Hi friends:
I'm searching for this document: "ACI Innovation Task Group 1, Special Hybrid Moment Frames Composed of Discretely Jointed Precast and PostTensioned Concrete Members (ITG-1.2-03) and Commentary (ITG-1.2R-03)". Could anyone help me to get it please??? I'll really appreciate your help.
There were three main impulses which led me to the writing of the present book: My many years of lecturing in special courses for selected students and graduate students-engineers at the College of Civil Engineering of the Technical University in Prague, frequent consultations with technicians and physicists who have asked for advice in overcoming difficulties encountered in solving their problems, and finally many discussions with mathematicians themselves, "pure" as well as "applied". This is also why the book is proposed for a relatively wide range of readers.
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Design Engineering covers multiple disciplines but not limited to electrical, mechanical and civil engineering, and architectural engineering. The design engineer sets the direction of the design effort and does the most complex parts of design. Consequently, the design engineer must be familiar with and have access to many different areas in engineering. This concise volume does just that, bringing critical information such as design and materials, new materials, ergonomics, reliability and maintainability, product safety, electronics, mechanics, and plastics to the design engineer.
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IBC 2006 Seismic Calc
Calculation for Seismic Base Shear for the Equivalent Lateral Force, Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces for the Equivalent Lateral Force , and Rigid Diaphragm Lateral Force Horizontal Distribution
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Project Management Demystified: Today's Tools and Techniques
Author: Geoff Reiss | Size: 3.47 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 8 Jun 1995 | pages: 240 | ISBN: 0419207503, ISBN-13: 978-0419207504
This book explains the many techniques which have been developed to help you manage projects successfully using very clear objectives within a commercial environment. Examples are drawn from construction, civil engineering, product launches, publishing, computer hardware and software, scientific projects and aerospace. From the Author
The book for those who want to succeed in project management
It is one thing bringing your project in on time and keeping everyone happy but it is quite a different problem to be successful in the world of project management. This book's aim is to make you into a highly successful project manager.
When I wrote this book I could not have imagined how popular it has become.
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The book covers the basic aspects of linear single loop feedback control theory. Explanations of the mathematical concepts used in classical control such as root loci, frequency response and stability methods are explained by making use of MATLAB plots but omitting the detailed mathematics found in many textbooks. There is a chapter on PID control and two chapters provide brief coverage of state variable methods. The approach adopted allows more time to be devoted to controller design by different methods, to compare the results and also to examine the effects of plant parameter variations.
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