Basic Soil Mechanics has long been established as the standard text on the subject for degree and diploma students of civil engineering and building. The third edition has been fully revised and updated to provide students, not only with the basic principles, but also with an awareness of state-of-the-art developments in the field. The approach to stress/strain behaviour has been reconsidered in the light of modern educational methods and the chapter on earth pressure has been revised to take account of the long-awaited British Standard BS 8002. The book also gives greater emphasis to design methods and the use of computers. Basic Soil Mechanics is an essential text for BTEC HNC/D and undergraduate degree courses in civil engineering. It will also be a valuable resource for practising engineers engaged in the design and construction of soil-related structures and systems.
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Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications communicates directly with tomorrow's engineers in a simple yet precise manner. The text covers the basic principles and equations of fluid mechanics in the context of numerous and diverse real-world engineering examples. The text helps students develop an intuitive understanding of fluid mechanics by emphasizing the physics, and by supplying attractive figures, numerous photographs and visual aids to reinforce the physics.
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Shake Table Test of Confined Brick Masonry Building
in the link
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Information-based decision-making during drought, often brings out some of the excellent practices that are prevalent in society / individuals. This book is designed to provide information on the drought process, meteorological, hydrological, agriculture, socio-economic aspects and available technologies such as satellite remote sensing data analysis and Geographical Information system for assessment. Assessment procedures utilising the various parameters of importance from various sources for micro level management that would enhance the effectiveness of management practice are dealt in detail. Resource availability and affected group determine the relief assistance for the present event and information that would help them in their realisation and preparedness for the forthcoming years by select countries is highlighted. This would help in the formulation of schemes for event mitigation and area development plans.
The readers would gain complete knowledge on drought. This book is expected to act as a guide in preparing people as effective natural resource utilizationist under drought situations.
Table of contents
1. Drought.
2. Meteorology.
3. Water Resources.
4. Agriculture.
5. Drought indices.
6. Satellite remote sensing.
7. Spatial data and geographical information system.
8. Information systems.
9. Vulnerability assessment.
10. Resource, drought events and management profile of countries.
11. Capacity building.
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Posted by: lisine - 11-22-2011, 12:43 PM - Forum: General Books
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Well Cementing
Author: Erik B. Nelson | Size: 39.2 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Schlumberger | Year: 1990 | pages: 487 | ISBN: 0978853008
Cementing is arguably the most important operation performed on a well. Well cementing technology is an amalgam of many interdependent scientific and engineering disciplines which are essential to achieve the primary goal of well cementing - zonal isolation. This textbook is a comprehensive and up-to-date reference concerning the application of these disciplines to cementing a well. ''Well Cementing'' is envisioned as an upper-level university book, as well as a reference for practicing engineers and scientists. The first section of the book illustrates how the quality of the hydraulic seal provided by the cement sheath can affect well performance. The second section concentrates on the design phase of a cementing treatment, and various aspects of cement job execution are covered in the third section. The fourth section addresses cement job evaluation. The text is supported by many tables and figures, an extensive bibliography and an index. There are also chapters devoted to subjects which are currently of particular interest to the industry, including the prevention of annular gas migration, foamed cements, and cementing horizontal wellbores.
Scanned book / Searchable text /
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Posted by: lisine - 11-22-2011, 12:14 PM - Forum: General Books
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Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling, Fourth Edition
Author: Steven T Karris | Size: 7.21 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Orchard Publications | Year: April 28, 2008 | pages: 686 | ISBN: 193440411X, ISBN-13: 978-1934404119
This text contains a comprehensive discussion on continuous and discrete time signals and systems with many MATLAB examples. It is written for junior and senior electrical and computer engineering students, and for self-study by working professionals. The prerequisites are a basic course in differential and integral calculus, and basic electric circuit theory. To get the most out of this text, it is highly recommended that Appendix A is thoroughly reviewed. This appendix serves as an introduction to MATLAB, and is intended for those who are not familiar with it. The Student Edition of MATLAB is an inexpensive, and yet a very powerful software package. The elementary signals are reviewed in Chapter 1, and several examples are given. The purpose of this chapter is to enable the reader to express any waveform in terms of the unit step function, and subsequently the derivation of the Laplace transform of it. Chapters 2 through 4 are devoted to Laplace transformation and circuit analysis using this transform. Chapter 5 is an introduction to state-space and contains many illustrative examples. Chapter 6 discusses the impulse response. Chapters 7 and 8 are devoted to Fourier series and transform respectively. Chapter 9 introduces discrete-time signals and the Z transform. Considerable time was spent on Chapter 10 to present the Discrete Fourier transform and FFT with the simplest possible explanations. Chapter 11 contains a thorough discussion to analog and digital filters analysis and design procedures. Appendices A and B are introductions to MATLAB and Simulink respectively, Appendix C is a review of complex numbers, Appendix D discusses matrices and determinants, and Appendix E is a comprehensive coverage of window functions. For additional information. please visit the Orchard Publications site.
