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"Axially loaded vertical piles and pile groups in layered soil ".
nternational Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
Volume 15, Issue 7, pages 497–511, July 1991
DOI: 10.1002/nag.1610150704
J. T. Chin, H. G. Poulos,
A numerical method is described for the analysis of axially loaded vertical piles and pile groups embedded in layered soil. The ‘hybrid’ approach is utilized whereby the single-pile response is represented by load-transfer (t–z) curves while the pile–soil–pile interaction is obtained accurately using the analytical solutions of Chan et al. for a two-layered system and in an approximate manner for a Gibson soil. For the single-pile response a simple rational procedure is suggested for the determination of the averaged rm value (radial distance at which the shear stress becomes negligible). Solutions are presented and compared with the elastic continuum solutions for such soil profiles. Finally, comparisons with actual field measurements of vertical piles and pile groups embedded in such a soil profile show favourable agreement.
The Definitive Guide to Designing Reinforced Masonry Structures
Fully updated to the 2009 International Building Code (2009 IBC) and the 2008 Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC-08), Design of Reinforced Masonry Structures, second edition, presents the latest methods for designing strong, safe, and economical structures with reinforced masonry. The book is packed with more than 425 illustrations and a wealth of new, detailed examples.
This state-of-the-art guide features strength design philosophy for reinforced masonry structures based on ASCE 7-05 design loads for wind and seismic design. Written by an internationally acclaimed author, this essential professional tool takes you step-by-step through the art, science, and engineering of reinforced masonry structures.
Masonry units and their applications
Materials of masonry construction
Flexural analysis and design
Walls under gravity and transverse loads
Shear walls
Retaining and subterranean walls
General design and construction considerations
Anchorage to masonry
Design aids and tables
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TitlePrestressed Beam Integral Bridges
AuthorHambly, DrE.C.; Nicholson, B
DateJan 1, 1991
Stock code31999
Abstract Continuous structures are favoured for multispan bridges in order to reduce maintenance problems relating to joints. This publication is intended for practising bridge designers and illustrates a design method for integral and continuous bridge decks using precast prestressed concrete beams.
# Full title: Conceptual structural design: bridging the gap between architects and engineers
# Author(s): Olga Popovic Larsen, Andy Tyas
# Publisher: Thomas Telford 2003
# ISBN-10: 0727732358
# ISBN-13: 9780727732354
# Google Books:
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Author: Walter Isaacson | Size: 6 MB | Format:mobi | Publisher: Simon & Schuster | Year: 2011 | ISBN: 978-1451648539
Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.
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Product Description
This book takes general business accounting and financial principles as well as engineering economics and adapts them to the unique characteristics of the construction industry. It provides all of the key financial management principles needed by construction managers under one cover, addressing how they are applied in the construction industry and how they interact. This book teaches students how to account for the company’s financial resources, how to manage the costs and profits of a construction company, how to manage the company’s cash flows, how to evaluate different sources of funding a company’s cash needs, and how to quantitatively analyze financial decisions.
From the Back Cover
Written to benefit professionals already in the industry and students who are still seeking a degree, Construction Accounting and Financial Management provides the necessary background for construction managers to make key financial decisions.
Focusing on the principles of accounting and financial management required to make construction companies financially sound, the book covers such key topics as determining profitability of projects, projecting cash flow, and projecting costs.
In this new edition, Peterson has updated much of material to make it even more relevant to today’s students. Highlights include:
Key topics include determining profitability, projecting costs and cash flow
Updated average industrial ratios include 10 years of data.
Updated the tax codes throughout the book
All sidebar features now use Excel.
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Author: Edward R. Fisk & Wayne De Reynolds | Size: 16.85 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2009 | pages: 648 | ISBN: 0135000076
Using simple, straightforward language, this text addresses how a successful construction project is managed and administered from design through construction to closeout. With the goal of uniting the key stakeholders (contractors, architects, engineers, etc) and providing them with a workable system for operating as an effective construction team, Construction Project Administration reflects the latest technology, laws and regulations. Topics pertinent to each stage of a project are introduced and discussed as they occur throughout the life of the project. Numerous real-world examples are included.
This edition includes coverage of BIM, the introduction of the 2004 version of CSI Masterformat™ and a complete chapter on electronic project administration. By tracing a construction project from start to finish, Construction Project Administration offers a single source of information for all in the construction industry.
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