Author: Don Bokmiller, Simon Whitbread, Joel Londenberg | Size: 31 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Sybex | Year: 2011 | pages: 648 | ISBN: 1118066812
This perfectly paced Autodesk Official Training Guide covers all the core concepts and functionality of Revit MEP, Autodesk's hot mechanical, engineering, and plumbing software. Hands-on, real-world tutorials reinforce the detailed discussions on a variety of Revit MEP topics, including interface, project setup and templates, worksharing, as well as such mechanical concerns as building loads and ductwork, such electrical concerns as lighting and communications outlets, and such plumbing concerns as fixtures and water systems.
Serves as the only hands-on reference and tutorial to cover Autodesk Revit MEP in exhaustive detail
Explores the interface and walks you through creating and using project templates
Devotes extensive coverage to each aspect of Revit MEP: mechanical, electrical, and plumbing
Includes chapters on solid modeling, creating symbols, using parameters, creating equipment, and more
Shares tips, tricks, and real-world exercises that only professionals who use the software every day can provide
To strengthen the learning experience, readers can download before-and-after tutorial files from the supporting web site so they can jump into any tutorial and immediately compare their work to that of the professionals.
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Well Testing Project Management (Onshore and Offshore Operations) >> By Paul J. Nardone
Author: Paul J. Nardone | Size: 3.11 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing | Year: August 7, 2009 | pages: 358 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1856176002 ; ISBN-13: 978-1856176002
Well test planning is one of the most important phrases in the life cycle of a well, if done improperly it could cost millions. Now there is a reference to ensure you get it right the first time. Written by a Consultant Completions & Well Test Engineer with decades of experience, Well Test Planning and Operations provides a road map to guide the reader through the maze of governmental regulations, industry codes, local standards and practices. This book describes how to plan a fit-for-purpose and fault free well test, and to produce the documents required for regulatory compliance. Given the level of activity in the oil and gas industry and the shortage of experienced personnel, this book will appeal to many specialists sitting in drilling, completion or exploration departments around the world who find themselves in the business of planning a well test, and yet who may lack expertise in that specialty. Nardone provides a roadmap to guide the planner through this complex subject, showing how to write the necessary documentation and to coordinate the many different tasks and activities, which constitute well test planning. Taking the reader from the basis for design through the well Test program to well test reports and finally to the all-important learning to ensure continuous improvement.
Identification and prioritization of well test objectives
Confirmation of well test requirements
Preparation of detailed well test programs
Selection and qualification of test equipment
Onsite (onshore and offshore) engineering support and test supervision
Detailed well test interpretation
Definition of Extended Well Test (EWT) requirements
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Civil Engineering Project Management 4Ed. >> Alan C. Twort , J Gordon Rees
Author: Alan C. Twort , J Gordon Rees | Size: 3.59 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann; 4 edition | Year: 30 April 2003 | pages: 294 | ISBN: 0750657316
Reviews of previous editions:
"It is an excellent guide to the engineer going on site for the first time and as such I can recommend it" - Municipal Engineering
"Can be recommended to any young civil engineer" - The Professional Engineer
"The book is lucidly written and readable" - Journal of the Institution of Highway Engineers
Product Description
This new edition of Civil Engineering: Supervision and Management updates and revises the best practical guide for on-site engineers. Written from the point of view of the project engineer it details their responsibilities, powers and duties.
The book has been fully updated to reflect the latest changes to management practice and new forms of contract. As a practical guide to on-site project management the book is invaluable to practicing engineers.
* Practical guide for the on-site engineer
* Written in line with the ICE qualification exam guidelines
* Revised and updated for the latest forms of contracts
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To learn to program is to be initiated into an entirely new way of thinking about engineering, mathematics, and the world in general. Computation is integral to all modern engineering disciplines, so the better you are at programming, the better you will be in your chosen field. The author departs radically from the typical presentation by teaching concepts and techniques in a rigorous manner rather than listing how to use libraries and functions. He presents pointers in the very first chapter as part of the development of a computational model that facilitates an ab initio presentation of subjects such as function calls, call-by-reference, arrays, the stack, and the heap. The model also allows students to practice the essential skill of memory manipulation throughout the entire course rather than just at the end. As a result, this textbook goes further than is typical for a one-semester course -- abstract data types and linked lists, for example, are covered in depth. The computational model will also serve students in their adventures with programming beyond the course: instead of falling back on rules, they can think through the model to decide how a new programming concept fits with what they already know. The book is appropriate for undergraduate students of engineering and computer science, and graduate students of other disciplines. It contains many exercises integrated into the main text, and the author has made the source code available online.
