professionals need to update themselves with the latest technological advancements. The publication is very timely as it coincides with the revision of IS: 800- 1984, which is at its advanced stage.
The entire book has been reviewed by^Dr. T. K. Bandyopadhyay, Deputy Director General and Mr. Arijit Guha, Manager (Civil & Structural). Comments and suggestions received from a large number of faculty member*, have been incorporated. INSDAG expresses its indebtedness to Dr. R. Narayanan and Dr. V. Kalyanraman, academics and researchers of international experience for agreeing to bring'out this publication.
Kolkata: February 2003
Special Note
The entire document has been written considering Limit State Method of design following stipulations laid down in the relevant British code, BS: 5950 Part -1, 3 & 5 and Eurocode - 3 & 4. Since IS: 800 (Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel) is presently being revised to Limit State version, this guide book may undergo certain modifications in some chapters after the publication of revised IS: 800 (LSM version) to accommodate the possible variation in stipulations that are likely to be considered in the revised code.
However, this document will be extremely useful to the students of Civil I Structural Engineering to understand the theoretical background associated with advancement in structural steel design based on Limit State Method.
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Physics of Strength and Fracture Control
Adaptation of Engineering Materials and Structures
Author: Anatoly A. Komarovsky; Viktor P. Astakhov, | Size: 12.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press LLC | Year: 2003 | pages: 629 | ISBN: 9780849311512
Presents a breakthrough approach in the mechanics of solids that leads to a fundamental understanding of the relationship between materials structure, processing, and properties
Theoretically formulates and experimentally proves new concepts for controlling deformation and fractures
Derives the thermodynamic equation of state of solids and uses it to propose new theoretical and practical concepts, methods, and design techniques
Shows that the equation of state can explain all phenomena and effects related to deformation and fracture processes and will lead to new methods for predicting and controlling material operating properties
Still passive and for the most part uncontrollable, current systems intended to ensure the reliability and durability of engineering structures are still in their developmental infancy. They cannot make corrections or recondition materials, and most material and structural failures cannot be predicted. Accidents-and catastrophes-result.
Physics of Strength and Fracture Control: Adaptation of Engineering Materials and Structures introduces a new physical concept in the science of the resistance of materials to external effects, a concept that opens completely new avenues for improving the strength and safety of engineered objects. Based on a thermodynamic equation of state of solids derived by the author, the approach provides a general methodology for treating all the physical and mechanical properties of materials, regardless of their nature and physical state. The author shows that this approach enables the control of the stressed-deformed state both to prevent failures and fractures and to promote them for easier shaping of materials. He uses this methodology to present and discuss non-traditional but practical ways of solving real-world problems.
Of enormous theoretical and practical significance, this groundbreaking work ushers in a new stage in the science of material strength. It opens the door to systematic ways to design materials, control their operating properties, and predict their behavior under specific operating conditions.
