Have a look at it...may be u find it useful...its for manually creating combos in excel and then importing back to etabs..as it allows the flexibility to create combinations in table format and less chances for errors as compared with that of ETABS unfriendly load combo interface...Report back any bugs or suggestions...thanks
Create the model in ETABS
Atleast make one load combinations..after defining load cases...
Then Use this Sheet
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Dear guys..here is my new sheet..hope u like it
WS Project Management by coolestbliss
This excel sheet is written in VBA with excel. This is based on an idea to manage all the resources and file systems of a project in a presentable good looking form unlike traditional windows explorer file system.
It has following features:-
* It displays all the subfolders and files of project directory.
* You can specifiy file extensions filters to view only those specific files.
* Files can be opened directly in their respective programs right away by clicking on the file name from this sheet.
* You can highlight the cells based on their completion progress in table format.
* All project structure is under one sheet so better to control, you can have more than one workbooks or can make copies of this file for a single project if its on the larger scale for each part separately.
What data input is required from USER?
* Please enable macro when you open this sheet.
* You have to put the names in Green and blue fields exactly as per your directories in the project folder. Initially it looks rough but for the first time you have to do that.
Incase of errors, suggestions, feedback or contact
Please contact me on CIVILEA, my blog mentioned above or throw me an email at [email protected]
Copy rights
I believe in sharing knowledge so you can pass this sheet to your friends, can use it in office for free and it has no limitations or demos. You can even modify or change it and improve its efficiency, but i would love if you inform me too if you have some better ideas.
* If you select something in listbox and then mouse scroll...the sheet will hang..well its a known issue in excel..not specifically in my sheet..im trying to disable it..but i need help..
* In some computers a required dll may not be present in windows/system32 folder...if this is the case..contact me..
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The study of cements, aggregates and the other components of concrete, has developed and grown over the years to the point where it has become a science. However, one process remains difficult to define and quantify - and that is curing.
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I enter the csi website to see whether they published any new learning video or not, saw many new learning video, specially on sap bridge but shocked to see that they are not allowed people to download these as before.
Does anyone know the way of downloading these video or does anyone has latest videos of sap bridge?
Plz help.
Nonlinear static monotonic (pushover) analysis has become a common practice in performance-based bridge seismic design. The popularity of pushover analysis is due to its ability to identify the failure modes and the design limit states of bridge piers and to provide the progressive collapse sequence of damaged bridges when subjected to major earthquakes. Seismic Design Aids for Nonlinear Pushover Analysis of Reinforced Concrete and Steel Bridges fills the need for a complete reference on pushover analysis for practicing engineers. This technical reference covers the pushover analysis of reinforced concrete and steel bridges with confined and unconfined concrete column members of either circular or rectangular cross sections as well as steel members of standard shapes. It provides step-by-step procedures for pushover analysis with various nonlinear member stiffness formulations, including: Finite segment–finite string (FSFS) Finite segment–moment curvature (FSMC) Axial load–moment interaction (PM) Constant moment ratio (CMR) Plastic hinge length (PHL) Ranging from the simplest to the most sophisticated, the methods are suitable for engineers with varying levels of experience in nonlinear structural analysis. The authors also provide a downloadable computer program, INSTRUCT (INelastic STRUCTural Analysis of Reinforced-Concrete and Steel Structures), that allows readers to perform their own pushover analyses. Numerous real-world examples demonstrate the accuracy of analytical prediction by comparing numerical results with full- or large-scale test results. A useful reference for researchers and engineers working in structural engineering, this book also offers an organized collection of nonlinear pushover analysis applications for students.
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Dear All,
herein a video show how to useand apply polyurethan Foam
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I'm looking for the following book:
Fréchet, J., Meghraoui, M., Stucchi, M. (2008). "Historical Seismology: Interdisciplinary Studies of Past and Recent Earthquakes (Modern Approaches in Solid Earth Sciences)". Springer.
Author: Hiroki Yamaguchi | Size: 28 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Asian Institute of Technology | Year: 1992 | pages: 208 | ISBN: 974-8209-16-4
Some quote from preface:
This book stems from the course of Structural Dynamics taught to first -year graduate students in the Division of Structural Engineering & Construction (SEC) at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) during my secondment (1990-1992). While there are several good books on the dynamics of structures, it was understood that there should be some specially arranged text book for the education of AIT students who may have very different back grounds in their academic and working careers. In this textbook the level of mathematics is kept as elementary as the subject matter will reasonably allow. Emphases throughout are not only on basic concepts (or basic principles) and practical procedures but also on physical or engineering interpretations of structural vibrations.
The contents of this book are divided into two parts. The fundamentals of structural dynamics are given in the first four chapters and followed by rather special topics or applications in the rest. That is the theories of random vibrations and nonlinear vibrations are dealt with in Chapters V and VI for showing how to solve the vibration problems induced by earthquake and wind which are the two most common dynamic loads on civil-engineering structures. Chapter VII introduces rather new concept in the structural design, vibration control, and the passive damping control is mainly explained. Some engineering problems are also given in main chapters, which might help the students for their understanding. Solutions and discussions to the problems are presented in Appendix A.
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