Does anyone have access to this paper. It would be of use at least for me.
Best regards.
Testing Using a Large-Scale Cyclic Simple Shear Device Amer, MI
Assistant professor, Cairo University, Cairo,
Aggour, MS
Associate ProfessorMember of ASTM, University of Maryland, College Park,MD
Kovacs, WD
Professor and chairmanMember of ASTM, University of Rhode Island, Kingston,RI
Hey guys,
anybody out there with a pdf-version of this article
"Consistent tangent operators for rate-independent elastoplasticity"
Simo & Hughes (1984)
Dobry,R., Oweis, I. and Urzua, A.,
Simplified procedure for estimating the fundamental period of a soil profile
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol.66, No.4, 1293-1321, 1976.
A.H Hadjian
Fundamental period and mode shape of layered soil profiles
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Volume 22, Issues 9-12, October-December 2002, Pages 885-891
Gazetas G.,
Vibrational Characteristics of Soil Deposits with Variable Wave Velocity
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Vol. 6, pp. 1-20, 1982.
i'm looking for this article: Barnes, M R. (1999), "Form finding and analysis of tension structures by Dynamic Relaxation", Int J of Space Structures, 14, No 2, 89-104.
Author: C. A. Brebbia and M. Maugeri | Size: 10.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: WIT Press | Year: 2011 | pages: 352 | ISBN: 1845645480
Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures VIII contains papers presented at the eighth conference in a biennial series on the subject (ERES) first held in 1996 and organized by the Wessex Institute of Technology. The 2011 meeting was held in Tuscany, a region rich in the type of cultural and architectural heritage that needs to be protected against earthquakes.
Protecting the built environment in earthquake-prone regions involves not only the optimal design and construction of new facilities, but also the upgrading and rehabilitation of existing structures, including historical buildings. The type of highly specialized retrofitting employed to protect Tuscany s heritage, as well as other regions of the world, is an important area of research and appropriate to the conference objective of designing better earthquake resistant buildings. Major earthquakes and associated effects such as tsunamis continue to highlight the need to carry out more research on the topics covered by the conference. The problems will intensify as population pressure results in more buildings in regions of high seismic vulnerability. In order to design earthquake resistant structures, it is necessary to better understand these phenomena.
The Conference addressed these problems and continued to expand on the development of previous meetings in the series. Papers presented at ERES are an invaluable record of the state of the art on the topic.
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Posted by: uzi123 - 11-10-2011, 09:55 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hello everyone, I am uzair. Does any of you have any civil engineering objective type book from which one can prapare for the interviews and employement tests. If anyone has the following books then please upload.
Civil Engineering (O.T.) By Jaya Rami Reddy
Civil Engineering: Through Objective Type Questions by S. P. Gupta
Civil Engineering: Conventional And Objective Type by R. S. Khurmi
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Anyone has the above mentioned standard?
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