The reduced availability of natural sands, particularly along the east coast of Australia, and the need to better utilise sand-size material generated in the aggregate crushing process, has combined to encourage the development of 'Manufactured Sand'. This quarry product has been defined by the quarrying industry as:
"A purpose-made crushed fine aggregate produced from a suitable source material and designed for use in concrete or other specific products. Only source materials with suitable strength, durability and shape characteristics should be considered. Production generally involves crushing, screening and possibly washing. Separation into discrete fractions, recombining and blending may be necessary."
Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia (CCAA) funded a research project to investigate and to develop and recommend test methods and specification limits for manufactured sand. This report summarises the work undertaken between November 2004 and July 2006 and covers the following:
- a description of the test and a discussion of its relevance to manufactured sands;
- an analysis of the specific test results from this programme and the relationship of the results to current standard specifications limits (if known) for the method;
- a discussion as to whether the test method should stand alone or be reported and reviewed in conjunction with the results from other test methods;
- a discussion and recommendation as to whether the test method should be a Quality Control measure only (ie mainly useful for monitoring the variability of a single source) or whether it should be used for setting specification limits;
- recommendations regarding specification and/or variability limits.
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can i request for a paper or document that pertains to the aforementioned subject. I was quite disappointed with my instructor in staad pro class because instead of using the pressure load for plates he used floor load area which i deemed to be wrong and i have learned it from this forum. I wanted to convince my instructor that really the procedure is not correct and that i have to present him a supporting document.
Thank you.
More Power to this Forum!
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This International Standard specifies the simplified representation and the characterization of reinforcement in reinforced and in prestressed concrete for use in construction drawings. It also establishes a system for the scheduling of reinforced bars, comprising
- a method for specifying dimensions,
- a coding system for bar shapes,
- a schedule of preferred shapes, and
- a shape schedule and bending schedule.
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PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D v1.3.8 Bilingual + Portable
* The best software for creating visualizations! *
Size: Install: 35.34 , Portable: 41.26 MB
PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D is a software package that enables a simple and easy way to create interactive 3D visualization - virtual walks. Created visualizations are like a computer program, located in one file and are suitable for further distribution and publication on the website. In PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D
* You can quickly and easily create a visualization of any object
* You have to keep the facilities built preview (WYSIWYG)
* Have the ability to build any walls and the creation of custom objects
* And any of their deployment* In a natural way you arrange the lighting
* And create animations of selected geometric objects
* You can use libraries of models, materials and textures
* In a simple way with your project, you can generate the final visualization
* You can import new models for libraries
* And build from scratch your own library Visualization created using PIXELPLAN Flow Architect Studio 3D
* Is a computer program allows you to freely walk
* Uses the latest 3D technology
* Has dynamic lighting* And dynamic shadows
Year of Manufacture: 2010
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/7
Language: english, polish
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* This software requires Microsoft ®. NET Framework v3.5.30729.SP1 and its updates (critical and security) according to the operating system ..(The portable version is not required)
* 100% virus free (download from other sites say they have keygen and patch, but 76.7% of the antivirus program detected thesuspicious code)
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Provides broad, detailed coverage of all aspects of the mechanics of composite materials
Reviews background information for a self-contained treatment and provides real-world design examples
Adds a new chapter devoted to symmetrical and nonsymmetrical beams
Includes an extended matrix algebra appendix, more examples and derivations, and exercises
Updates PROMAL to include elasticity models found in the chapter on micromechanical analysis of lamina
In 1997, Dr. Kaw introduced the first edition of Mechanics of Composite Materials, receiving high praise for its comprehensive scope and detailed examples. He also introduced the groundbreaking PROMAL software, a valuable tool for designing and analyzing structures made of composite materials. Updated and expanded to reflect recent advances in the field, this Second Edition retains all of the features-logical, streamlined organization, thorough coverage, and self-contained treatment-that made the first edition a bestseller.