"This book builds a well-defined computation model that allows concepts that are important in technical and scientific applications -- like pointers, arrays and recursion -- to be gradually and rigorously introduced. The languages covered by the book, C and MATLAB, are highly relevant to engineering applications. Clarity of exposition, numerous well-chosen examples, pedagogical savvy, and logical sequencing of the topics all help the reader's progress through the chapters and make for an enjoyable learning experience. This book prepares one well to deal with advanced programming language constructs and the design of large, complex applications by promoting mastery of the fundamentals, by covering important practical aspects of a programmer's activity, and by instilling good design and implementation habits. It is therefore ideally suited for self-study or as a textbook in an introductory college-level programming course for engineers and similarly technically-minded students." --Fabio Somenzi (University of Colorado at Boulder)
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Advanced Mathematics for Applications >> By Andrea Prosperetti
Author: Andrea Prosperetti, The Johns Hopkins University and University of Twente | Size: 4.21 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS | Year: January 2011 | pages: 744 | ISBN: ISBN:9780521515320
The partial differential equations that govern scalar and vector fields are the very language used to model a variety of phenomena in solid mechanics, fluid flow, acoustics, heat transfer, electromagnetism and many others. A knowledge of the main equations and of the methods for analyzing them is therefore essential to every working physical scientist and engineer. Andrea Prosperetti draws on many years' research experience to produce a guide to a wide variety of methods, ranging from classical Fourier-type series through to the theory of distributions and basic functional analysis. Theorems are stated precisely and their meaning explained, though proofs are mostly only sketched, with comments and examples being given more prominence. The book structure does not require sequential reading: each chapter is self-contained and users can fashion their own path through the material. Topics are first introduced in the context of applications, and later complemented by a more thorough presentation.
Andrea Prosperetti draws on many years' experience at the forefront of research to produce a guide to the mathematical methods needed for classical fields. Each chapter is essentially self-contained, so users can fashion their own path through the material according to their needs.
Andrea Prosperetti is the Charles A. Miller, Jr Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University. He also holds the Berkhoff Chair in the Department of Applied Sciences at the University of Twente in the Netherlands.
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This comprehensive guide to the planning and design of airport terminals and their facilities covers all types of airport terminal found around the world and highlights the environmental and technical issues that the designer has to address. Contemporary examples are critically reviewed through a series of case studies. This new edition covers the most recent examples of high quality, technically advanced designs from the Far East, Europe and North America.
This book will be a source of inspiration and guiding principles for those who design, commission or manage airport buildings.
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Lets say a friend has done many great works using a commercial software like ASNYS-...
also many great conference papers ...
now he would like to submit his new paper to a journal
the paper is about numerical simulations etc .... but for some reasons he does not have a licence of ANSYS software.
do you know a journal publisher that does not ask for a licence key of the software you have used?
Posted by: mladenpr - 10-28-2011, 09:18 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
I need this paper, please.
Publisher Offshore Technology Conference
Document ID 5851-MS
Content Type Conference Paper
Title Forces On Sheltered Pipelines
Authors V. Jacobsen, Danish Hydraulic Inst.
Offshore Technology Conference, 2-5 May 1988, Houston, Texas
ISBN 978-1-61399-081-0
DreamCalc is the leading Scientific Graphing Calculator for Windows that's so realistic it dispenses with the need for a physical hand-held altogether!
Fully featured range of math, scientific, statistical & financial functions. Supports natural fractions, complex numbers, base-n logic, unit conversions and a powerful polynomial solver.
Over 260 functions!
Select from algebraic input or RPN. DreamCalc adapts to your way of working!
With the optional ability to run in your Windows system tray--DreamCalc will always be there whenever you find yourself reaching for a calculator.
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More than just a price book, Spon's Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book 2004 is a comprehensive, work manual that all those in the civil engineering, surveying and construction business will find it hard to work without. It gives costs for both general and civil engineering works and highway works, and shows a full breakdown of labour, plant and material elements. Thoroughly comprehensive and structured to comply with CESMM3, the book includes prices and rates covering everything from beany blocks to well-pointing, from radio masts to coastal defence. In a time when it is essential to gain 'competitive advantage' over the competition in an increasingly congested market, this book provides instant-access cost information and is a one-stop reference containing tables, formulae, technical information and professional advice. Spon's Civil Engineering and Highway Works Price Book 2004 comes with a 'free' CDROM that enables the reader to view the entire book on screen, cut and paste prices into other tender documents, export to other major packages, perform simple calculations, index search, produce estimate and tender documents, adjust rates and data. This complete package now means that Spon's is now better than ever and is a resource that civil engineers, surveyors and the construction industry cannot do without. This 18th edition, in a new easier-to-read format, incorporates: an expansion of both the Civil Engineering Works and Highway Works sections to improve coverage of the two methods of measurement; a detailed review of the Highway Works section to ensure compliance with the latest amendments of the Highways Method of Measurement; Updating of plant resources and allocation to the various tasks throughout the book.
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