This book summarizes the author’s three decades of experiences and research results on deep foundation in design and construction of high-rise buildings. It presents a full coverage of settlement calculation issues theoretically with case studies, according to the characteristics and requirements of super high-rise buildings. It also brings forward the author’s several original research results, which form a series of settlement calculation theory and application on high-rise buildings.
This book discusses the latest developments in settlement calculation theory and case studies including analysis and research results for more than thirty high-rise buildings with a height of 100m-420m. Rigorously reviewed, this book provides a number of useful methods and a unique practical perspective on settlement calculation of high-rise buildings. It covers soft soil constitutive model and computation parameters, the theory of soil stress and strain, and new methods of settlement calculation in super long pile and space-varying rigidity group piles, box(raft), pile-box(raft), diaphragm wall-pile-box(raft) and rock foundation on high-rise buildings.
1. Introduction
2. Practical Models and Parameters for Settlement Calculation of Deep Foundation of Super High-Rise Buildings on Soft Subgrade
3. Mechanics in the Study on Deep Foundation Settlement of Super High-Rise Buildings
4. Theoretical Analysis of Subgrade Deformation of Deep Foundations of Super High-Rise Buildings.
5. Settlement Calculation Methods and Case Studies of Box and Raft Foundations of Super High-Rise Buildings.
6. Research on Settlement Calculation Method of Super-Long Pile Foundation.
7. New Design Method for Space-Varying Rigidity Pile Group with Equal Settlement.
8. Settlement Analysis and Case Study of Diaphragm Wall and Friction Pile-Box (Raft) Foundation on Super High-Rise Building.
9. Settlement Analysis and Case Study on Rock Foundation and Combined Diaphragm Wall-end-Bearing Pile-Box (Raft) Foundation.
10. Forecast and Suggestion of Research on Settlement Calculation.
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Control of Traffic Systems in Buildings presents the state of the art in the analysis and control of transportation systems in buildings focusing primarily on elevator groups. The theory and design of passenger traffic and cargo transport systems are covered, together with actual operational examples and topics of special current interest such as:
• noisy, on-line and algorithmic optimization;
• simulation-based modeling of passengers and goods;
• control of cooperative agent-oriented systems;
• proposal for a benchmark to compare new control methods;
• deployment and testing of transportation systems.
Special attention is given to the techniques and uses of simulation and a working simulator is included that allows readers to explore the subject for themselves. The safe running of such automated traffic systems, though vital, gets rather taken for granted but workers in elevator control have pioneered the development of many modern control systems for employment in all sorts of traffic and scheduled systems being among the first to realize the potential of techniques like fuzzy logic, neural networks and genetic algorithms. For this reason, this exposition of recent work in in-building transport control will be of considerable interest to researchers and engineers in many areas of control, particularly those working in optimal or supervisory control, urban transportation systems and intelligent transport systems as well as to those directly interested in the elevator control systems under discussion.
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This book provides readers with an explanation of the state of the art in Intelligent Building (IB)/ Building Automation (BA) systems and technologies, and enables them to understand the working principles and applications of BA systems and the control of building services systems. It mainly addresses the following issues.
• Progress and state of the art in IB/BA systems, and their configuration and integration.
• BA network, including wired/wireless local area networks (LAN) and Internet, communication protocols and standards as well as their applications.
• The interfacing and integration of BA subsystems with building services systems.
• Process control and tuning of local control loops.
• The control and optimization as well as the operational characteristics of typical HVAC systems, including air-conditioning systems and central chilling systems.
• The automation systems for lighting- system control, security and access control, and fire safety control.
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This introductory text on building economics and cost planning provides the reader with the fundamental skills and knowledge to operate as a building professional in the area of economic advice and decision making at the project level. Cost planning is not an esoteric area for specialists alone, but a core skill for the whole design team.
Starting from the environment in which cost planning and design activities take place, the book works through the cost planning process in theory and practice, discussing the issues involved from a design team and client perspective. With analysis of key concepts related to cost control such as life cycle costing, value management, cost modelling and accuracy, and integration of estimating techniques, the authors provide an unequalled introduction to a crucial aspect of professional construction management.
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This is a statutory instrument, which sets out the minimum requirements and performance standards for the design and construction of buildings, and extensions to buildings. The current regulations are the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004.
Although the regulations are comparatively short, they rely on their technical detail being available in two technical handbooks (one for domestic and one for non-domestic buildings) and a vast number of British, European and international standards, codes of practice, drafts for development, published documents and other non-statutory guidance documents. The aim of our book, therefore, is to provide the reader with an in-brief guide that can act as an aide-mémoire to the current requirements of the Building (Scotland) Regulations. Intended readers are primarily builders and the DIY fraternity (who need to know the regulations but do not require the detail), but the book, with its ready reference and no-nonsense approach, will be equally useful to students, architects, designers, building surveyors and inspectors, etc.
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Time Series Methods in Hydrosciences (Developments in water science)
Author: A. H. El-Shaarawi (Editor), S. R. Esterby (Editor) | Size: 7.0 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: 1982 | pages: 614 | ISBN: 0444421025 & 9780444421029
Product Description:
This book deals with the time series application in all sorts of hydroscience problems and their solution procedures. It is highly recommended for those civil engineers who are working in the field of hydrology, water resources modeling and management, watershed management, river flow analysis and flood modeling etc. At the same time, it is useful book for the readers in water resources engineering field.
