[REQUEST] Introductory Digital Signal Processing With Computer Applications
Author: Paul A. Lynn; Wolfgang Fuerst; W. Fuerst | Size: ?? MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc | Year: 1998 | pages: 494 | ISBN: 0471976318, 9780471976318
Introductory Digital Signal Processing with Computer Applications Second Edition Paul A. Lynn formerly: Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK and Wolfgang Fuerst United Nations, New York, USA "An excellent introductory book" (Review of the First Edition in the International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education) ".it will serve as a reference book in this area for a long time" (Review of Revised Edition in Zentralblatt für Mathematik (Germany)) Firmly established over the last decade as the essential introductory Digital Signal Processing (DSP) text, this second edition reflects the growing importance of random digital signals and random DSP in the undergraduate syllabus by including two new chapters. The authors' practical, problem-solving approach to DSP continues in this new material, which is packed up by additional worked examples and computer programs. The book now features:
* fundamentals of digital signals and systems
* time and frequency domain analysis and processing, including digital convolution and the Discrete and Fast Fourier Transforms
* design and practical application of digital filters
* description and processing of random signals, including correlation, filtering, and the detection of signals in noise
A free PC disk, packaged with the book, contains programs in C and equivalent PASCAL. Typical results and graphic plots from all the programs are illustrated and discussed in the main text. The overall approach assumes no prior knowledge of electronics, computing, or DSP. An ideal text for undergraduate students in electrical, electronic and other branches of engineering, computer science, applied mathematics and physics. Practising engineers and scientists will also find this a highly accessible introduction to an increasingly important field.
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Basic Design Wind Load Calculation Procedure for BS is being clearly listed out. Only to be used as an reference material.
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Author: Sven Thelandersson, Hans J. Larsen | Size: 50,4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2003 | pages: 456 | ISBN: ISBN10: 0470844698; ISBN13: 9780470844694
Timber construction is one of the most prevalent methods of constructing buildings in North America and an increasingly significant method of construction in Europe and the rest of the world. Timber Engineering deals not only with the structural aspects of timber construction, structural components, joints and systems based on solid timber and engineered wood products, but also material behavior and properties on a wood element level. Produced by internationally renowned experts in the field, this book represents the state of the art in research on the understanding of the material behavior of solid wood and engineered wood products.
There is no comparable compendium currently available on the topic - the subjects represented include the most recent phenomena of timber engineering and the newest development of practice-related research. Grouped into three different sections, 'Basic properties of wood-based structural elements', 'Design aspects on timber structures' and 'Joints and structural assemblies', this book focuses on key issues in the understanding of:
* timber as a modern engineered construction material with controlled and documented properties;
* the background for design of structural systems based on timber and engineered wood products;
* the background for structural design of joints in structural timber systems.
Furthermore, this invaluable book contains advanced teaching material for all technical schools and universities involved in timber engineering. It also provides an essential resource for timber engineering students and researchers, as well as practicing structural and civil engineers.
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Lately, we have decided to work on the topic “ Go Green “ , Or “ Thinking Green “ – Since it’s the main problem people should recognize, acknowledge and pay attention to, not for them only but also for their upcoming generation.
Points and notes I would like to share about my presentation:
-) Defining the term “ Thinking Green ”.
-) Why should I Go Green; this part will cover disadvantages of not going green.
-) How can I Think Green.
-) What are examples of “ Thinking Green “ – In this section, my focus will deviate towards Green Building, bringing some samples of “ Jotun paints “ since it’s environmentally friendly and widely used in modern countries.
My ideas would be supported by pictures and illustrations, which are simple, transferring as many words into pictures.
What I’m looking for are ideas I could work on, and points of weakness to strengthen them to present a well-informed presentation and this can be done by the knowledge and help “ Civilea Engineer’s “ have.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again,
[REQUEST] Signal Processing Algorithms in MATLAB (Bk/Disk)
Author: Samuel D. Stearns, Ruth A. David | Size: ?? MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; Har/Dskt edition | Year: April 4, 1996 | pages: 400 | ISBN: 0130451541, 9780130451545
MATLAB is the current "hot" language in signal processing. This book/disk package deails the basic algorithms of digital signal processing, and is written around a set of over 50 MATLAB function m-files, each of which is included on the disk. Emphasizes the application, as opposed to the theory of digital signal processing, covering discrete Fourier transforms, spectral analysis, the frequency and time-domain response of linear systems, digital IIR and FIR filtering; fast convolution and correlation algorithms; least-squares design; adaptive signal processing, and statistical parameters. For signal processing engineers.
From the Publisher
This is a text about basic algorithms of digital signal processing written around a set of over 50 Matlab files, each of which is included on enclosed disk. This book emphasizes the application as opposed to the theory of signal processing.
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I need the designs and drawings of mini hydroelectric projects up to capacity of 10 MW for the purpose of intensive study of hydroelectric projects. Please upload or give me personal message.
# Full title: Structural Design And Drawing (concrete structures)
# Author(s): Dr. D. Krishnamurthy
# Language: English
Please if someone is having this book. kindly please upload it.
Thanks a lot in advance. Also if you have any other book having water tank design as per indian standards (IS 3370) then too it would be helpful.
thanks again.
3-Dimensional Modelling for Direct Shear Test of Structure Plane in Rock Mass
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Posted by: manifertal - 11-15-2011, 09:55 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
I need Case studies for static or dynamic slope failure , drainage damages , cap damages , liner damages , leachate collection and gas collection damages or fire in Landfills or anything related to Landfill destruction.
How we are freezing the dimensions of pocket size in package or any other foundation when anchor bolt is in the scope of vendor? If bolt type is provided by vendor is J then can we provide pocket? Looking for your support.