Author: Gary Sullivan, Stephen Barthorpe, Stephen Robbins | Size: 10.75 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell | Year: August 10, 2010 | pages: 304 | ISBN: 1405151242, ISBN-13: 978-1405151245
Every major industry except construction uses logistics to improve its bottom line…
Poor logistics is costing the construction industry at least £3 billion a year according to a report – ‘Improving Construction Logistics’ – published by the Strategic Forum for Construction. Additional costs arise as a result of operatives waiting for materials, and skilled craftsmen being used for unskilled jobs. Inadequate management of logistics also has an adverse effect on quality, causes delays to projects, and adds to the health and safety risks on site.
This practical book highlights the benefits of good logistics as well as the use of consolidation centres on projects. It shows how reduction in transport movements, less money tied up in stock, less waste, and the more efficient use of skilled craftsmen will reduce the cost of projects, reduce construction time, improve quality, reduce risks to health and safety, improve environmental performance and generally improve the image of the industry.
The authors offer practical ways of achieving these benefits through integrated project teams and supply chains and the increased adoption of information technology including electronic communications, bar coding, and electronic tagging for tracing products. They also show how specific roles for each part of the industry can help to improve logistics.
• Practical, clear and accessible
• First book to address logistics in construction
• Written by the industry-recognized logistics experts
• Tackles issues of key concern: efficient use of labour; sustainability; waste and supply chain management
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This European Standard specifies the characteristics and performance of gypsum blocks with smooth faces for which the main intended uses are construction of non-load bearing partitions or independent wall linings and the fire protection of columns, lift shafts, shafts for services, etc. Gypsum blocks are not used to build ceilings.
It covers the following performance characteristics related to the essential requirements:
- reaction to fire;
- resistance to fire;
- direct airborne sound insulation;
- release of dangerous substances;
to be measured according to the corresponding European test methods, as well as:
- thermal resistance
to be calculated from the thermal conductivity values given in 4.3.2.
It describes the reference tests for technical specifications.
This European Standard covers also additional technical characteristics that are of importance for the use and
acceptance of the product by the construction industry:
- convenience classes for density;
- convenience classes for pH.
It provides for the evaluation of conformity of the product to this European Standard. This European Standard does not cover gypsum blocks of thickness less than 50 mm or gypsum storey height units.
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Author: Shigeo TAKAHASHI | Size: 6 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: PORT and AIRPORT RESEARCH INSTITUTE | Year: 2002 | pages: 110
Breakwaters are constructed to provide a calm basin for ships and to protect harbor facilities. They are also sometimes used to protect the port area from the intrusion of littoral drift. In fact, for ports open to rough seas, breakwaters play a key role in port operations. Since sea waves have enormous power, the construction of structures to mitigate such power is not easily accomplished. The history of breakwaters, therefore, can be said to be one of much damage and many failures. On the other hand, maritime technology has progressed a great deal, especially since 1945, and this has gradually made it possible to construct breakwaters having high stability against waves. There are two main types of breakwaters: rubble mound and composite breakwaters. Rubble mound breakwaters have a rubble mound and an armor layer that usually consists of shape designed concrete blocks. Due to the development of these blocks, modern-day rubble mound breakwaters can strongly resist the destructive power of waves, even in deepwaters. Composite breakwaters consist of a rubble foundation and vertical wall, and are therefore classified as vertical breakwaters. By using caissons as the vertical wall, composite breakwaters provide an extremely stable structure even in rough, deep seas. Such strength has led to their use throughout the world. In this book, different types of breakwaters are introduced and their historical development is described in order to understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of breakwater. The failures of breakwaters are then discussed to demonstrate crucial points in their stability design. Finally, the design methods used for vertical are explained including a new design concept of performance design for vertical breakwaters. Since the design methodology for rubble mound breakwaters has been addressed in many textbooks, the design of vertical breakwaters will be concentrated on here.
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Numerical Simulations of Physical and Engineering Process is an edited book divided into two parts. Part I devoted to Physical Processes contains 14 chapters, whereas Part II titled Engineering Processes has 13 contributions. The book handles the recent research devoted to numerical simulations of physical and engineering systems. It can be treated as a bridge linking various numerical approaches of two closely inter-related branches of science, i.e. physics and engineering. Since the numerical simulations play a key role in both theoretical and application oriented research, professional reference books are highly needed by pure research scientists, applied mathematicians, engineers as well post-graduate students. In other words, it is expected that the book will serve as an effective tool in training the mentioned groups of researchers and beyond.
