Modelling and predicting how porous media deform when subjected to external actions and physical phenomena, including the effect of saturating fluids, are of importance to the understanding of geophysics and civil engineering (including soil and rock mechanics and petroleum engineering), as well as in newer areas such as biomechanics and agricultural engineering.
Starting from the highly successful First Edition, Coussy has completely re-written Mechanics of Porous Continua/Poromechanics to include:
New material for:
Partially saturated porous media
Reactive porous media
Macroscopic electrical effects
A single theoretical framework to the subject to explain the interdisciplinary nature of the subject
Exercises at the end of each chapter to aid understanding
The unified approach taken by this text makes it a valuable addition to the bookshelf of every PhD student and researcher in civil engineering, petroleum engineering, geophysics, biomechanics and material science.
From the Back Cover
Modelling and predicting the mechanical behaviour of fluid-infiltrated porous media is vital to geophysics, petroleum and civil engineering, as well as to newer disciplines such as biomechanics and agricultural engineering. This book, based on the successful Mechanics of Porous Continua, has been revised and updated to strengthen the basics of this emerging field of 'Poromechanics'. Serving as a self-contained guide, Poromechanics provides a unified approach to the fundamental concepts of continuum poromechanics and to the coupling of the deformation of porous continua with various physical processes.
This book:
Describes deformation and stress and the thermodynamics of fluid-infiltrated porous continua.
Details the standard problems of saturated poroelasticity.
Analyses unsaturated poroelastic media, the effects of capillary pressure and of the surface energy between components.
Discusses non-line ar and inelastic behaviours.
Deals with penetration fronts and surfaces of discontinuity.
Addresses the mechanical behaviour of chemically active porous materials.
Gives some insights on microporomechanics.
Offers advanced analyses at the end of each chapter.
Poromechanics will appeal to postgraduates students and researchers in disciplines as varied as biomechanics, geophysics, soil and rock mechanics, agricultural engineering and materials science in a broad sense. This book is also a valuable resource for advanced courses on poromechanics.
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Synthesis Report from Task Group 2.2 and Individual Contributions
The Task Group has been active since February 1992 and published in 1993 Bulletin 218, a first collection of individual contributions. Now the final synthesis report in part 1 of this Bulletin summarises research results and strives to give a harmonised view on the topic. It suggests proposals that by and large endorse the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990. Further research needs are identified. The individual contributions in part 2 of this Bulletin report on research performed since 1993 within the framework of the Task Group. Although extensively discussed within the group, the papers express the individual views of their authors, all of them being members of the Task Group.
Scanned Copy. Average Quality. Hope it can help you. regards
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This book is intended to introduce the subject of knowledge management to practitioners and researchers in the construction industry. It contains both the theoretical background to knowledge management and the practical insights, applications and methodologies necessary to enable organisations to implement knowledge management. It draws from a large body of research work and industry practice and is essential reading for all sectors of the construction industry.
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Hey. I am undergraduate student taking up civil engineering. I am from Philippines, I am having problem about choosing research study. I have no idea. Maybe my focus is on structure. Since all of the members of this forum are engineers and they encounter problems in field/site. I am hoping for your suggestion.. BIG thanks.!!
Groundwater Science and Policy: An International Overview
Author: P. Quevauviller | Size: 72.10 MB | Format:PDF | Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry | Year: 2007 | pages: 648 | ISBN: 0854042946
Product Description:
This book offers a scientific overview of key findings in groundwater management set in context against the legislative milestones ensuing as a result of research and development activities. Highlighting the close relationship between policy requirements and scientific knowledge, the editor provides up-to-date information on the EU groundwater policy framework complimented with discussions on integrating R&D activity and output into policy implementation. The first of its kind this book is essentially a unique summary of outstanding research and development projects in the field of groundwater science and the reader can draw upon a wealth of knowledge and information from both a scientific and political perspective. Examples of research projects contributing to both policy development and implementation are provided and discussed.
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This book explains the principles of operations management for construction, and how those principles work in practice. Procurement of materials, subcontractors and supply chain management are also carefully assessed, while explanations of contract planning, site organisation and work study provide further insights. With regulations increasingly impacting on the way sites are managed, relationships with third parties and the methods of successfully administering safety, quality and environment protection are spelt out.
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The analysis of beam dynamics is described using the Mixed Finite Element approach. Both stationary and variational description of the numerical method are addressed. Examples are presented using Free Software numerical math packages like Octave or Freemat to code the solutions. The script files are made available on-line to tinker with the powerful tools the methods makes available.
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