Size: 350 MB | Quality:DVDRip | Video Codec:Xvid | Language: English
The record-setting Matyiko Brothers race against time to transport a 900-ton building to a new location. The Matyiko brothers are a legendary MEGA MOVER family. Their company–Expert House Movers–entered the record books when they moved the historic Gem Theater in Detroit, the Schubert Theater in Minneapolis, and the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.
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An introduction to the Flux Core Arc Welding process, covering both self shielded and gas shielded flux cored welding wires. This video focuses on fundamental welder skills. Extremely close-up video of actual welds, with detailed explanations, demonstrate how the voltage and wire speed settings, electrode extension, gun angle, and travel speed affect penetration, the shape, and the size of the weld. Also included are weld joints, metal preparation, and joint fit-up.
Flux Core Arc Welding also provides a working knowledge of constant voltage power sources, wire feed units, and the unique characteristics of flux cored welding wires. Understanding the technical aspects of FCAW is an important part of setting up the equipment to provide the correct amount of weld, with good penetration and weld fusion.
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Size: 1.2 GB | Quality:HD-720 | Year:2011 | Format:avi | Video Codec:Xvid | Language: English
Cape Town is building a brand-new stadium for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Games, but it is the last World Cup project to get started. Australian project manager Andy Fanton is struggling to keep it on schedule and make up for lost time. Green Point Stadium has to be finished in 12 months to be ready for its first practice games. The construction team will have a tough time getting there, with a largely inexperienced group of workers and a severe shortage of cranes. The stadium roof is the biggest challenge of all as it is made up of high-tension cables; if they are not perfectly tensioned, the roof will collapse.
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I am in a need to Design a Foundation for Transformer. Please somebody help me out to find Documents or References to Seismic Design of Static Foundation. A Raft Foundation Design Sample / Example would be Great Help and Highly Appreciated
API Std 653 Addendum 1 - Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction, Fourth Edition
Author: American Petroleum Institute | Size: 871 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Year: 01-Aug-2010 | pages: 44
Covers the inspection, repair, alteration, and reconstruction of steel aboveground storage tanks used in the petroleum and chemical industries. Provides the minimum requirements for maintaining the integrity of welded or riveted, nonrefrigerated, atmospheric pressure, aboveground storage tanks after they have been placed in service.
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API Standard 2000 6th Ed. Nov. 2009 - Venting Atmospheric and Low-Pressure Storage Tanks - ISO 28300
Author: American Petroleum Institute | Size: 1.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Year: 01-Nov-2009 | pages: 76
Covers the normal and emergency vapour venting requirements for aboveground liquid petroleum or petroleum products storage tanks and aboveground and underground refrigerated storage tanks, designed for operation at pressures from full vacuum through 103,4 kPa (ga) [15 psig]. Discussed in this International Standard are the causes of overpressure and vacuum; determination of venting requirements; means of venting; selection, and installation of venting devices; and testing and marking of relief devices.
Intended for tanks containing petroleum and petroleum products but it can also be applied to tanks containing other liquids; however, it is necessary to use sound engineering analysis and judgment whenever this International Standard is applied to other liquids.
This International Standard does not apply to external floating-roof tanks.
This edition of API Std 2000 is the identical national adoption of ISO 28300:2008, Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries-Venting of atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks.
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Multiscale Finite Element Methods: Theory and Applications
Author: Yalchin Efendiev, Thomas Y. Hou | Size: 4.5 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: February 5, 2009 | pages: 246 | ISBN: 0387094954, ISBN-13: 978-0387094953
This expository book surveys the main concepts and recent advances in multiscale finite element methods. This monograph is intended for the broader audiences including engineers, applied scientists and those who are interested in multiscale simulations. The book is self-contained, starts from the basic concepts and proceeds to the latest developments in the field. Each chapter of the book starts with a simple introduction and the description of the proposed methods as well as with motivating examples. Numerical examples demonstrating the significance of the proposed methods are presented in each chapter. The book addresses mathematical and numerical issues in multiscale finite element methods and connects them to real-world applications. Narrative introduction provides a key to the book's organization and its scope. To make the presentation accessible to a broader audience, the analyses of the methods are given in the last chapter. Yalchin Efendiev is a Professor at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas and Thomas Hou is the Charles Lee Powell Professor at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California.
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This book examines the experimental and theoretical aspects of bifurcation analysis as applied to geomechanics. Coverage includes basic continuum mechanics for dry and fluid unfiltrated porous media, bifurcation and stability analyses applied to layered geological media and granular materials, and theories for generalized continua as applied to materials with microstructure and in relation to strain localization phenomena.
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High-Precision Methods in Eigenvalue Problems and Their Applications
(Differential and Integral Equations and Their Applications)
Author: Leonid D. Akulenko, Sergei V. Nesterov | Size: 2.12 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC | Year: October 15, 2004 | pages: 235 | ISBN: 041530993X, ISBN-13: 978-0415309936
This book presents a survey of analytical, asymptotic, numerical, and combined methods of solving eigenvalue problems. It considers the new method of accelerated convergence for solving problems of the Sturm-Liouville type as well as boundary-value problems with boundary conditions of the first, second, and third kind. The authors also present high-precision asymptotic methods for determining eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of higher oscillation modes and consider numerous eigenvalue problems that appear in oscillation theory, acoustics, elasticity, hydrodynamics, geophysics, quantum mechanics, structural mechanics, electrodynamics, and microelectronics.
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Proceedings of the international symposium on slope stability engineering
- IS- Shikoku’99 / Matsuyama / Shikoku / Japan / 8- 11 November 1999.
Edited by
Norio Yagi - Ehime Universio, Japan
Takuo Yamagami & Jing-Cai Jiang - University of Tokushima, Japan
Volume 1
It is of a great concern to civil, geotechnical, and environmental engineers to overcome different problems caused by natural disasters, human errors and geo-environmental problems, whch are
related directly or indirectly to the soil and rock properties. Although significant progress in the field of geotechmcal engineering has been made in past few decades, there are still a number of problems that arise in geotechnical analyses, designs, and specifications to prevent the possible damages due to unexpected disasters like landslides, debris flows, earthquakes, etc. So, figuring out these problems and tackling them very professionally are the main challenges at present-day world of geotechnical engineering.
With this objective, the International Symposium on Slope Stability Engineering: Geotechnical and Geo-environmental Aspects - IS-Shikoku’99 was held at Matsuyama, Ehime from November 8 to 1 I , 1999. The symposium was sponsored by the Japanese Geotechnical Society on its 50th anniversary under the auspices of the technical committee on landslides (TC-11) of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the Japan Landslide Society. The aim of the symposium was to bring different professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds together into a place to broaden the knowledge and understand the problems all over the world from various perspectives.
This symposium covers a broad range of topics such as site investigation, seismic effect, soil strength parameters, damage assessment, remediation techniques, land development, waste disposal, landslide hazard, simulation, analysis, etc on slope stability engineering. The main themes of the symposium are as follows:
1. Site investigation;
2. Stability analysis of soil and rock slopes;
3. Effects of seismicity and rainfall;
4. Design strength parameters of natural slopes;
5. Effect of land development;
6. Slope stability of waste materials;
7. Stability of landfills;
8. Stabilization and remedial works;
9. Reinforced steep slopes;
10. Probabilistic slope stability;
11. Landslide inventory and landslide hazard zonation;
12. Simulation and analysis of debris flow.
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