BetterWMF solves AutoCAD problems related to copying and pasting drawings into other software packages like Microsoft Word.
If you have ever tried to insert an AutoCAD picture into for example a Microsoft Office document you may have noticed several problems: To start with, you will get unwanted borders. The resulting size of a picture is the same as the graphics area of the AutoCAD window at the time of creation, rather than matching the selected objects.
This usually means that pictures copied from AutoCAD to other Windows applications will have a large blank area to the top or right.
Also when you print the document with the picture you will notice that all lines will become equally (very) thin.
Finally you will have discovered that it is very difficult to size your picture to an accurate scale.
For each of these problems individual, clumsy workarounds are possible, with varying degrees of success. The real solution is BetterWMF.
With BetterWMF no workaround is necessary: Just load an ARX inside AutoCAD or run Bclipbrd.exe outside AutoCAD and any picture you cut and paste from AutoCAD to another program will be improved on-the-fly.
The resulting picture will be exactly the size of your selected entities. Using the options you can modify the picture in several other ways. For example, you can turn the picture into black-and-white, assign width to the lines based on their color or set a fixed size for the picture as it will appear in other programs. Besides pasting the improved picture immediately into another application, you can also save it for later use.
BetterWMF 4.02 - For AutoCAD R14-2006
BetterWMF 2010 (6.00) - For AutoCAD 2007 up to 2012 and all AutoCAD LT versions
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Rar file contains both versions of software + Names + serials
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Since the late 1960s the cities of the United Arab Emirates have experienced unprecedented development and accelerated construction. Viewed in the context of the specific environment and cultural fabric of this desert region in Arabia, the coming of modern architecture has been coupled with extensive cultivation projects implemented in an originally barren landscape. Simultaneously, the cities have also remained true to their heritage and recognized the importance of their vernacular architecture and, in a fascinating contrast to the rapid modernization, today there are also many reconstruction and heritage projects underway.
Recognizing the need for a publication that discusses this architectural antithesis, The Architecture of the United Arab Emirates includes contributions by architectural professionals and specialists who have witnessed this firsthand. Dr Damluji has selected articles which fall into two sections: modern architecture – which questions the form of new cities, the contribution of international architectural practice and the state of modern Islamic architecture; and vernacular architecture – which discusses architectural surveys carried out and conservation and heritage projects throughout the UAE. The book concludes with discussions of the ongoing reconstruction of traditional buildings, regeneration schemes, and the implications and reality of the reestablishment of traditions and heritage on the modern urban fabric and architectural thought. In selecting these particular articles Dr Damluji is at pains to stress how the UAE, despite moving rapidly into the future, needs to acknowledge the architecture of its own environment.
Damluji, Salma Samar
Salma Samar Damluji, AA. Dipl. Ph.D. (RCA) is an architect and specialist in Islamic and vernacular architecture of Arab countries. After studying at both the Architectural Association School of Architecture and the Royal College of Art, London, Dr Damluji also taught at the Royal College of Art as both a Research Fellow and then a Tutor, and later at the Architectural Association School of Architecture. She has also curated exhibitions to accompany publications of her books, ‘Morocco Zillïj’ RCA, 1992; ‘Cities on the Edge’, RIBA, 1997 and ‘The Architecture of Oman’, RIBA, 1998.
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Macmillan, 1909. Hardcover. Book Condition: Poor. 1st Edition. First edition, 1909. Maroon boards with attractive gilt decoration and titles. Corners bumped. Front board half-detached from spine. Front hinge starting but secure. Title page corner trimmed. Once in the Swann Reference Library of the Wimbledon School of Art, whose attractive blind stamp adorns the dedication page.
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Covering all aspects of structural health monitoring, this encyclopedia will prove an essential reference source for all engineers, engineering managers and scientists active in the field of structural design, operational management and maintenance.
An international board of expert authors and editors provides readers with the theories and applications crucial to aerospace; road, rail and sea transport; heavy machinery; and all types of civil infrastructure, including specialist subjects such as land fills or disaster (i.e. earthquake) management. Moreover, each topic, ranging from the background of physical and mathematical principles to real practical engineering applications, is reported on in-depth and has a very practical orientation underlined by a variety of case studies.
With its thorough content, high calibre contributors and comprehensive coverage, the Encyclopedia of Structural health Monitoring will be crucial to all those involved in the field of Structural Health Monitoring. For ease-of-use it will be available online and in print.
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Complicated problems in nonlinear mechanics pose a challenge - many cannot be solved with existing closed-form methods. You would probably like easier methods for obtaining analytical and numerically exact solutions for finite elements, updated or total Lagrangian formulation, and arc-length methods of nonlinear elastic problem solving. Nonlinear Mechanics, Second Edition gives you what you want - convenient methods of analysis and valuable data for comparison.
This is the only book to offer a comprehensive treatment of structural components with variable thickness and a variable modulus of elasticity. It is also the only one to cover closed-form solutions for the dynamic and inelastic analysis of members and plates that are subjected to small and large deformations by including axial and vertical restraints. The author uses exact and approximate solutions for static, dynamic, and inelastic analysis. It also discusses aspects of nonlinear vibration of elastically supported beams, nonlinear response of nonuniform rotor blades, and a new concept of airfoil design.
With more than 30% updated and new material, this edition is revised and reorganized to meet the needs of both academia and industry. Easy-to-follow equation derivations, example problems, step-by-step procedures, and iterative approaches create a thorough reference that fills present needs and equips you for the challenges of the future.
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Response Surface Method for Time Variant Reliability Analysis
Author: T. Jun Yen Yao and K Wen | Size: 2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: University of Illinois | Year: 1993 | pages: 115 | ISBN: ISSN00694274
In Civil Engineering the design and analysis of structures is a complex process typically structures are very expensive to build or replace in addition the cost of failure can be very high because people live or work within or travel upon many of the structures designed by civil engineers because of this reliability analysis in civil engineering is very important.
In the reliability area researchers are interested in tools which can reduce computational expense with little reduction in accuracy Response Surface Methodology is such a tool for problems in many areas.
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Five-Story Shear Plane Frame Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis
Comparison between hand calculations based on the theory of structural dynamics and ETABS analysis procedure results
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This book, (Mister M""hMentor Volume II) places emphasis on the ASME Code applications of piping systems for boilers and pressure vessels and for heavy industrial process and utilities engineering. Pipe stess analysis and Code application issues dominate this volume, which deals mostly with stress/stain and mechanics of materials design-and-analysis topics, and, therefore, Volume II is aimed more at the mid- and seniorlevel engineers and technical managers consistent with those types of advanced responsibility. However, Volume II retains the same friendly and personal communication approach used in Volume I. Both volumes are intended to help fill the voids in modem on-the-job personal iraining and technical assistance that have resulted in many firms from corporate staff down-sizing and out-sourcing policiesl hence, the "Me.hMentor" book titles and the fatherly conversational styles in which they are written
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If you get a benefit in any way of this book please remember to support the author buy it.
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This version of the “Hydraulics Calculation Handbook” uses American units of measurements only.
This publication is intended for use by SCHLUMBERGER field personnel. This handbook is designed to be an educational as well as a reference handbook.
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