While the theory and application of finite elements methods can be extended to incompatible, hybrid, and mixed element methods, important issues, such as determining the reliability of the solution of incompatible multivariable elements, along with a common perception of impracticality, have hindered the widespread implementation of these methods. Today, however, recent advances--many directly attributable to these authors--have allowed the development of the stability theory and abstract mathematics to useful tools.
Hybrid and Incompatible Finite Element Methods introduces these advances in the theory and applications of incompatible and multivariable finite element methods. After an overview of the variation formulation of finite element methods in solid mechanics, the authors discuss the fundamental theory and systematically demonstrate the theoretical foundations of incompatible elements and their application to different problems in the theory of elasticity. They also introduce new ideas in the development of hybrid finite elements, study the numerical stability of the hybrid and mixed element, and establish the theory of zero energy deformation modes. The final chapters, explore applications to fracture problems, present a bound analysis for fracture parameters, and demonstrate an implementation of a finite element analysis program.
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This book contains an introduction to hyperbolic partial differential equations and a powerful class of numerical methods for approximating their solution, (including both linear problems and nonlinear conservation laws). These equations describe a wide range of wave propagation and transport phenomena arising in nearly every scientific and engineering discipline. Several applications are described in a self-contained manner, along with much of the mathematical theory of hyperbolic problems. High-resolution versions of Godunov's method are developed, in which Riemann problems are solved to determine the local wave structure and limiters are applied to eliminate numerical oscillations. The methods were orginally designed to capture shock waves accurately, but are also useful tools for studying linear wave-progagation problems, particulary in heterogenous material. The methods studied are in the CLAWPACK software package. Source code for all the examples presented can be found on the web, along with animations of many of the simulations. This provides an excellent learning environment for understanding wave propagation phenomena and finite volume methods.
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1 - Ultimate Load Formula for Reinforced Concrete Wall Panels with Openings
Author :J. H. Doh, S. Fragomeni
Journal : Advances in Structural Engineering
Publisher : Multi Science Publishing
ISSN 1369-4332 (Print)
Issue Volume 9, Number 1 / February 2006, Pages 103-115
DOI 10.1260/136943306776232954
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2 - Direct Strut-and-Tie Model for Ultimate Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls
Authors : Ji Yang Wang, Yi Lin Sun, Masanobu Sakashita
Journal : Advanced Materials Research
Volume : Advances in Civil Engineering, Volumes 255 - 260, page 89-93, May, 2011
Edited by : Jingying Zhao
Pages : 89-93
DOI 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.255-260.89
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Engineered Rock Structures in Mining and Civil Construction
Author: Raghu N. Singh, Ajoy | Size: 180 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Taylor & Francis | Year: 01/01/2006 | pages: 535 | ISBN: 9780415400138
The book collates and sifts a vast amount of literature on the design of structures in the mining and construction industries to synthesize a comprehensive text on the subject area. The focus is on the application of theory to practice and the book is richly illustrated with worked out examples. The presentation is lucid and based on the extensive professional, teaching and research experience of the authors. The text seeks to address the key issues of design of 'engineered' structures in or on rock. The book will serve as a standard text for undergraduate courses in mining, civil engineering and engineering geology.
* 1. Rock characterisation for rock mechanics design
* 2. Uniaxial testing of rock in compression
* 3. Tensile, triaxial and shear strength of rock
* 4. Time-dependent behaviour of rocks
* 5. Index properties of rocks
* 6. Large-scale in situ testing of rock mass
* 7. Evaluation of rock mass parameters by borehole testing
* 8. Measurement of stress in rock
* 9. Design of structures in rock
* 10. Stability of underground openings by mathematical modelling
* 11. Design and stability of pillars and associated structures
* 12. Design and stability of rib pillars and chain pillars in longwall mining
* 13. Structural stability of excavations in jointed rock
* 14. Supports in mining and tunnelling
* 15. Mining subsidence
* 16. Stability analysis of surface mining slopes
* 17. Risk analysis for design in geomechanics.
