The interaction phenomenon is very common between different components of a mechanical system. It is a natural phenomenon and is found with the impact force in aircraft landing; the estimation of degree of ripeness of an apple from impact on a beam; the interaction of the magnetic head of a computer disk leading to miniature development of modern computer; etc. Uncertainty in some of them would lead to inaccurate analysis results on the behavior of the structure. The interaction force is difficult to measure unless instruments have been installed during construction for this purpose. Some of the interaction problems are difficult to quantify due to the lack of thorough knowledge on the interaction behavior. Analytical skills are required to estimate the interaction forces of the mechanical system in order to enable advanced developments in different areas of modern technology.
This volume provides a comprehensive treatment on this topic with the vehicle-bridge system for an illustration of the moving load problem. It covers a whole range of topics, including mathematical concepts of the moving load problems with continuous beams and plates, vehicle-bridge interaction dynamics, weigh-in-motion techniques, moving load identification algorithms in the frequency-time domain, in the time domain and in the state space domain, techniques based on the generalized orthogonal function expansion and on the finite element formulation. The methods and algorithms can be implemented for on-line identification of the interaction forces.
This book is intended for structural engineers and advanced students who wish to explore the benefit of interaction phenomenon and techniques for identification of such interaction forces. It is also recommended for researchers and decision makers working on the operation and maintenance of major infrastructures and engineering facilities.
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In the last decade, the number of complex problems facing engineers has increased, and the technical knowledge required to address and mitigate them continues to evolve rapidly. These problems include not only the design of engineering systems with numerous components and subsystems, but also the design, redesign, and interaction of social, political, managerial, commercial, biological, medical, and other systems. These systems are likely to be dynamic and adaptive in nature. Finding creative solutions to such large-scale, unstructured problems requires activities that cut across traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Engineering Mechanics and Design Applications: Transdisciplinary Engineering Fundamentals presents basic engineering mechanics concepts in the context of the engineering design process. It provides non-mechanical engineers with the knowledge needed to understand the mechanical aspects of a project, making it easier to collaborate in transdisciplinary teams.
Combining statics, dynamics, vibrations, and strength of materials in one volume, the book offers a practical reference for engineering design. It begins with an overview of Prevention through Design (PtD), providing a broad understanding of occupational safety and health needs in the design process. It then presents condensed introductions to engineering statics, engineering dynamics, and solid mechanics as well as failure theories and dynamic loadings. Examples of real-life design analysis and applications demonstrate how transdisciplinary engineering knowledge can be applied in practice.
A concise introduction to mechanics and design, the book is suitable for nonengineering students who need to understand the fundamentals of engineering mechanics, as well as for engineering students preparing for the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Professional engineers, researchers, and scientists in non-mechanical engineering disciplines, particularly those collaboratively working on large-scale engineering projects, will also find this a valuable resource.
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The Second Edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook is a must for all those who work with water utility systems. Presented in workbook format and emphasizing practical applications, this Handbook is perfect for hydraulic engineers, technicians, operating personnel, supervisors, managers, consultants, and students.
The exceptionally well-organized chapters include information on pressurized systems and open channel flow, principles of energy and force, flow calculations and measurement, pumps, and pumping applications.
This latest edition of the Practical Hydraulics Handbook includes new exercises at the end of each chapter and detailed solutions to selected exercises. The well-chosen exercises allow readers to practice applications of the theory and to test their knowledge of the material. The solutions provide guidance and problem-solving techniques that can be used both in the field and in the lab. Reference tables are also provided for calculations of friction loss, velocity, pipe fullness, well drawdown, English/metric conversions, power, and metered flow. These tables make calculations easier and minimize the chance for error.
In this new edition of Practical Hydraulics Handbook, all of the major principles and calculations dealing with the hydraulics of water systems are covered, and new and expanded material has been added.
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Author: John Green, Stephen Bullen, Rob Bovey, Michael Alexander | Size: 6.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wrox | Year: March 26, 2007 | pages: 1176 | ISBN: 0470046430, ISBN-13: 978-0470046432
This book is aimed squarely at Excel users who want to harness the power of the VBA language in their Excel applications. At all times, the VBA language is presented in the context of Excel, not just as a general application programming language.
The book is loosely divided into three sections:
* Primer (Chapter 1)
* Working with Specific Objects (Chapters 2-27)
* Object Model References (Appendices A-C)
The Primer has been written for those who are new to VBA programming and the Excel object model. It introduces the VBA language and the features of the language that are common to all VBA applications. It explains the relationship between collections, objects, properties, methods, and events and shows how to relate these concepts to Excel through its object model. It also shows how to use the Visual Basic Editor and its multitude of tools, including how to obtain help.
The middle section of the book takes the key objects in Excel and shows, through many practical examples, how to go about working with those objects. The techniques presented have been developed through the exchange of ideas of many talented Excel VBA programmers over many years and show the best way to gain access to workbooks, worksheets, charts, ranges, and so on. The emphasis is on efficiency—that is, how to write code that is readable and easy to maintain and that runs at maximum speed. In addition, the chapters devoted to accessing external databases detail techniques for accessing data in a range of formats.