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U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Water Resources Planning: A New Opportunity For Service
Author: Coordinating Committee, Committee to Assess the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methods of Analysis and Peer Review for Water Resources Project Planning, National Research Council | Size: 2.75 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: National Academies Press | Year: 2004 | pages: 122 | ISBN: 0309092221
Book Description:
There are some concerns that the current Corps planning and construction budget has not kept pace with expanding national water management needs for flood hazard management, water transportation, and other purposes. At the same time, others question the wisdom of and budgetary prospects for the continuation of a traditional water project construction program. Debates about water use and funding priorities now extend to intense scrutiny of Corps of Engineers planning, investment, and project operations programs.
Table of Contents
Front Matter i-xiv
Executive Summary 1-10
1 Overview of Individual Panel Reports 11-27
2 Contemporary Context of National Water Planning 28-33
3 Trends and Milestones in Corps History 34-47
4 The Corps Planning Process; A New Opportunity 48-66
5 Supporting Portfolio Planning 67-83
6 Epilogue 84-85
References 86-90
Appendix A: Water Resources Development Act 2000 91-95
Appendix B: Committee Meetings and Presenters at the Committee's Information Gathering Meetings 96-98
Appendix C: Rosters 99-103
Appendix D: Biographical Information of Coordinating Committee and Staff 104-108
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The advent of economical and simple micro computers has left no excuse f o r engineers to avoid computer solutions to problems. Hydraulic engineers now have tools f o r model I i n g steady and unsteady flows in complex pipe networks. Tedious graphical and analogue simulations can be discarded w i t h r e l i e f . This book i s aimed at the water engineer who has to design water reticulation pipe networks, trunk mains, pumping lines and storage reservoirs. The p r a c t i s i n g
engineer often tends to negelect the theoretical side, but when the occasion arises he requires a r a p i d , simple answer to problems of head loss, discharge capacity and pressures. The various computational methods a v a i l a b l e to him are summarized i n t h i s book, s t a r t i n g w i t h simple steady flow problems and advancing through slow motion to water hammer in complex networks. The subject matter w i l l also be
of use to students of h y d r a u l i c engineering and those contemplating research in t h i s f i e l d .
The i t e r a t i v e techniques f o r flow a n a l y s i s of pipe networks such as the Hardy Cross method a r e known to most water engineers and have been applied extensively without the a i d of computers. Some lesser known techniques a r e in fact simpler to a p p l y on computers, e.g. the
l i n e a r method. When i t comes to unsteady flow, e.g. water hammer, computer a n a l y s i s i s much more r a p i d than the older graphical method and can account f o r many more factors such as column separation, changes i n section and branch pipes. Numerical methods f o r computers are easy and accurate provided simple rules are followed. This book
condenses and compares various methods f o r analysing flows and pressure v a r i a t i o n s in pipelines, whether they be pumping systems o r mu1 t i p l e reservoir g r a v i t y systems. Simple BASIC computer programs are given in many chapters and these w i l l serve as a basis for more
comprehensive programs which the reader should be able to write a f t e r reading t h i s book.
I n addition to those on flow analysis, sections are given on
design of pipe systems using optimization programs, and preperation using computer simulation programs. An introduction to computer graphics i s given b u t the book does not cover s t r u c t u r a l design of pipes. That i s covered in another book b y the same author, 'Pipeline Design for Water Engineers' (Elsevier, 1981).
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Author: Jeroen C. J. H. Aerts, Peter Droogers | Size: 5.50 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CABI | Year: 2005 | pages: 272 | ISBN: 0851998356
Book Description:
Dealing with climate change is generally considered to be one of the greatest challenges for the coming decades. Changes in precipitation are likely to have a major impact on the hydrological cycle and susequently on the enivironment and food production. However, until now, clear guidance on how to respond to this challenge, particularly at the river basin level, has been lacking. This book has been developed from the ADAPT project, focusing on the development of fregional adaptation strategies for water, food, and the environment in river basins across the world. A generic methodology is presented and applied to seven case studies in contrasting geographical areas of the world: Mekong (SE Asia), Rhine (Western Europe), Sacramento (USA), Syr Darya (Central Asia), Volta (Ghana), Walawe (Sri Lanka) and Zayandeh (Iran). The book provides a unique contribution and will interest researchers in climatology, geography, ecology, crop and soil science, environmental studies, and related disciplines.
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This book is about the politics of water resource development and management in India, with special reference to the Narmada river waters dispute. Author John R. Wood draws on a wealth of studies on Narmada as well as his own research to analyze the controversy from the perspective of a political scientist. The Politics of Water Resource Development in India: The Case of Narmada analyzes three aspects of the conflict over developing the waters of the Narmada: The politics of the inter-state river water dispute over Narmada waters in the context of Indian centre-state and inter-state relationships and the constitutional and legal mechanisms for resolving disputes among riparian states. The Narmada upstream-downstream politics implicit in the battle between downstream Gujarat and Rajasthan versus upstream Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. The much publicized struggle between those for and others against the construction of the gigantic Sardar Sarovar dam. Given the highly contentious nature of these struggles, the author objectively highlights how and why the outcomes of such struggles have largely depended on the realities of power.
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