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Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling,
Third Edition
Author: Steven T Karris | Size: 6.76 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Orchard Publications | Year: September 1, 2006 | pages: 650 | ISBN: 0974423998, ISBN-13: 978-0974423999
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Signals and Systems with MATLAB Application,
Second Edition
Author: Steven T Karris | Size: 10.12 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Orchard Publications | Year: August 2003 | pages: 598 | ISBN: 0970951183, ISBN-13: 978-0970951182
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Mathematics for Business, Science, and Technology with MATLAB® and Excel® Computations (Third Ed.)
Author: Steven T. Karris | Size: 3.71 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Orchard Pubns | Year: Mar 9 2007 | pages: 536 | ISBN: 1934404012, ISBN-13: 978-1934404010
This text is written for working professionals seeking to enhance their math related knowledge. You will need this text to brush up on math with practical and everyday applications. Contains many real-world examples on probability and optimization methods supplemented with computer applications using Excel and/or MATLAB.
This text provides complete, clear, and detailed explanations of the principal mathematical concepts, and these are illustrated with numerous practical examples. It includes the following chapters and appendices:
o Numbers and Arithmetic Operations
o Elementary Algebra
o Intermediate Algebra
o Fundamentals of Geometry
o Fundamentals of Plane Trigonometry
o Fundamentals of Calculus
o Introduction to Probability and Statistics
o Random Variables
o Common Probability Distributions and Tests
o Curve Fitting, Regression, and Correlation
o Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
o Introduction to MATLAB®
o The Gamma & Beta Functions and Distributions
o Introduction to Markov Chains
Each chapter contains numerous practical applications supplemented with detailed instructions for using MATLAB® and/or Microsoft Excel® to obtain accurate and quick solutions.
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This text is targeted at high school seniors who plan to enter business, science, and technology related fields, and working professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge on various math topics including probability and optimization methods. This book begins with the basic mathematical operations and ends with advanced and yet practical examples. Contains many real-world examples supplemented with computer applications. It is ideal for self-study.
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Whenever a contractor undertakes work using one of the standard building contracts, however small the job, he will be involved in writing a good many letters. Some will be formal notices he is required to give; others will be letters it is prudent to send.
This book provides a set of over 270 standard letters for use with the standard forms of building contract and sub–contract and aims to cover all the common situations which contractors will encounter when involved in a contract. The letters are for use with:
JCT 98
Design and Build Form WCD 98
Intermediate Form IFC 98
Minor Works Agreement MW 98
GC/Works/1 (1998)
JCT Standard Form of Domestic Subcontract (2002)
DOM/2 (1998)
NSC/C (1998)
NAM/SC (1998)
GC/Works/SC (2000)
The new edition takes account of substantial revisions to the standard forms of contract and introduces the new JCT Domestic Subcontract and the form of subcontract for use with GC/Works/1 (1998). New features include withholding notices and letters concerning adjudication.
The book comes with a free CD, which includes all the letters, and which can be used with both Word and Word Perfect on PC and Macintosh machines.
Although primarily written for contractors, the book will also be of use to subcontractors.
From the Back Cover
Whenever a contractor undertakes work using one of the standard building contracts, however small the job, he will be involved in writing a good many letters. Some will be formal notices he is required to give; others will be letters it is prudent to send.
This book provides a set of over 270 standard letters for use with the standard forms of building contract and sub–contract and aims to cover all the common situations which contractors will encounter when involved in a contract. The letters are for use with:
JCT 98
Design and Build Form WCD 98
Intermediate Form IFC 98
Minor Works Agreement MW 98
GC/Works/1 (1998)
JCT Standard Form of Domestic Subcontract (2002)
DOM/2 (1998)
NSC/C (1998)
NAM/SC (1998)
GC/Works/SC (2000)
The new edition takes account of substantial revisions to the standard forms of contract and introduces the new JCT Domestic Subcontract and the form of subcontract for use with GC/Works/1 (1998). New features include withholding notices and letters concerning adjudication.
Although primarily written for contractors, the book will also be of use to subcontractors.
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Posted by: deviationz - 11-22-2011, 08:20 AM - Forum: Archive
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Does anyone have access to the following spreadsheet?
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Dear Raini
Please upload
1.BS EN 12400 Windows and pedestrian doors- mechanical Durability
2.BS EN 14600- Doorsets and openable windows
3.BS 8220- Guide for security of Buildings against crime- Parts 2 and 3
4.BS 6465-3 Sanitary installations
Kindly oblige me this time too