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This book provides an introduction to HCI and usability aspects of Geographical Information Systems and Science. Its aim is to introduce the principles of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); to discuss the special usability aspects of GIS which designers and developers need to take into account when developing such systems; and to offer a set of tried and tested frameworks, matrices and techniques that can be used within GIS projects.
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Computational Methods And Experiments In Materials Characterisation II
Author: C. A. Brebbia (Author, Editor), A. A. Mammoli (Author, Editor) | Size: 13.9 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WIT Press / Computational Mechanics | Year: 2005 | pages: 368 | ISBN: 1845640314 & 9781845640316
Product Description:
This volume contains most of the papers presented at the 12th International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements (CMEM) held in Malta in 2005. These biannual conferences provide a forum to review the latest work on the interaction between computational methods and experimental measurements. New types of experiments allowing for more reliable interpretation of physical systems, result in a better virtual representation of reality. Experimental results are themselves increasingly dependent on specialised computer codes. It is only through the harmonious progressive development of the experimental and computational fields that engineering sciences will be able to progress. This volume contains over 80 papers grouped in the following sections. Computational and analytical methods; Experimental and computational analysis; Direct, indirect and in-situ measurements; Particle methods; Structural and stress analysis; Structural dynamics; Dynamics and vibrations; Electrical and electromagnetic applications; Bioengineering applications; Heat transfer; Thermal processes and Fluid flow.
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Development of brownfield land can address shortfalls in the availability of land for housing and other buildings, but these sites present a range of problems that must be overcome in any successful development.
Land, Development and Design addresses all of the issues in the context of the reuse of urban land, providing a solid, readable overview of the principles and practice of the regeneration of brownfield sites. Divided into four parts, covering the development process and planning policies; site assessment, risk analysis and remediation of contaminated land; development issues and finally design issues, the principal focus of the book is on the reuse of urban land. It includes a full discussion of contaminated land, so that readers are aware of the issues and options available to resolve this problem.
Land, Development and Design has been extensively revised since its first edition and provides final year undergraduate and postgraduate students of both planning and surveying, as well as professional planners, surveyors and developers, a solid and readable overview of the principles and practice of regeneration of the built environment.
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Dear Follows Members,
I am llloking for a book on Random Data analysis from Wiley and would be really appreciated that you can share it with us. The book details are as follows:
Quote:Title: Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, 4th Edition
Author: Julius S. Bendat, Allan G. Piersol
ISBN: 978-1-1182-1082-6
EPUB E-Book 640 pages
September 2011
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This handbook introduces engineers, project and construction managers, and senior technicians to a methodology for the management of quality on a process plant construction site.
The eleven chapters of the handbook define the roles and appellations of the parties involved in a project as well as outlining the fundamental strategic and contractual orientations to be decided. The ISO 9000 series of standards are examined within the context of the process plant construction site. A study is then made of the roles of the organizations involved and of the interfaces between them. Special attention is given to document and materiel control, followed by a review of the various monitoring and feedback systems to keep the project on track moving towards the ultimate goal of satisfactory construction completion leading to turnover. Model procedures are proposed, complete with forms attached, and a number of case studies are included to illustrate the practical application of the principles presented.
Process Plant Construction: a handbook for quality management is completed by appendices covering Civil Works & Buildings, Mechanical Equipment, HVAC, Welding, Structural Steelwork, Piping, Electrical Installation, Instrumentation & Control, Painting, and Thermal Insulation. Each appendix, aimed at the non-specialist, presents briefly for the discipline concerned the nature of the works likely to be met on site, evokes the parties involved and highlights quality issues to be addressed. Typical inspection and test programs are outlined.
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Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction
Author: Barry S. Onouye and Kevin Kane | Size: 37 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall | Year: 2011 | pages: 620 | ISBN: 013507925X
Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction, Fourth Edition, offers students an accessible, visually oriented introduction to structural theory that doesn't rely on calculus. Instead, illustrations and examples of building frameworks and components enable students to better visualize the connection between theoretical concepts and the experiential nature of real buildings and materials. This new edition includes fully worked examples in each chapter, a companion website with extra practice problems, and expanded treatment of load tracing.
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