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I'm searching for ''Dynamic active earth pressure on rigid retaining walls with submerged soils ''
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Author: Wendy L. Martinez Angel R. Martinez | Size: 5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC A CRC Press Company Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. | Year: 2002 | pages: 584 | ISBN: 1-58488-229-8
Computational statistics is a fascinating and relatively new field within statistics. While much of classical statistics relies on parameterized functions and related assumptions, the computational statistics approach is to let the
data tell the story. The advent of computers with their number-crunching capability, as well as their power to show on the screen two- and three dimensional structures, has made computational statistics available for any
data analyst to use. Computational statistics has a lot to offer the researcher faced with a file full of numbers. The methods of computational statistics can provide assistance
ranging from preliminary exploratory data analysis to sophisticated probability density estimation techniques, Monte Carlo methods, and powerful multi-dimensional visualization. All of this power and novel ways of
looking at data are accessible to researchers in their daily data analysis tasks.
One purpose of this book is to facilitate the exploration of these methods and approaches and to provide the tools to make of this, not just a theoretical exploration, but a practical one. The two main goals of this book are:
• To make computational statistics techniques available to a wide
range of users, including engineers and scientists, and
• To promote the use of MATLAB® by statisticians and other data
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COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Models, Methods, and Analysis with MATLAB and MPI
Author: ROBERT E. WHITE | Size: 6.61 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC A CRC Press Company Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C. | Year: 2004 | pages: 986 | ISBN: 1-58488-364-2
Computational science is a blend of applications, computations and mathematics.
It is a mode of scientific investigation that supplements the traditional laboratory and theoretical methods of acquiring knowledge. This is done by formulating mathematical models whose solutions are approximated by computer simulations. By making a sequence of adjustments to the model and subsequent computations one can gain some insights into the application area under consideration. This text attempts to illustrate this process as a method for scientific investigation. Each section of the first six chapters is motivated by a particular application, discrete or continuous model, numerical method,computer implementation and an assessment of what has been done.............
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Most transport analysts would agree that road pricing is a potentially effective instrument for curbing transport and transport-related problems. Likewise,many policy documents, from local authorities, as well as national and international governments, identify road pricing as one of the key cornerstones of contemporary transport policies, and support this by a variety of arguments, ranging from effectiveness and economic efficiency to considerations of fairness and transparency in the financing of infrastructure (the ‘user-pays principle’). But public acceptability often seems to be lagging behind, so that actual implementations, although growing in number, remain scarce. Nevertheless, with the introduction of the London congestion charge in 2003, and the implementation of charging in Stockholm in the Summer of 2007 (see also Chapter 10), one might hypothesize that urban road pricing is entering a new phase in its history, and will soon spread over Europe and other parts of the world.
This book aims to provide a multidisciplinary view on the effectiveness and acceptability of pricing in road transport. After a general introduction to road pricing, four topics will be addressed. First, the authors elaborate on the possible behavioural responses to road pricing. Second, illustrate how model studies may assist in designing optimal road-pricing policies, given different policy objectives. Third, describe the acceptability of different types of road-pricing policies by the general public and firms, and indicate how such policies may affect geographical accessibility. Finally, discuss to what extent road pricing has actually proved to be effective, and indicate the prospects for implementing transport infrastructure pricing in Europe.
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Regional Frequency Analysis: An Approach Based on L-Moments
Author: J. R. M. Hosking and J. R. Wallis | Size: 1.14 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Cambridge Uiversity Press | Year: 1997 | pages: 238 | ISBN: 0521430453
Extreme environmental events, such as floods, droughts, rainstorms, and high winds, have severe consequences for human society. Regional frequency analysis helps to solve the problem of estimating the frequency of these rare events at one site by using data from several sites. This book is the first complete account of the L-moment approach to regional frequency analysis. Regional Frequency Analysis comprehensively describes the theoretical background to the subject, is rich in practical advice for users, and contains detailed examples that illustrate the approach. This book will be of great value to hydrologists, atmospheric scientists and civil engineers, concerned with environmental extremes.
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