Guide for the use of stainless steel reinforcement in concrete structures
Author: Gro Markeset, Steen Rostam and Oskar Klinghoffer | Size: 2.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Norwegian Building Research Institute | Year: 2006 | pages: 68 | ISBN: 82-536-0926-4
Premature deterioration of concrete buildings and infrastructure due to corrosion of reinforcement
is a severe challenge, both technically and economically. Repair-work on the public transportation
infrastructure are causing significant inconveniences and delays for both the industry and the
general public, and are now recognized as a substantial cost for the society.
In recent years there has been an increasing interest in applying stainless steel reinforcement in
concrete structures to combat the durability problems associated with chloride ingress. However,
the use of stainless steel reinforcement (SSR) has so far been limited mainly due to high costs and
lack of design guides and standards.
In 2004 a Scandinavian group was established to cope with these challenges and a Nordic
Innovation Centre project: “Corrosion resistant steel reinforcement in concrete structures
(NonCor)” was formed.
The present report; “Guide for the use of stainless steel reinforcement in concrete structures”, is the
final document of this project. The scope of this Guide is to increase the durability and service life
of concrete structures exposed to corrosive environments by focusing on two issues:
• Eliminating reinforcement corrosion by examining the core of the problem, i.e. the
reinforcement itself
• Overcoming the technical knowledge gap for application of stainless steel reinforcement in
concrete structures
The foreseen users of this Guide are:
• All parties involved in planning, design and construction of concrete structures to be
exposed to corrosive environments, - such as marine structures, coastal-near structures and
structures exposed to chloride based de-icing salts
• Owners and Clients who want to reduce or solve the corrosion problem for reinforced
concrete structures, in order to obtain a long service life with minimal maintenance
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Size effect is known as a relative change (decrease) of the structural properties (peak
resistance, ductility, etc.) when the structure size increases. In quasi brittle materials such as
concrete, this is a recognized phenomenon.
For the concrete material most focus on size effect has been connected to the tensile states of
stress. After the development of the Fictitious Crack Model (Hilleborg et al 1976), there have
been large research activities within the field of fracture mechanics applied for concrete,
particular for tensile states of stress. Based on this work it is now generally accepted that
tensile failure is localized to a limited zone and that this failure localization is the source of
the so-called size effect. In the new Eurocode 2 this size effect is implemented for punching
and shear using a size factor k= 1+ 200 / d , where d is the member depth in mm.
Compressive failure is, as in tensile failure, found to be localized to certain zones and gives
rise to a size effect (Hillerborg (1988), Bažant (1989), Markeset (1993, 1994), Markeset and
Hillerborg (1995), Bigaj and Walraven (1993), Janson and Shah (1997), Walraven (2007),
van Mier (2007)).
The compressive behaviour of concrete is one of the fundamental parameters of structural
design as most load-bearing concrete elements, such as beams, columns and slabs, experience
compressive strain gradients where the compressive strain at the critical section is in the postpeak
(softening regime) of the stress-strain curve at failure. The presently used codes of
practice do not limit their application field to some selected range of member dimensions
although experimental studies have shown that size effect of concrete loaded in compression
In this report the size effect of compressive failure of concrete members exposed to uniaxial
compression as well as compressive strain gradients is discussed.
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Author: Park, T. and Gamble, W | Size: 30 MB | Format:PDF | ISBN: 0471348503
Comprehensive, up–to–date coverage of reinforced concrete slabs–from leading authorities in the field.
Offering an essential background for a thorough understanding of building code requirements and design procedures for slabs, Reinforced Concrete Slabs, Second Edition provides a full treatment of today′s approaches to reinforced concrete slab analysis and design
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Quote:thesis concerning the modeling of piles with the ANSYS finite element code
download links,
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NA to BS EN 1991-1-2:2002
UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures –
Part 1-2: General actions – Actions on structures exposed to fire
This National Annex gives:
a) the UK decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters
described in the following subclauses of BS EN 1991-1-2:2002:
• 2.4 (4)
• 3.1 (10)
• (1)
• (1)
• 3.3.2 (2)
• 4.2.2 (2)
• 4.3.1 (2)
b) the UK decisions on the status of BS EN 1991-1-2:2002
informative annexes.