The book begins with a question-and-answer style introduction to composite materials, including updated material on new applications. The remainder of the book discusses macromechanical analysis of both individual lamina and laminate materials; micromechanical analysis of lamina including elasticity based models; failure, analysis, and design of laminates; and a new chapter devoted to symmetrical and nonsymmetrical beams. New examples and derivations were added to the chapters on micromechanical and macromechanical analysis of lamina, and the design chapter includes two new examples: design of a pressure vessel and a drive shaft. The author also added key terms and a summary to each chapter. Updated PROMAL software is available at the author's Web site, updated frequently, along with new multiple-choice questions.
With superior tools and complete coverage, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Second Edition makes it easier than ever to integrate composite materials into your designs with confidence.
Chapter Objectives
Recycling Fiber-Reinforced Composites
Mechanics Terminology
Key Terms
Exercise Set
Chapter Objectives
Review of De?nitions
Hooke's Law for Different Types of Materials
Hooke's Law for a Two-Dimensional Unidirectional Lamina
Hooke's Law for a Two-Dimensional Angle Lamina
Engineering Constants of an Angle Lamina
Invariant Form of Stiffness and Compliance Matrices for an Angle Lamina
Strength Failure Theories of an Angle Lamina
Hygrothermal Stresses and Strains in a Lamina
Key Terms
Exercise Set
Key Terms
Transformation of Stress
Transformation of Strains
Key Terms
Chapter Objectives
Volume and Mass Fractions, Density, and Void Content
Evaluation of the Four Elastic Moduli
Ultimate Strengths of a Unidirectional Lamina
Coefficients of Thermal Expansion
Coefficients of Moisture Expansion
Key Terms
Exercise Set
Chapter Objectives
Laminate Code
Stress-Strain Relations for a Laminate
In-Plane and Flexural Modulus of a Laminate
Hygrothermal Effects in a Laminate
Key Terms
Exercise Set
Chapter Objectives
Special Cases of Laminates
Failure Criterion for a Laminate
Design of a Laminated Composite
Other Mechanical Design Issues
Key Terms
Exercise Set
Chapter Objectives
Symmetric Beams
Nonsymmetric Beams
Key Terms
Exercise Set
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The main concern of this book is to present the methods used to calculate the most important rope quantities as well as to explain how they are applied by means of a large number of calculations as examples. The book, based on the most important chapters of the German book DRAHTSEILE, has been kept up to date and the recent developments have been taken into account. The first section of the book deals with the different types of wire rope and their component parts. The second section looks into the effects of wire ropes under tensile forces (stationary ropes). The third section takes a look at the wire ropes under bending and tensile force (running ropes).
This book is an important source for everybody working with wire ropes - the construction engineers, operators and supervisors of machines and installations running on wire ropes.
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This is the wind load calculation by using MathCad.
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The effect of different stiffness parameters on earthquake response of single-degree-of-freedom systems is studied. By choosing stiffness properties and hysteretic energy dissipation capacity as similar as possible, the effect of different hysteresis models on earthquake response waveforms and amplitudes
in investigated.
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Posted by: ir_71 - 12-14-2010, 08:32 PM - Forum: General Books
- No Replies
Environmental Effects on Engineered Materials
Author: Russell H. Jones | Size: 7.33 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 2001 | pages: 520 | ISBN: 9780203908129
This invaluable reference provides a comprehensive overview of corrosion and environmental effects on metals, intermetallics, glossy metals, ceramics and composites of metals, and ceramics and polymer materials. It surveys numerous options for various applications involving environments and guidance in materials selection and substitution. Exploring a wide range of environments, including aqueous and high-temperature surroundings, Environmental Effects on Engineered Materials examines specific material-environmental interactions; corrosion rates and material limitations; preventive measurements against corrosion; utilization of older materials in recent applications; the use of new materials for existing equipment; and more.
Metallic alloys: ferrous alloys (ferritic and martensitic); austenitic stainless steels; nickel-based alloys for resistance to aqueous corrosion; nickel-based alloys for resistance to high-temperature corrosion; corrosion of copper and its alloys; reactive and refractory alloys; aluminium alloys; magnesium alloys. Intermetallic alloys: environmental embrittlement of nickel-based and iron-based intermetallics. Ceramics: nonoxide ceramics; oxide ceramics. Composites: metal matrix composites; ceramic matrix composites; issues in predicting long-term environmental degradation of fibre-reinforced plastics. Metallic glasses: amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys.
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