Journal of Water Research Volume 45 Issue 13
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Industrial desalination of sea and brackish water is becoming an essential part in providing sustainable sources of fresh water for a larger number of communities around the world. Desalination is a main source of fresh water in the Gulf countries, a number of the Caribbean and Mediterranean Islands, and several municipalities in a large number of countries. As the industry expands there is a pressing need to have a clear and well-written textbook that focuses on desalination fundamentals and other industrial aspects.
This book focuses on the processes widely used in industry, which include multistage flash desalination and reverse osmosis. Also, other desalination processes with attractive features and high potential are featured.
It includes a large number of solved examples, which are explained in simple and careful matter that allow the reader to follow and understand the development. The data used in the development of the examples and case studies are extracted from existing desalination plants.
This title also includes comparisons of model predictions against results reported in literature as well as available experimental and industrial data. Several industries include similar unit operation processes, i.e., evaporators, condensers, flashing units, membrane separation, and chemical treatment. Examples of such industries include wastewater treatment, food, petroleum, petrochemical, power generation, and pulp and paper. Process fundamentals and design procedures of such unit processes follow the same procedures given in this textbook.
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Effective Groundwater Model Calibration: With Analysis of Data, Sensitivities, Predictions, and Uncertainty
Author: Mary C. Hill, Claire R. Tiedeman | Size: 6.35 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Year: 2007 | pages: 480 | ISBN: 047177636X and 9780471776369
Product Description:
Methods and guidelines for developing and using mathematical models
Turn to Effective Groundwater Model Calibration for a set of methods and guidelines that can help produce more accurate and transparent mathematical models. The models can represent groundwater flow and transport and other natural and engineered systems. Use this book and its extensive exercises to learn methods to fully exploit the data on hand, maximize the model's potential, and troubleshoot any problems that arise. Use the methods to perform:
Sensitivity analysis to evaluate the information content of data
Data assessment to identify (a) existing measurements that dominate model development and predictions and (b) potential measurements likely to improve the reliability of predictions
Calibration to develop models that are consistent with the data in an optimal manner
Uncertainty evaluation to quantify and communicate errors in simulated results that are often used to make important societal decisions
Most of the methods are based on linear and nonlinear regression theory.
Fourteen guidelines show the reader how to use the methods advantageously in practical situations.
Exercises focus on a groundwater flow system and management problem, enabling readers to apply all the methods presented in the text. The exercises can be completed using the material provided in the book, or as hands-on computer exercises using instructions and files available on the text's accompanying Web site.
Throughout the book, the authors stress the need for valid statistical concepts and easily understood presentation methods required to achieve well-tested, transparent models. Most of the examples and all of the exercises focus on simulating groundwater systems; other examples come from surface-water hydrology and geophysics.
The methods and guidelines in the text are broadly applicable and can be used by students, researchers, and engineers to simulate many kinds systems.
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If some one can provide link or data base of test result of beam faluire having flexture and shear rft. I need to use as reference in my research paper.
EU COST C13 Glass and Interactive Building Envelopes - Final Report
Volume 1 Research in Architectural Engineering Series
Author: M. Crisinel (Author, Editor), M. Eekhout (Author, Editor), M. Haldimann (Author, Editor), R. Visser (Author, Editor) | Size: 9.27 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: IOS Press | Year: February 15, 2007 | pages: 312 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 1586037099 ; ISBN-13: 978-1586037093
The main objective of theCOST Action C13 was to increase the knowledge of properties and possibilities of glazing in order to increase the performance of building envelopes, to reduce the energy consumption and to improve the quality of life with respect to interior space, impact on the environment and human welfare. This collection of papers presented at meetings and workshops of the COST C13 working groups1 (Architectural Aspects and Design Integration), 2 (Quality of Interior Space) and 3 (Structural Aspects of Glass) are the result of 5 years of exchange of ideas, experiences and know-how between members, delegates and experts. It represents the body of knowledge from a restricted but representative group of professionals in Europe on the subject of glass building envelopes. The Steel Structures Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH) and the research group 'Facades & Systems' of the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology (NL) have taken the initiative to publish these COST C13 papers in order to disseminate the knowledge to the world of glass facade professionals and to contribute to the development of a new generation of high-performance glass building envelopes.
IOS Press is an international science, technical and medical publisher of high-quality books for academics, scientists, and professionals in all fields.
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Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Structures
New Directions in Civil Engineering
Author: N. S. Trahair | Size: 27.88 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: E & FN Spon | Year: July 20, 1993 | pages: 382 | ISBN: ISBN-10: 0849377633 ; ISBN-13: 978-0849377631
Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Structures provides an up-to-date, comprehensive treatment of flexural-torsional buckling and demonstrates how to design against this mode of failure. The author first explains the fundamentals of this type of buckling behavior and then summarizes results that will be of use to designers and researchers in either equation or graphical form. This approach makes the book an ideal text/reference for students in structural engineering as well as for practicing civil engineers, structural engineers, and constructional steel researchers and designers.
The book begins by introducing the modern development of the theory of flexural-torsional buckling through discussions on the general concepts of equilibrium, total potential, virtual work, and buckling. It then continues with in-depth coverage of hand methods for solving buckling problems, the analysis of flexural-torsional buckling using the finite element method, and the buckling of different types of structural elements and frames composed of various elastic materials. Other topics addressed include the design and inelastic buckling of steel members. The book's final chapter considers a collection of special topics.
following review helpful:
A great reference, January 15, 2000
This is a must-have reference for researchers and engineers in the field of structural stability. Particular emphasis is made on Flexural Torsional Buckling of planar frames and arches under in-plane loads.
The book is well organized and extremely well written by one of the renowned experts in the field. Extensive summary of benchmarking solutions including recent ones is given in each chapter. I would rate this book at the same level as the distinguished titles: "Theory of Beam-Column (1977)" by Chen and Atsuta, and "Guide to Stability Design Criteria for Metal Structures (5th edition, 1998)" by Galambos.
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Lui, E.M. (1992). “A Novel Approach for K Factor Determination” Engineering Journal, AISC, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 150-159.
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I wonder if you could help me to find these papers too.
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