Water Management: Conservation, Harvesting and Artificial Recharge
Author: A. S. Patel, D. L. Shah | Size: 4.54 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: New Age | Year: 331 | pages: 2008 | ISBN: 8122422241
Product Description:
This is a very useful book in the subject `Water Management` for undergraduate & post graduate students. It is also very useful for practising engineers, farmers and policy-makers. This book has various chapters dealing with Hydrological cycle, Groundwater occurrence, Water losses and its prevention, Water conservation, Rainwater harvesting, Artificial recharge methods, etc. Other topics that have been analyzed include Seawater intrusion, Reuse of water, Artificial rain, Reverse osmosis, Moisture harvesting from air in desert area and Desalination. The concept of virtual water is also discussed. Many case studies are analyzed to adopt such methods in similar conditions throughout the world. These chapters can be a guide for research in the above-mentioned fields. It can also guide the policymakers and farmers to prepare a water footprint for the country and help in managing water resources in a better way.
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Dear admin, honorable moderators and group members of CivilEA family,
I would like to draw your attention to a point regarding the topic mentioned in the heading of this post. Many of our members sometimes ask for a MSc and PhD thesis relevant to their works. Even, some of us sometimes upload the important MSc and PhD thesis/dissertations, which is now available in a thread under the section "General Books".
But my suggestion to all of you that if there is a new section under the "General Books" category named "Civil Engineering MSc and PhD thesis", then members would be able to upload their works in that section independently as well as based on the members' demand.
Today, when I tried to upload a PhD thesis (now published as a book from CRC press), then I got this point in my mind, which I thought to share with all of you. I hope you will consider this issue for further actions.
Thanks in advance for your attention and time in this regard. Wish you all the best.
Particulate discrete element analysis is becoming increasingly popular for research in geomechanics as well as geology, chemical engineering, powder technology, petroleum engineering and in studying the physics of granular materials. With increased computing power, practising engineers are also becoming more interested in using this technology for analysis in industrial applications. This is the first single work on Discrete Element Modelling (DEM) providing the information to get started with this powerful numerical modelling approach. Written by an independent author with experience both in developing DEM codes and using commercial codes, this book provides the basic details of the numerical method and the approaches used to interpret the results of DEM simulations. Providing a basic overview of the numerical method, Particulate Discrete Element Modelling discusses issues related to time integration and numerical stability, particle types, contact modelling and boundary conditions. It summarizes approaches to interpret DEM data so that users can maximize their insight into the material response using DEM. The aim of this book is to provide both users and prospective users of DEM with a concise reference book that includes tips to optimize their usage. Particulate Discrete Element Modelling is suitable both for first time DEM analysts as well as more experienced users. It will be of use to professionals, researchers and higher level students, as it presents a theoretical overview of DEM as well as practical guidance on running DEM simulations and interpreting DEM simulation data.
Applied Geotechnics series
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The continuous growth in the demand for water supply and sanitation services has posed decision makers with the challenge to discover new, and to adapt existing, institutions. Since the last two decades, the most prominent institutional change for the water and sanitation sector is neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism manifests itself in the water sector through privatization, private sector involvement and liberalisation. This book analyses whether neo-liberalism has had an effect on the institutions, the strategies, and the performances of water providers. Strategies are interpreted through what a water provider can do (strategic context), wants to do (strategic plans), and actually does (strategic actions). On the basis of studies in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, the United Kingdom and Italy, the book concludes that neo-liberal institutional changes matter for the strategies of water providers. However, it also finds that the inherent problems with performance interpretation, measurement and comparison obscure any accurate insight in the effect of neo-liberal institutional changes on performance. In this regard the book opens a window for research both on the relation between institutions and conduct, and between conduct and performance of water and sanitation providers.
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STATISTICS IN PRACTICE A practical exploration of alternative approaches to analyzing water-related environmental issuesWritten by an experienced environmentalist and recognized expert in the field, this text is designed to help water resource managers and scientists to formulate, implement, and interpret more effective methods of water quality management.After presenting the basic foundation for using statistical methods in water resource management, including the use of appropriate hypothesis test procedures and some rapid calculation procedures, the author offers a range of practical problems and solutions on environmental topics that often arise, but are not generally covered.