The final four chapters of the book address the following advanced issues: linking Excel to the Internet, writing code for international compatibility, programming the Visual Basic Editor, and how to use the functions in the Win32 API (Windows 32-bit Application Programming Interface).
Finally, the appendices are a comprehensive reference to the Excel 2007 object model, as well as the Visual Basic Editor and Office object models. All the objects in the models are presented together with all their properties, methods, and events.
From the Back Cover
Get ready to take your Excel applications to the next level by harnessing the power of the VBA language. This comprehensive resource will help you gain more control over your spreadsheets by using VBA while also showing you how to develop more dynamic Excel applications for other users. From introductory concepts to advanced developer topics, it guides you through every aspect of Excel 2007, including the Ribbon and the XML file formats.
In order to master all of the new features of this program, you'll find an introduction to VBA and details on how to use it to enhance Excel. You'll then learn how to work with the key objects and uncover the best ways to gain access to workbooks, worksheets, charts, and more. And you'll find out how to write code for international compatibility, program the Visual Basic Editor, and use the functions in the Win32 API, which will expand your Excel VBA programming skills.
What you will learn from this book
* How to write code that is readable, easy to maintain, and runs at maximum speed
*Tips for utilizing the Visual Basic® Editor and its multitude of tools
*Techniques for accessing data in a range of formats
* Ways to set up your applications and convert them to add-ins
* How to manipulate the Office XML file formats
* A thorough explanation of RibbonX
* Best practices for managing external data and using OLAP data sources
* Methods for effectively debugging your application
* Tips for packaging and distributing customized applications to other users
Who is this book for?
This book is for Excel users and programmers from beginning to advanced. You should have a reasonable working knowledge of Excel and a full installation of the software.
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Author: Wolfgang F E Preiser (Editor), Jacqueline C Vischer (Editor) | Size: 5.87 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann | Year: December 27, 2004 | pages: 256 | ISBN: 0750661747, ISBN-13: 978-0750661744
"...this timely publication offers a collection of key methods and practical skills necessary to carry out building performance assessment." - MCEER Information Service News, March/April 2005 Book Description
An international perspective of assessing building performance. Foreword
Why have architects talked about the assessment of building performance for so long and yet have been so slow to do anything about it? This question is particularly acute in office design, a topic that many of the chapters in this book address. Conventional office design and space planning are being challenged more and more by the new ways of working that ubiquitous information technology is making attractive and accessible to many clients and users. Old rules of thumb may not be working so well these days but they linger on in many design practices.
Post-occupancy evaluation is certainly considered by many designers and clients to be too time-consuming and expensive. Simply facing up to the reality of having to change may in itself be enough of an obstacle in the lives of busy professionals. Putting oneself in the position of potentially having to admit errors and thus opening the way to blame or even litigation may be a fear that is not even easy to admit.
These are real considerations but there are three deeper explanations all of which are addressed in this excellent book. The first is that both organizations and buildings are highly complex phenomena, not least because they are saturated by values and motives. The changing relationship between them over time makes them even harder to study and explain. Consequently and inevitably assessing building performance pushes the frontiers of social science. The second reason is that architects and designers, and many clients too, suffer from what might be called the curse of the project. Because of the ways in which design professionals, facilities managers and corporate real estate executives are constrained to work, it becomes almost impossible, operationally, day by day, for them to conceive of life as anything more than an unending series of separate, sequentially experienced projects. Generalisations become very hard to make. This quasi psychological, semi pathological condition is aggravated by the third and most fundamental reason for the general failure, so far, to put building performance assessment into common practice: the chronically fragmented and confrontational nature of the construction industry itself and, even worse, of its relationship with its clients. Supply side behaviour has become endemic.
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The new edition of Power System: Analysis & Design provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts of power systems along with tools to aid them in applying these skills to real world situations. Physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to mathematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field
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Author: William Griffel | Size: 81.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Frederick Ungar Pub Co. | Year: January 1968 | pages: 215 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0804443351 ; ISBN-13: 978-0804443357
This book presents a series of tables containing computed data for use in the design of comporlents of structures which can be idealized as llat, circular, rectangular, square, triangular and elliptical plates. A total of 139 tabulated cases with most common, and some not so common' loadings and supports typical of those encountered in design-cover the subject of "Plate Formulas" quite thoroughly. In addition, the book contains a detailed treatment of large deflections of plates which many referonce books ignore completely, although such deflections are frequently met with in practice. This is the case where the deflections are of the order of magnitude of the thickness.
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I have a question about a topic of research I'm doing.
I'm getting silica of rice husks and other wastes as well in my country, but I need to investigate the procedures used to achieve a standard silica from the ash.
I want to get technical information about similar work performed before, some tips, and whatever that can help to make my work, at the forum I found a very useful book, about waste and concrete. I thanks a lot in advance for any useful information, greetings.
I am in need of this excellent book name "Compilation of Analysis of Rates and Estimation Techniques for Civil Works 2010 (In 2 Vol) " by Er. Kollegal K. Meghashyam
Year Of Publication : 2010
Edition : Fourth Revised
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