Posted by: ir_71 - 10-10-2011, 10:42 AM - Forum: General Books
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Universal Design Handbook
Author: Wolfgang Preiser, Korydon H. Smith | Size: 13 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: McGрaw-Hill | Year: 2011 | pages: 496 | ISBN: 0071629238
The Latest Advances in Universal Design
Thoroughly updated and packed with examples of global standards and design solutions, Universal Design Handbook, Second Edition, covers the full scope of universal design, discussing how to develop media, products, buildings, and infrastructure for the widest range of human needs, preferences, and functioning. This pioneering work brings together a rich variety of expertise from around the world to discuss the extraordinary growth and changes in the universal design movement.
The book provides an overview of universal design premises and perspectives, and performance-based design criteria and guidelines. Public and private spaces, products, and technologies are covered, and current and emerging research and teaching are explored. This unique resource includes analyses of historical and contemporary universal design issues from seven different countries, as well as a look at future trends. Students, advocates, policy makers, and design practitioners will get a theoretical grounding in and practical reference on the physical and social roles of design from this definitive volume.
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
U.S. accessibility codes and standards, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Life safety standards and guidelines
Universal design implementations in Norway, Japan, France, Germany, Brazil, Italy and the Old City of Jerusalem
Planning ADA implementation in public educational institutions
Urban scale and mass transportation universal design
Designing inclusive experiences, including outdoor play settings
Office and workspace design
Universal design in home building and remodeling
Products and technologies, including autos, web access, media, and digital content
Universal design research initiatives, education, and performance assessments
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Modern Construction Economics - Theory and Application
Author: Gerard De Valence | Size: 3.6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 2010 | pages: 232 | ISBN: 0415397065
Traditional building economics has primarily been concerned with issues around project appraisal and cost management techniques. On the other hand, modern construction economics has a wider focus with stronger links to mainstream economics, reflecting an increased interest in a range of theoretical issues in construction economics, both at the macro and micro level. In Modern Construction Economics: Theory and Application, a variety of approaches are used to present a coherent vision of synthesis between industry economics and project economics.
Topics covered include:
- developing construction economics as idustry economics
- competition and barriers to entry in construction
- innovation in construction
- theory testing in construction management research
- collusion and corruption in the construction sector.
Including contributions from academics in the UK, Sweden, Hong Kong, and Australia, this is a truly global review of a core issue for the construction industry worldwide. The result is a unique book that will push toward the development of a comprehensive theoretical framework of construction economics. This is a must-read for all serious students of construction economics, and all practitioners looking for a deeper understanding of their industry.
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Production of Portland cement is responsible for about seven percent of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. The pressure to make the production of concrete more sustainable, or "greener", is considerable and increasing. This requires a wholesale shift in processes, materials and methods in the concrete industry. Pure Portland cement will need to be replaced by more complex binary, tertiary or even quaternary binders, including other types of cementitious materials. We can expect an increasing use of high performance concrete, primarily because of its high sustainability and durability. Much more attention will have to be paid to the proper curing of the concrete if we want to improve its life expectancy.
Presenting the latest advances in the science of concrete this book focuses particularly on sustainability, durability, and economy. It explores the potential for increased sustainability in concrete from the initial mixing right through to its behavior in complex structures exposed to different types of loads and aggressive environments.
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Posted by: krasheed - 10-10-2011, 07:17 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi everybody
I am looking for Ministry of Works Bahrain specific Requirements for the design and design checking of bridge structures. Please help me in finding these!
"This book has become a trusted resource for students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. Not only does it take you through the steps and stages of thesis writing, but more importantly, it offers rich advice and support that helps build confidence, sets up effective writing habits and generates a positive orientation towards the complex task of thesis writing."
Professor Sarah Moore, Associate Vice President Academic, University of Limerick, Ireland
"I've found Rowena's shrewd and insightful suggestions for writing helpful, not only for others but also for me."
Peter Elbow, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
"This book is a brilliant resource for all doctoral students to help guide them through the completion of their doctoral thesis. The book develops students’ confidence and motivates them to start the writing process."
Emma Jackson,Second Year PhD Student, University of Worcester, UK
Providing down-to-earth guidance to help students shape their theses, Rowena Murray offers valuable advice and practical tips and techniques. Useful summaries and checklists help students to stay on track or regain their way.