The State of Electrons and Nuclei in Isolated Atoms
Diagram of Formation and Energy of the Paired Bonds
Character of Movement of Bound Atoms
Localization Parameters and Rotos State Equation
Electrodynamics of Interatomic Interaction
Thermal Radiation, Phase Transitions and Formation of Vacancies
Condition of Stability: Low- and High-Temperature Disintegration
Failure at the Debye Temperature
Three Mechanisms of Disintegration of the Bonds: "Theoretical" Strength and Phenomenon of Brittle Fracture
Deformation, Coriolis Forces and Inertial Effects
Basic Thermodynamic Potentials
Potentials of Systems with a Varying Number of Interatomic Bonds
Thermodynamic Equation of State of a Solid
Parameters of State, Relationship of Equivalence and Entropy
Brittle and Ductile Structures
Temperature Dependence of Mechanical Properties
Periodic Law of Variations in State
Phase and Aggregate States of Materials
Mechanical Hysteresis: Causes of Formation and Practical Consequences
Compression-Dilation Nature of Dislocations
Equation of Interaction
Analogy Between Polarization, Magnetization, Force and Thermal Deformation
Orientation Nature of Elastic Stage of Deformation
Plastic Deformation and Destruction Processes
Scale Effect: Causes of Initiation, Forms of Manifestation and Dangerous Consequences
Mechanism of Formation of the Maxwell-Boltzmann Factor
Dependence of Mechanical Properties upon the Packing Density of a Structure
Variation of State in Compression and Tension
Complex Stressed States: Mechanism of Formation and Prospects of Application for Fracture Prevention
Mechanical, Thermal, Ultrasonic, Electron, Chemical and Other Effects in Deformation and Fracture
Dynamic Effect (DE)
Hydrogen Embrittlement
Radiation Damage
Moisture-Induced Softening of Porous Materials
Durability of Unstable Structures
Defect Healing and Damaged Structure Restoration
Concentration of Stresses as an Inherent Property of Crystalline Structures
Rigid-Link Nature of Fracture
Probability and Thermodynamic Aspects of the Deformation Diagrams
Mechanism of Formation and Development of Cracks
Crack Propagation and Restrain
Retardation of Cracks
Equation of Thermomechanical Fatigue
Compression-Dilation (CD) Nature of Fatigue
Prediction of Thermal-Mechanical-Radiation Fatigue
Prevention and Relief of Fatigue
Diagnostics of Stress-Strain State
Determination of Strength of Materials Using Elasto-Plastic Hardness Indicators
Prediction of Residual Resource and Durability
Control of Physical-Mechanical Properties
Controllable and Non-Controllable Modes of Ensuring Strength, Reliability and Durability
Principles of the Theory of Design of Materials Properties
Formation of Anisotropic Structures
Correction of Resource after Solidification
Technologies for Formation of Variatropic Structures
Control of the Stressed-Deformed State
Prevention of Deformation and Fracture in Competing Fields
Promising Technologies and Ingenious Design Solutions
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Water and wastewater treatment plant operators must have a breadth of knowledge that encompasses more than scientific theory. With two new chapters and more than 300 new practice scenarios, this second edition continues to offer a complete resource exclusively for water and wastewater plant operators. It is a thorough compilation of water science, treatment information, process control procedures, problem-solving techniques, safety and health information, and administrative and technological trends. The manual examines numerous real-world operating scenarios, including the intake of raw sewage and the treatment of water via residual management. Each scenario includes a comprehensive problem-solving practice set.
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Best Practice Guidance for Hybrid Concrete Construction
Author: C. H. Goodchild, J. Glass | Size: 1.7 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: The Concrete Centre | Year: 2004 | pages: 64 | ISBN: 1-904818-09-9
Hybrid Concrete Construction (HCC) is about providing best value in structural frames.
HCC provides simple, buildable and competitive structures that answer client demands
for better value. It meets industry requirements for increased prefabrication, increased
off-site activity, safer and faster construction and consistent performance.
Despite the challenges thrown down by the Latham2 and Egan3 reports and their
successors, the UK has been slow to realise the benefits of HCC. One of the barriers to
HCC’s more widespread use was found to be the lack of comprehensive guidance, a
situation which this publication aims to change.
Based upon work carried out under a PII research project, this publication demonstrates
how to achieve best practice. The guidance explains the benefits that result from:
■ early involvement of specialist contractors
■ using a lead frame contractor
■ using best value philosophy
■ holding planned workshops
■ measuring performance
■ trust
■ close co-operation – with an emphasis on partnering.
The guidance is supported by case studies and shows that although there are intense
periods of co-ordination during the design phase, there are tremendous rewards on site
and in use. Best value is achieved through communication and measured in terms of
buildability, construction speed, aesthetic, quality, environmental and whole-life cost
HCC can achieve very significant cost savings and give rise to some very satisfied
clients. This publication is intended to show how this can be achieved.
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