This International Standard describes the actions of wind on structures and specifies methods of calculating characteristic values of wind loads for use in designing buildings, towers, chimneys, bridges and other structures, as well as their components and appendages. The loads are suitable for use in conjunction with ISO 2394 and other International Standards concerned with wind loads. In particular, this International Standard facilitates the conversion between peak and mean wind speed methodologies and covers the three main storm types, synoptic winds, thunderstorms and tropical cyclones (hurricanes and typhoons). This International Standard provides the basic methods from which to determine wind loading analytically through the determination of design pressures or orthogonal along-wind and cross-wind forces and moments for structures of simple shape and wind directionality effects, and through wind tunnel or computational determinations of pressure, forces and moments for structures with complex shapes and wind directionality effects resulting in complex combinations of forces and moments. Structures of unusual nature, size or complexity (e.g. tall buildings, long span bridges, large span roofs, guyed masts, offshore and moving structures) typically require a special engineering study; some guidance is given on the limitations of this International Standard in these cases. Two methods of analytical determination of design wind loads are given in this International Standard, one based on a peak velocity and the other on a mean velocity. Both methods can be used when dynamic response effects are important, and where they are not important only the peak-velocity method is used in this International Standard by taking the peak dynamic response factor to be unity. To simplify presentation, the method based on the peak velocity is given in the main body of this International Standard and the method based on the mean velocity is given in a normative Annex A.
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The growth of roller-compacted concrete pavement use in cold climate regions often is impeded by concerns regarding its ability to resist frost attack. Most published laboratory test results have indicated that the frost resistance and particularly the deicer salt-scale resistance of RCC are not always satisfactory. However, long-term field performance indicates that non-air entrainment RCC can be quite resistant to frost action. The report provides a comprehensive review on the current practices and recent developments in material selection and aggregate gradation, mixture design methods, production process and placement techniques. Improved construction techniques and recent developments in mixture design methods have resulted in stronger more durable RCC. Data shows that as little as 1.5% of spherical air bubbles can have a beneficial influence on the frost resistance durability of RCC. Test results indicate that ASTM C 1262 appears to be a reliable method of assessing the frost durability of RCC.
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Building Successful Construction Alliances: Successful Partnering for Construction Firms
Author: Roberto Pietroforte | Size: 1.85 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: E & FN SPON, An Imprint of Chapman & Hall | Year: 7 Nov 1996 | pages: 149 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0419219803 ; ISBN-13: 978-0419219804
1.Product Description
Building International Construction Alliances is the first book to address the challenges of international cooperation between medium-sized construction firms. By presenting a case study of the historical evolution of Fratelli Dioguardi S.p.A. and Beacon Construction Company, and representative projects, Roberto Pietroforte offers the reader an understanding of
* the way successful firms adjust their strategic, organizational and operational settings to the changes in their market environments
* the importance and advantages of international cooperation among medium-sized construction firms
* the necessary analytical background for developing long-term collaboration.
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Key features:
Clear, concise text, supplemented with comprehensive illustrations.Includes references to current Building and Construction Regulations, British and European Standards.
New chapter on Access and Facilities for the Disabled, as applied to industrial and commercial buildings.
Updated information on the aspects of higher energy efficient standards.
Considers construction processes and procedures to include site works, plant and equipment, sub-structures and temporary work, superstructure, demolition, framed buildings, fire protection and means for escape, formwork, pre-stressing, internal components and external works.
New illustrations added and existing illustrations updated to reflect established techniques.
Recommended for students on higher education certificate, diploma and degree courses in all construction and building related programmes of study.
Author info: Roy Chudley was formerly senior lecturer in building technology at Guildford College of Technology. Roger Greeno is a consultant, examiner and established author of many construction papers and publications.
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This book collects the proceedings of the Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2008 conference held in Lyon, France. Contributed papers by over 40 researchers representing the state of the art in parallel CFD and architecture from Asia, Europe, and North America examine major developments in (1) block-structured grid and boundary methods to simulate flows over moving bodies, (2) specific methods for optimization in Aerodynamics Design, (3) innovative parallel algorithms and numerical solvers, such as scalable algebraic multilevel preconditioners and the acceleration of iterative solutions, (4) software frameworks and component architectures for parallelism, (5) large scale computing and parallel efficiencies in the industrial context, (6) lattice Boltzmann and SPH methods, and (7) applications in the environment, biofluids, and nuclear engineering.
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This state of the art report covers the properties of concrete containing CSF in the fresh state, during hardening, and in the hardened state, with the emphasis on durability properties. The review is based on published reports, of which approximately 400 are available, the majority of Norwegian origin and written in Norwegian. Most of the reports contain original laboratory data, some are review articles covering limited topics, and a few are concerned with laboratory investigations of concrete from old structures.
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I am looking for two standards concerning testing of natural stone, as follows:
1. BS EN 12371:2010 Natural stone test methods. Determination of frost resistance
2. BS EN 12372:2006 Natural stone test methods. Determination of flexural strength under concentrated load
If someone of you have one of them or both, please, let's share them with me.
Thanks in advance.
Tests and mechanics model for concrete-filled SHS stub columns, columns and beam-columns
Lin-Hai Han(China), Xiao-Ling Zhao(Australia) and Zhong Tao(China)
Steel & Composite Structures Volume 1, Number 1, March 2001
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Seismic Retrofit of Circular Bridge Columns for Enhanced Flexural Performance
Author(s): Yuk Hon ChaiI, M. J. Nigel Priestley, and Frieder Seible
Publication: ACI Structural Journal
Volume: 88 (1991)
Issue: 5
Pages: 572-584
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Steel Jacket Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength-Part 1: Theoretical Considerations and Test Design
Author(s): M. J. Nigel Priestley, Frieder Seible, Yan Xiao, and Ravindra Verma
Publication: ACI Structural Journal
Volume: 91 (1994)
Issue: 4
Pages: 394-405
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Steel Jacket Retrofitting of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns for Enhanced Shear Strength--Part 2: Test Results and Comparison With Theory
Author(s): M. J. Nigel Priestley, Frieder Seible, Yan Xiao, an dRavindra Verma
Publication: ACI Structural Journal
Volume: 91 (1994)
Issue: 5
Pages: 537-551
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