These include:
* Formulating water quality standards
* Determining compliance with standards
* MPNs and microbiology
* Water-related, human health risk modeling
* Trends, impacts, concordance, and detection limits
In order to promote awareness of alternative approaches to analyzing data, both frequentist and Bayesian, statistical methods are contrasted in terms of their applicability to various environmental issues.
Each chapter ends with a number of set problems for which full answers are provided. The book also encourages discussion between technical staff and management before embarking on statistical studies.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Part I Issues
1 Introduction
2 Basic concepts of probability and statistics
3 Intervals
4 Hypothesis testing
5 Detection
6 Mathematics and calculation methods
Part II Problems and Solutions
7 Formulating water quality standards
8 Percentile standards (and the Reverend Bayes)
9 Microbial water quality and human health
10 MPNs and microbiology
11 Trends, impacts, concordance, detection limits
12 Answers to exercises
Author Index
Topic Index
Appendix A Statistical Tables
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IABSE Symposium Budapest 2006
Responding to Tomorrow’s Challenges
in Structural Engineering
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Numerical Grid Generation: Foundations and Applications
Author: Joe F. Thompson, Z.U.A. Warsi, C. Wayne Mastin | Size: 2.37 MB | Format:pdf | Quality:Original | Publisher: Elsevier Science Ltd | Year: May 1985 | pages: 335 | ISBN: 044400985X, ISBN-13: 978-0444009852
In this text, grid generation and the use thereof in numerical solutions of partial equations are both discussed.
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
II. Boundary-Conforming Coordinate Systems
III. Transformation Relations
IV. Numerical Implementation
V. Truncation Error
VI. Elliptic Generation Systems
VII. Parabolic and Hyperbolic Generation Systems
VIII. Algebraic Generation Systems
IX. Orthogonal Systems
X. Conformal Mapping
XI. Adaptive Grids
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
References The entire text of this book is available online and also as downloadable pdf version!
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Mathematical Analysis for Modeling provides you with better comprehension of how mathematics is developed for, and applies to, solving scientific and engineering problems. The author stresses developing mathematical descriptions of scientific and engineering situations, rather than rote memorization of proofs and formulas. Emphasis is placed on algorithms as solutions to problems, and on insight rather than on formal derivations. This book is for those who intend to conduct research in areas of science requiring the use and understanding of a substantial amount of mathematics, but who may not be well-versed in such applications.
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Author: Joe F. Thompson, Bharat K. Soni, Nigel P. Weatherill (Editors) | Size: 27.17 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: CRC-Press | Year: September 30, 1998 | pages: 1096 | ISBN: 0849326877, ISBN-13: 978-0849326875
Handbook of Grid Generation addresses the use of grids (meshes) in the numerical solutions of partial differential equations by finite elements, finite volume, finite differences, and boundary elements. Four parts divide the chapters: structured grids, unstructured girds, surface definition, and adaption/quality. An introduction to each section provides a roadmap through the material.
This handbook covers:
- Fundamental concepts and approaches
- Grid generation process
- Essential mathematical elements from tensor analysis and differential geometry, particularly relevant to curves and surfaces
- Cells of any shape - Cartesian, structured curvilinear coordinates, unstructured tetrahedra, unstructured hexahedra, or various combinations
- Separate grids overlaid on one another, communicating data through interpolation
- Moving boundaries and internal interfaces in the field
- Resolving gradients and controlling solution error
- Grid generation codes, both commercial and freeware, as well as representative and illustrative grid configurations. Handbook of Grid Generation contains 37 chapters as well as contributions from more than 100 experts from around the world, comprehensively evaluating this expanding field and providing a fundamental orientation for practitioners.
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National Geographic - Can It Be Built S01E01 Circular Skyscraper (2010)
Size: 350 MB | Quality:HD-720 | Year:2010 | Format:avi | Video Codec:Xvid | Language: English
Abu Dhabi is famous for its extreme engineering, but now one project could surpass them all - the world's most inclined skyscraper, Capital Gate. Capital Gate is a tower that spirals out of the ground at 525 feet and tilts almost five times more than the Leaning Tower of Pisa. The tower will include a five-star hotel on the top 18 levels, an infinity pool, a restaurant hanging 300 feet above the ground and a helicopter pad on the roof.
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