NA to BS EN 1991-1-6:2005
UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on structures –
Part 1-6: General actions – Actions during execution
NA to BS EN 1991-2:2003
UK National Annex to Eurocode 1: Actions on timber structures – Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges
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Advanced civil infrastructure materials: Science, mechanics and applications
Edited by H Wu, Wayne State University, USA
- a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners in the construction industry
- essential reading for graduate and undergraduate students of civil engineering
- written by an expert pannel
In recent decades, material development in response to a call for more durable infrastructures has led to many exciting advancements. Fiber reinforced composite designs, with very unique properties, are now being explored in many infrastructural applications. Even concrete and steel are being steadily improved to have better properties and durability.
Advanced civil infrastructure materials provides an up-to-date review of several emerging construction materials that may have a significant impact on repairs of existing infrastructures and/or new constructions. Each chapter explores the ‘materials design concept’ which leads to the creation of advanced composites by synergistically combining two or more constituents. Such design methodology is made possible by several key advancements in materials science and mechanics. Each chapter is concluded with selective examples of real world applications using these advanced materials. This includes relevant structural design guidelines and mechanics to assist readers in comprehending the uses of these advanced materials.
The contributors are made up of renowned authors who are recognized for their expertise in their chosen field. Advanced civil infrastructure materials will be of value to both graduate and undergraduate students of civil engineering, and will serve as a useful reference guide for researchers and practitioners in the construction industry.
Advanced concrete for use in civil engineering
S Mindess, University of British Columbia, Canada
- Introduction
- What is modern advanced concrete? Materials: Portland cements; Aggregates; Chemical admixtures; Mineral admixtures
- Modern advanced concretes: High strength concretes; Ultra high strength concretes; Fibre reinforced concretes; Self-compacting concrete; High durability concrete; Polymer modified concretes; ‘Green’ concrete
- Conclusions
- Sources of further information
- References
Advanced steel for use in civil engineering
C W Roeder, University of Washington, USA and M Nakashima, Kyoto University, Japan
- Introduction
- Issues of concern
- New developments: New materials; New components; New systems
- Sample structures
- Future trends
- Sources of further information
- Acknowledgments
- References
Advanced cement composites for use in civil engineering
H C Wu, Wayne State University, USA
- Introduction: Infrastructure degradation; Material issues
- Performance driven design with fiber reinforcement: Composite behaviour; Significance of performance driven design approach
- Composite engineering: Matrix design (toughness control); Unit weight design (density contol); Workability design (rheology control); Interface design (bond control)
- Advanced cementitious composites: Short fiber composites; Continuous fiber composites; Durability
- Engineering applications: Structural retrofit for compressive strength
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Advanced fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for use in civil engineering
J F Davalos, West Virginia University, USA, P Qiao and L Shan, University of Akron, USA
- Introduction
- Manufacturing process by pultrusion
- Material properties and systematic analysis and design: Constituent materials and ply properties; Laminated panel engineering properties and Carpet plots; Member stiffness properties; Mechanical behaviours of FRP shapes; Equivalent analysis of FRP cellular decks; Macro-flexibility analysis of deck-and-stringer bridge systems
- Design guidelines and examples: Design guidelines for FRP shapes; Design examples; Example 3: design of an FRP deck-and-stringer bridge
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- References
Rehabilitation of civil structures using advanced polymer composites
V M Karbhari, University of California, USA
- Introduction
- Rehabilitation and FRP composites
- Materials and manufacturing processes: Materials overview; Manufacturing processes
- Characteristics and properties
- Applications
- Future trends
- References
Advanced engineered wood composites for use in civil engineering
H J Dagher, University of Maine, USA
- Introduction: Enabling advances in science and engineering; AEWC significance
- Characteristics and properties: Lessons from the past: compatibility and durability; FRP versatility can overcome compatibility and durability problems; Examples of mechanical properties improvements
- Applications: FRP-glulams; FRP-reinforced wood-plastic composites; FRO-reinforced sheathing panels
- Conclusions
- References
Sustainable materials for the built environment
J Harrison, TecEco Pty Ltd, Australia
- Introduction: Major themes; Theme statement
- The current situation
- Sustainability
- The earth’s natural systems: Carbon and oxygen flows; Biomimicry
- The impact of current technology: Impacts; Combined impacts
- Managing change: The need for change; Getting over barriers; The economics of change towards sustainability; Drivers for change; The process of change
- Reducing the environmental impact of technology: Managing waste efficiently
- Sustainable materials for the built environment: Lighter weight materials; Embodied energies and emissions; Lifetime energies; Heat-absorbing or releasing materials; Using waste in new materials; Healthy materials; Using recycled materials; More durable materials; Recycled materials
- Creating more sustainable production: eco-cements: Sequestration processes; The practicalities of sequestration; Other sustainable binders
- Making sustainability profitable: Entrepreneurs and innovation; The role of government; The role of professionals
- Conclusion
- Appendix: suggested policies for governments for a sustainable built environment
- References
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Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures has been a significant problem for many state and transportation agencies since the application of deicing salts was introduced. Much research has been conducted to develop corrosion protection systems that can prolong the life span of reinforced concrete structures. CDOT has several routine and experimental measures to prevent corrosion of the rebar including epoxy-coated rebar, calcium nitrite admixture, organic corrosion inhibitors, a thick cover of quality concrete, and a waterproofing membrane covered by an asphalt overlay.
