Author: PETER A. CUNDALL and ROGER D. HART | Size: 1.00 MB MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: ENGINEERING COMPUTATIONS | Year: 1992 | pages: 13
Discrete element methods are numerical procedures for simulating the complete behaviour of systems of discrete, interacting bodies.
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A reviewof techniques, advances and outstanding issues in numerical modelling for rock mechanics and rock engineering
Author: L. Jing | Size: 1.74 MB MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences | Year: 2003 | pages: 71
The purpose of this reviewpaper is to present the techniques, advances, problems and likely future developments in numerical modelling for rock mechanics
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Green Roof Systems goes beyond the fashionable green roof movement and provides solid information on building accessible space, often as important public space, over structure. It offers brief coverage of the entire process, including planning and collaboration, and focuses on the technical aspects of these roof systems, their components, and their applications.
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Since the early 1980s, researchers and practitioners in the organisational and management fields have presumed a link between organisational, or corporate, culture and organisational performance. Whilst many believe this exists, other authors have been critical of the validity of such studies. Part of this doubt stems from a reliance on measures of organisational performance that are based purely on financial measures of business growth.
Using the construction industry as the subject of his research, Vaughan Coffey traces the development of the literature on organisational culture and business effectiveness and investigates the culture-performance link using a new and highly objective measure of company performance and an evaluation of organisational culture, which is largely behaviourally-based. Providing a theoretical contribution to the field, this work shows that various cultural traits appear to be closely linked to objectively measured organisational effectiveness.
This book will be valuable to professionals and researchers in the fields of management and public policy. It indicates directions for construction companies to develop and change, and in doing so strengthen their chances of remaining strong when opportunities for work might deplete and only the most successful companies will be able to survive.
'...a timely and welcome contribution to the drive for better understanding of culture in construction and its importance for management of both firms and projects.' - Construction Management and Economics
About the Author
Vaughan Coffey is Lecturer in Construction and Project Management in the School of Urban Development at Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and was formerly a senior manager in the Construction and Development Division of the Hong Kong Housing Department, with special interests in organisational culture, construction quality issues and performance monitoring.
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A comprehensive account of the existing practical and theoretical knowledge of the origin, development, prevention and mitigation of dust explosions in the process industries. It offers an up to date evaluation of prevalent activities, testing methods,
design measures and safe operating techniques in a detailed and comprehensive critique of all the significant phases relating to the hazard and control of a dust explosion. An invaluable reference work for industry, safety consultants and students.
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SPON'S MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES PRICE BOOK continues to be the most comprehensive and best annual services engineering price book currently available, providing detailed pricing information across the full range of mechanical and electrical services, together with higher-level costs for a diverse range of systems and different building applications.
This year’s book contains reworked information on energy, and additional engineering design details, plus more design schematics for M&E services. Overall, the market continues to be depressed, but the detailed picture is more complex. Margins are being squeezed heavily but steel and copper prices are robust and labour rates are driven by agreements.
All the standard features you have come to expect from SPON'S MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SERVICES PRICE BOOK are also included, considered essential for today’s services cost professional:
detailed materials prices, labour constants, labour costs and measured work prices for mechanical and electrical works, from above ground drainage to automatic transfer switches, and circuit breakers to sprinkler systems
an extensive Approximate Estimating section for quick, rule-of-thumb pricing of mechanical or electrical installations, together with elemental services costs for different types and standard of buildings
full details of wage rates, daywork and cost indices on a national and Central London basis.
an overhauled index and guidance notes
produce estimate and tender documents
generate priced or unpriced schedules
adjust rates and data and enter rogue items
export schedules into Excel
carry out an index search.
This year, for the first time, the resources include a versatile and powerful ebook.
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Posted by: jojopanez - 10-30-2011, 06:45 AM - Forum: Archive
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Title: Case histories in geotechnical engineering in Hong Kong
organizer: Geotechnical Division, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
IMPRINT Hong Kong : Geotechnical Division, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, c2003.
The first book devoted to the subject of how BIM affects individuals and organizations working within the ever-changing construction industry, BIM and Integrated Design discusses the implementation of building information modeling software as a cultural process with a focus on the technology’s impact and transformative effect—both potentially disruptive and liberating—on the social, psychological, and practical aspects of the workplace.
BIM and Integrated Design answers the questions that BIM poses to the firm that adopts it. Through thorough research and a series of case study interviews with industry leaders—and leaders in the making out from behind the monitor—BIM and Integrated Design helps you learn:
Effective learning strategies for fully understanding BIM software and its use
Key points about integrated design to help you promote the process to owners and your team
How BIM changes not only the technology, process, and delivery but also the leadership playing field
How to become a more effective leader no matter where you find yourself in the organization or on the project team
How the introduction of BIM into the workforce has significant education, recruitment, and training implications
Covering all of the human issues brought about or exacerbated by the advent of BIM into the architecture workplace, profession, and industry, BIM and Integrated Design shows how to overcome real and perceived barriers to its use.
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Presenting cutting-edge research and development within multiscale modeling techniques and frameworks, Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials systematically describes the background, principles and methods within this exciting new & interdisciplinary field.
The author’s approach emphasizes the principles and methods of atomistic simulation and its transition to the nano and sub-micron scale of a continuum, which is technically important for nanotechnology and biotechnology. He also pays close attention to multiscale analysis across the micro/meso/macroscopy of a continuum, which has a broad scope of applications encompassing different disciplines and practices, and is an essential extension of mesomechanics.
Of equal interest to engineers, scientists, academics and students, Multiscale Analysis of Deformation and Failure of Materials is a multidisciplinary text relevant to those working in the areas of materials science, solid and computational mechanics, bioengineering and biomaterials, and aerospace, automotive, civil, and environmental engineering.
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Posted by: jojopanez - 10-30-2011, 03:42 AM - Forum: Archive
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Title: Millennium collection of Hong Kong geotechnical papers 1973-2001 [electronic resource] 1973-2001 /
editor, Albert T. Yeung.
Millennium collection of Hong Kong geotechnical papers 1973-2001 [electronic resource] = 香港岩土工程千禧論文集 1973-2001 / editor, Albert T. Yeung.
IMPRINT Hong Kong : Geotechnical Division, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, c2001.