Moving beyond the basics of thesis writing, the book introduces practical writing techniques such as freewriting, generative writing and binge writing. Issues such as working out the criteria for your thesis, writer's block, writing a literature review and making notes into a draft are also covered.
New to this edition:
New introduction by students - 'How I used this book'
Update on doctoral skills set and Training Needs Analysis
Extended treatment of plagiarism - and how to avoid it
Expanded section on students' well-being
Learning outcomes for each chapter
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This international journal is indispensable reading for engineers working in the field of marine and coastal technology. Combining practical application with modern technological and scientific achievements, it publishes fundamental studies as well as case histories on the following aspects of coastal, harbour and offshore engineering: studies on waves and currents; coastal morphology; estuary hydraulics; harbour and offshore structures. Mathematical and physical models as well as constructional aspects and environmental problems relating to these items are also included. Each publication should have as a minimum one paragraph stressing practical engineering applications.
1.Morphological changes of the Haringvliet estuary after closure in 1970
Pages 191-203
I.E Tönis, J.M.T Stam, J van de Graaf
2.Simplified higher-order Boussinesq equations: I. Linear simplifications
Pages 205-229
Andrew B. Kennedy, James T. Kirby, Mauricio F. Gobbi
3.Limiting criteria of permanent progressive waves
Pages 231-237
Samir Abohadima, Masahiko Isobe
4.Linear waves propagating over a rapidly varying finite porous bed
Pages 239-260
Rodolfo Silva, Paulo Salles, Arturo Palacio
5.Polynomial approximations for Fresnel integrals in diffraction analysis
Pages 261-266
Michael E McCormick, David R.B Kraemer
6.Comments on “Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a beach in the southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis” [Coast. Eng. 43 (2001) 41–58]
Pages 267-269
D.E Reeve
7.Reply to the comments on “Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a beach in the southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis” [Coast. Eng. 43 (2001) 41–58]
Pages 271-272
G Róz̊yński
8.Reply to reply to comments on “Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a beach in the southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis” [Coast. Eng. 43 (2001) 41–58]
Pages 273-274
D.E. Reeve
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Author: Gerald J. Alred, Charles T. Brusaw, Walter E. Oliu | Size: 6.8 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Bedford/St. Martin's | Year: 2008 | pages: 624 | ISBN: 0312477074
More than just a guide, the Handbook of Technical Writing places writing in a real-world context with quick access to hundreds of technical writing topics and scores of sample documents and visuals. Its dedicated author team — with decades of combined academic and professional experience — has created a comprehensive reference tool for students and professionals alike.
Always anticipating the needs of today’s writers, the ninth edition includes expanded coverage of audience and context, and reflects the impact that e-mail and technology have had on workplace communication. An integrated companion Web site works together with the text to offer expanded online resources with the same clarity and depth of instruction.
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The fourth edition of Introduction to Building continues the authoritative overview of the many design and practical considerations associated with the creation and maintenance of buildings. It has been updated to include current legislation and new government guidelines. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the various aspects of building and development from initial planning and design through contract procurement to construction. With regard to maintenance and repair of existing buildings, traditional construction procedures are retained from the previous editions.
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Technical Manual for the Design and Construction of Roofs of Stainless Steel Sheet
Size: 4.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Japan Stainless Steel Association | Year: 1985 | pages: 110
Stainless steel is a metal having good corrosion resistance and durability, and a pleasing appearance. It is also commonly considered to be a necessary building material in modern architecture. Recently, various new stainless steel applications have been developed utilizing its outstanding features in constructing high-quality, multi-storied buildings. Demand for roofing stainless steel (mainly resin-coated stainless steel sheet), which was developed as a roofing material for housing, gyms, factories, and warehouses, has increased remarkably. The average annual increase in demand for roofing stainless steel has been more than 25 per cent for several years. Resin-coated stainless steel sheet, bake-finished with highquality organic paint on the surface of the rust-resistant stainless steel, has good corrosion resistance and durability, and can be used semi-permanently with almost no maintenance. Since roofing materials are exposed to rigorous natural and corrosive conditions for long periods, it can be said that pre-coated stainless steel sheet is the ideal roofing material. Pre-coated stainless steel sheet is still virtually unknown to the general public, however, and even architects and roofing workers do not sufficiently understand its characteristics, processing methods or structural roofing techniques.
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