An extensive literature review was performed to collect information on various corrosion protection systems that have been used in the U.S. and around the world. Current CDOT practices in terms of corrosion protection measures were reviewed. A draft inspection plan for Colorado’s bridge structures was proposed. This plan could be further refined in the future to evaluate the performance of routine measures and experimental measures for corrosion protection. Field inspections were conducted for two sets of bridges (total of 16 bridges). One set is for evaluating the corrosion damage in some bridges in the TREX project (a major ongoing highway project in the Denver area), and the other set is for the inspection of various corrosion protection systems that have been used in Colorado. The seven TREX bridges inspected in this project used three corrosion protection methods: epoxy-coated rebar, asphalt overlay, and membranes. Corrosion of steel and corrosion-induced damage in concrete occurred in all bridges except the Dry Creek Bridge, which is relatively new. The degree of corrosion is quite high. Nine other bridges with different corrosion protection systems were inspected to study the effectiveness of these protection methods.
Based on the inspection results, we can conclude that, in general, corrosion of steel bars in concrete is an existing problem for highway bridges in Colorado. The extent of the problem is quite significant. Among the three most commonly used protection systems (epoxy-coated rebar, corrosion inhibitors, and membranes), the results obtained in the present study are inconclusive for determining which system is better.
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Concrete pavements are in widespread use throughout the world but have been little used for roads in New Zealand. Historically, New Zealand engineers have been constrained to use the cheapest first cost options in developing the national road network in a sparsely populated country and this has discouraged the adoption of concrete.
The New Zealand road network has matured. Traffic densities and hence pavement costs have grown considerably. Economic efficiency in pavement design is still just as vital as ever but achieving it now requires a more sophisticated approach. Instead of simply minimising the first cost, it is also necessary to consider the long-term user and maintenance benefits of the various alternative pavement types available.
The modern concrete pavement has been improved and now provides significant road user benefits as well as the traditionally recognised advantages of great durability and lower maintenance costs.
The Transfund New Zealand Pavement Evaluation Manual is the accepted framework for economic calculation of the merits of road works. This Technical Report provides specific guidelines and commentary on the application of the principles and procedures of the Project Evaluation Manual (incorporating amendment No. 6, 2002), to the problem of calculation of the relative merits of concrete pavements and the competing flexible pavement options.
More publications from Cement and Concrete Association of New Zealand at address:
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Author: Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand | Size: 4.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Cement & Concrete Association of New Zealand | Year: 2004 | pages: 41 | ISBN: 0908956002
The tilt-up construction technique was pioneered in the USA around 1908 but it was not until the late 1950’s that it was practiced in New Zealand. The concept was mainly confined to flat panels in commercial buildings where aesthetics was not of importance, however, in more recent times, universally, the growth of tilt-up has run parallel with the developments in architectural tilt-up. The system now offers designers a diversity of aesthetically pleasing structures at economic advantage compared to other building systems.
Use of the term tilt-up is sometimes restricted to wall panels cast on a horizontal surface and requiring only to be tilted into their final location. However many of the principles applying to this equally apply to the broader concept of site precasting of columns, beams and plane frames, which after being cast horizontally are lifted by crane and moved to their final location. Thus, although this manual is written around the construction of tilt-up wall panels, it does have a wider application.
Where tilt-up and off site precasting are being considered as alternative construction methods, the restriction of precast panel size, as dictated by road transport, with the consequential extra joints and panel numbers may lead to increased erection and finishing cost compared to tilt-up. However, where high quality architectural finishes are being considered, this skilled work is easier to achieve in factory type conditions. The ultimate solution in these special requirements may be a combination of off site precast and tilt-up.
As with any precast method of building, the best results using tilt-up are achieved when there is close collaboration from the outset between all members of the design and construction team. To foster such an approach, this manual covers all aspects of tilt-up construction from planning through to finishing.
Safety aspects during lifting and temporary propping are matters of concern to authorities. Handling large panels can be done safely provided that simple rules on equipment and procedures are followed. This aspect is also covered in this manual
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