Full title: Handbook of Applied Hydrology: A Compendium of Water-resources Technology
Author(s): Ven Te Chow
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Company; 1st edition (June 1964)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0070107742
ISBN-13: 978-0070107748
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Finite Elements: Theory, Fast Solvers, and Applications in Solid Mechanics
Author: Dietrich Braess | Size: 1.64 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: April 30, 2007 | pages: 365 | ISBN: 0521705185, ISBN-13: 978-0521705189
This definitive introduction to finite element methods has been thoroughly updated for a third edition which features important new material for both research and application of the finite element method. The discussion of saddle-point problems is a highlight of the book and has been elaborated to include many more nonstandard applications. The chapter on applications in elasticity now contains a complete discussion of locking phenomena. The numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations is an important application of finite elements and the author discusses this subject comprehensively. These equations are treated as variational problems for which the Sobolev spaces are the right framework. Graduate students who do not necessarily have any particular background in differential equations, but require an introduction to finite element methods will find this text invaluable. Specifically, the chapter on finite elements in solid mechanics provides a bridge between mathematics and engineering.
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Author: David S. Watkins | Size: 4.88 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Wiley-Interscience | Year: May 15, 2002 | pages: 618 | ISBN: 0471213942, ISBN-13: 978-0471213949
A significantly revised and improved introduction to a critical aspect of scientific computation Matrix computations lie at the heart of most scientific computational tasks. For any scientist or engineer doing large-scale simulations, an understanding of the topic is essential. Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition explains matrix computations and the accompanying theory clearly and in detail, along with useful insights.
This Second Edition of a popular text has now been revised and improved to appeal to the needs of practicing scientists and graduate and advanced undergraduate students. New to this edition is the use of MATLAB for many of the exercises and examples, although the Fortran exercises in the First Edition have been kept for those who want to use them. This new edition includes:
* Numerous examples and exercises on applications including electrical circuits, elasticity (mass-spring systems), and simple partial differential equations
* Early introduction of the singular value decomposition
* A new chapter on iterative methods, including the powerful preconditioned conjugate-gradient method for solving symmetric, positive definite systems
* An introduction to new methods for solving large, sparse eigenvalue problems including the popular implicitly-restarted Arnoldi and Jacobi-Davidson methods
With in-depth discussions of such other topics as modern componentwise error analysis, reorthogonalization, and rank-one updates of the QR decomposition, Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, Second Edition will prove to be a versatile companion to novice and practicing mathematicians who seek mastery of matrix computation.
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This text presents a comprehensive mathematical theory for elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations. It compares finite element and finite difference methods and illustrates applications of generalized difference methods to elastic bodies, electromagnetic fields, underground water pollution, and coupled sound-heat flows.
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The aim of this book is to describe, in the first chapters, the different algorithms suitable for constructing a triangulation and, more precisely, a Delaunay triangulation. Then, the following chapters will indicate the way in which triangulation methods can be extended to develop meshing algorithms. Only Delaunay type methods are discussed here while observing that a large variety of meshing algorithms exists. To this end, the book is divided into three parts. The first part, devoted to triangulations, comprises the first four chapters. The second part dealing with meshing algorithms is made up of the five following chapters and the third part disdiscusses several applications in the four last chapters. A technical appendix and an index are also included in the book.
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The Mathematical Foundations of the Finite Element Method:
With Applications to Partial Differential Equations
Author: A.K. Aziz (Editor) | Size: 4.51 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Academic Press Inc | Year: March 1973 | pages: 809 | ISBN: 0120686503, ISBN-13: 978-0120686506
The Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of the Finite Flement Method with Applications to Partial Differential Equations was held June 26-30, 1972, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County Campus.
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Finite Element Methods are used for numerous engineering applications where numerical solutions of partial differential equations are needed. As computers can now deal with the millions of parameters used in these methods, automatic error estimation and automatic adaptation of the utilised method (according to this error estimation), has become a hot research topic.
This text offers comprehensive coverage of this new field of automatic adaptation and error estimation, bringing together the work of eight outstanding researchers in this field who have completed a six year national research project within the German Science Foundation. The result is a state-of-the-art work in true reference style. Each chapter is self-contained and covers theoretical, algorithmic and software presentations as well as solved problems. A main feature consists of several carefully elaborated benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications.
* First book to go beyond the Finite Element Method in itself
* Covers material from a new research area
* Presents benchmarks of 2D- and 3D- applications
* Fits with the new trend for genetic strategies in engineering
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Part 1 of BS EN ISO 6520 serves as the basis for a precise classification and description of weld imperfections. In order to avoid any confusion, the types of imperfection are defined with explanations and illustrations where necessary. Metallurgical imperfections are not included.
Another system for the designation of imperfections is possible, according to DD CEN ISO/TS 17845. The correspondence between the existing classification of imperfections according to EN ISO 6520-1 and the designation system according to CEN ISO/TS 17845 is also included.
BS EN ISO 6520-1 gives the terms and definitions used in two of the three official ISO languages (English and French). It also gives the equivalent terms and definitions in the German language.
Contents of BS EN ISO 6520-1 include:
Terms and definitions
Classification and explanation of imperfections
Types of crack
Cracking phenomena
Correspondence between the existing classification of imperfections and the designation system according to ISO/TS 17845
Alphabetical index
BS EN ISO 6520:2007 replaces BS EN ISO 6520-1:1998, which has been withdrawn.
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BS EN ISO 6520-2:2002 collects and classifies the possible imperfections in welds made with pressure. A uniform designation is specified. Only the type, shape and dimensions of the different imperfections caused by welding with pressure are included.
Metallurgical deviations are not taken into account. Imperfections produced other than by the welding operation, for example additional stresses, loads or environmental factors are not covered by this standard. Information concerning the consequences of the mentioned imperfections and the use of particular structures is not given because this depends on the specific requirements of the joint.
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