Terán-Gilmore et al. 2009. Displacement‐Based Assessment Procedure for Regular Confined Masonry Buildings in Seismic Regions
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I kindly ask for the paper in Earthquake Spectra / Volume 25 / Issue 2:
Terán-Gilmore et al. 2009. Displacement-Based Seismic Assessment of Low-Height Confined Masonry Buildings
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Construction Project Management: A Practical Guide to Field Construction Management, 5 edition
Author: S. Keoki Sears, Glenn A. Sears, Richard H. Clough | Size: 2.4 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Wiley | Year: 2008 | pages: 408 | ISBN: 047174588X
For more than thirty years, Construction Project Management by Clough and Sears has been considered the preeminent guide to the Critical Path Method (CPM) of project scheduling. It combines a solid foundation in the principles and fundamentals of CPM with particular emphasis on project planning, demonstrated through an example project.
This Fifth Edition features a range of improvements. New pedagogical devices improve absorption of the material. Updated labor, material, and equipment pricing is incorporated into the text. Coverage is enhanced by discussions of contemporary planning and management methods such as Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) and the Earned Value Management System (EVMS).
A highway bridge with a complete cost estimate, including SI units, illustrates each of the principles of project management. Using this basic information and the case studies in the appendix, readers are given project management problems and hands-on project management experience.
The Fifth Edition features include:
Complete coverage of planning and scheduling principles that apply to every type of construction project
Expanded coverage of production planning
Large foldout illustrations conveniently integrated throughout the book
Thorough and up to date, Construction Project Management, Fifth Edition is a superb text for students and an indispensable on-the-job reference for builders, architects, civil engineers, and other construction professionals.
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This textbook on fluid mechanics is aimed at engineering students at Bachelor's degree level. In Chapter 2 the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, needed for the description and analysis of flows in technology, are presented. One-dimensional stream filament theory, along with the momentum integral and angular momentum integral equations, already present us with one method of constructing fluid technological appliances and experiments. For example, the dimensions of a machine can be determined quite accurately in one first step and predictions made about the flow losses which occur.
However, these methods fail when machines are to be optimized, or when appliances are to be developed to operate under extreme conditions, such as silent operation, high efficiency, small dimensions, greatly damped oscillatory behavior, etc. In addition to this, even for most simple cases of application, simple fluid mechanical fundamentals cannot determine the operating behavior of a machine accurately enough. This requires extensive experiments to be carried out and these can be very costly and time consuming.
At this point we refer to more detailed textbooks which progress systematically from the fundamental fluid mechanical equations and their methods of solution to the application of fluid mechanical software.
The methods used in fluid mechanics are analytical, numerical and experimental. Although numerical methods are increasingly used to replace experimental methods, all three are still needed to solve fluid mechanical problems. This book is restricted to theoretical, that is analytical, methods. After working through this book, students are qualified to understand the basics and phenomena of fluid mechanics, and will have obtained an initial insight into fluid mechanical software, even if further studies into the fundamental equations of fluid mechanics and numerical methods are necessary for the application of this software.
The composition of this book is partly very theoretical. In order not to lose sight of the connection to technical applications during the extensive derivations, we have selected flows past airplane wings, flows past vehicles and flows in pipes of process engineering systems as representative examples to illustrate the basics of one-dimensional fluid mechanics.
We now introduce the student to the great variety of fluid mechanical applications, demonstrating that flows are all around us in our technological environment, by describing selected examples of flows in the following introductory sections.
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Fleming, R.W., G.S. Spencer, & D.C. Banks 1970. Empirical study of behavior of clay shale slopes, U.S. Army Eng. Nuclear Cratering Group Tech. Report No. 12, v. 1& 2.
STAAD Foundation is a comprehensive foundation design program that offers the ability to model complex or simple footings, including those specific to Plant facilities such as octagonal footings supporting vertical vessels, strap beam foundations supporting horizontal vessels, ring foundations supporting tank structures, and drilled or driven pier foundations.
Common foundations such as isolated footings, combined footings, strip footings, pile caps, and mat foundations can also be designed for larger structures or using parametric wizards. It provides a streamlined workflow through its integration with STAAD.Pro and can also be used as a stand-alone program.
Efficient design and documentation is realized through its plant-specific design tools, multiple design codes with U.S. and metric bar sizes, design optimization, and automatic drawing generation. The plant-specific tools include vertical vessel foundations (octagonal and square shape supported on soil or on piles), and heat exchanger foundations (combined, two isolated and two isolated with a grade beam), tank ringwall foundations, and driven or drilled pier foundations.
Powerful modeling includes a physical modeling system, a toolkit mode, automatic pile arrangement, and FEM, which allows complex or simple layouts. The foundation toolkit mode was introduced to address the needs of special footing types like drilled pier and dead man anchor guy foundations.
Productivity is increased through the ability to utilize the structural model with the foundation model through the integration with STAAD.Pro. Changes made in the STAAD.Pro model are tracked and can be merged automatically with the foundation model. View the integrated video.
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Posted by: alibouafia - 01-04-2012, 09:22 AM - Forum: Archive
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Hi Colleagues,
I urgently need the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Case histories in geotechnical Engineering (2CD roms and a printed abstracts volume), held in New-York 2004 and organised by the University of Missouri-Rolla. The conference Chairman is Shamsher Prakash.
Dear all,
please can you provide me with this books
1) Maximizing AutoLISP by Joseph Smith and Rusty Gesner
2) AutoLisp: Programming for Productivity by William Kramer
3) AutoLisp Treasure Chest by William Kramer