Author: Committee on River Science at the U.S. Geological Survey | Size: 14 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: National Research Council | Year: 2007-05-04 | pages: 207 | ISBN: 0309103576
Rivers provide about 60 percent of the nation’s drinking water and irrigation water and 10 percent of the nation’s electric power needs. The multiple and sometimes incompatible services demanded of rivers often lead to policy and management conflicts that require the integration of science-based information. This report advises the U.S. Geological Survey on how it can best address river science challenges by effectively using its resources and coordinating its activities with other agencies. The report identifies the highest priority river science issues for the USGS, including environmental flows and river restoration, sediment transport and geomorphology, and groundwater surface-water interactions. It also recommends two cross-cutting science activities including surveying and mapping the nation’s river systems according to key physical and landscape features, and expanding work on predictive models, especially those that simulate interactions between physical-biological processes. The report identifies key variables to be monitored and data-managed. It proposes enhancements in streamflow, biological, and sediment monitoring; these include establishing multidisciplinary, integrated reach-scale monitoring sites and developing a comprehensive national sediment monitoring program. Finally, it encourages the USGS to be at the forefront of new technology application, including airborne lidar and embedded, networked, wireless sensors.
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BS 6340-1:1983 Shower units. Guide on choice of shower units and their components for use in private dwellings
Size: 300 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: BSI Group | Year: 29 July 1983 | pages: 12
Showers, Sanitary appliances, Domestic, Ventilation, Hot-water supply systems, Control devices, Temperature controllers, Flow regulators, Shower baths
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The procedures for verifying the strength of railway bridges are covered by detailed and comprehensive rules of calculation already in existence. In contrast, serviceability limit states, notably deformation ELS, are described only in network calculation rules or in UIC leaflets.
In essence, bridges are deformable structures. These deformations must be controlled all the more accurately as trains travel at high, and very high speeds. The purpose of this leaflet is to specify the design requirements for rail-bridges as regards train/track/bridge interaction phenomena and in particular speed, thereby taking into account bridge resonance phenomena. It outlines the corresponding draft criteria and provides information on the phenomena to be controlled as well as the appropriate procedures for verifying the structures.
This leaflet should be used in conjunction with UIC Leaflet 776-1 .
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Megaupload, one of the internet's largest file-sharing sites, has been shut down by officials in the US.
The site's founders have been charged with violating piracy laws.
Federal prosecutors have accused it of costing copyright holders more than $500m (£320m) in lost revenue. The firm says it was diligent in responding to complaints about pirated material.
In response, the hackers group Anonymous has targeted the FBI and US Department of Justice websites.
The news came a day after anti-piracy law protests, but investigators said they were ordered two weeks ago.
The US Justice Department said that Megaupload's two co-founders Kim Dotcom, formerly known as Kim Schmitz, and Mathias Ortmann were arrested in Auckland, New Zealand along with two other employees of the business at the request of US officials. It added that three other defendants were still at large.
"This action is among the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States and directly targets the misuse of a public content storage and distribution site to commit and facilitate intellectual property crime," said a statement posted on its website.
The FBI website was intermittently unavailable on Thursday evening due to what officials said was being "treated as a malicious act".
The hackers' group Anonymous said it was carrying out the attacks.
The Motion Picture Association of America's website also suffered disruption.
Third-party sites
The charges included, conspiracies to commit racketeering, copyright infringement and money laundering.
A federal court in Virginia ordered that 18 domain names associated with the Hong Kong-based firm be seized.
The Justice Department said that more than 20 search warrants had been executed in nine countries, and that approximately $50m (£32m) in assets had been seized.
It claimed that the accused had pursued a business model designed to promote the uploading of copyrighted works.
"The conspirators allegedly paid users whom they specifically knew uploaded infringing content and publicised their links to users throughout the world," a statement said.
"By actively supporting the use of third-party linking sites to publicise infringing content, the conspirators did not need to publicise such content on the Megaupload site.
"Instead, the indictment alleges that the conspirators manipulated the perception of content available on their servers by not providing a public search function on the Megaupload site and by not including popular infringing content on the publicly available lists of top content downloaded by its users."
Before it was shut down the site posted a statement saying the allegations against it were "grotesquely overblown".
"The fact is that the vast majority of Mega's internet traffic is legitimate, and we are here to stay," it added.
"If the content industry would like to take advantage of our popularity, we are happy to enter into a dialogue. We have some good ideas. Please get in touch."
The announcement came a day after thousands of websites took part in a "blackout" to protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act (Sopa) and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (Pipa).
The US Chamber of Commerce has defended the proposed laws saying that enforcement agencies "lack the tools" to effectively apply existing intellectual property laws to the digital world.
Industry watchers suggest this latest move may feed into the wider debate.
"Neither of the bills are close to being passed - they need further revision. But it appears that officials are able to use existing tools to go after a business alleged to be inducing piracy," said Gartner's media distribution expert Mike McGuire.
"It begs the question that if you can find and arrest people who are suspected to be involved in piracy using existing laws, then why introduce further regulations which are US-only and potentially damaging?"
Author: Daniel Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow, | Size: 7.3 MB | Format:DjVu | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: M cGr aw-H ill | Year: 1973 | pages: 600 | ISBN: 0070350485
In the years since it was first published in 1973 by McGraw-Hill, this classic introductory textbook has established itself as one of the best-known and most highly regarded descriptions of Newtonian mechanics. Intended for undergraduate students with foundation skills in mathematics and a deep interest in physics, it systematically lays out the principles of mechanics: vectors, Newton's laws, momentum, energy, rotational motion, angular momentum and noninertial systems, and includes chapters on central force motion, the harmonic oscillator, and relativity. Numerous worked examples demonstrate how the principles can be applied to a wide range of physical situations, and more than 600 figures illustrate methods for approaching physical problems. The book also contains over 200 challenging problems to help the student develop a strong understanding of the subject.
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This is the third supplementary volume to Kluwer's highly acclaimed twelve-volume Encyclopaedia of Mathematics. This additional volume contains nearly 500 new entries written by experts and covers developments and topics not included in the previous volumes. These entries are arranged alphabetically throughout and a detailed index is included. This supplementary volume enhances the existing twelve volumes, and together, these thirteen volumes represent the most authoritative, comprehensive and up-to-date Encyclopaedia of Mathematics available.
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Author: Silvio Levy | Size: 1.7 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications | Year: 1997-09-28 | pages: 185 | ISBN: 0521629624
Flavors of Geometry is a collection of lectures on four geometrically-influenced fields of mathematics that have experienced great development in recent years. It presents chapters by masters in their fields on hyperbolic geometry, dynamics in several complex variables, convex geometry, and volume estimation. Each lecture begins with a discussion of elementary concepts, examines the highlights of the field, and concludes with a look at more advanced material. The style and presentation of the chapters are clear and accessible, and many of the lectures are richly illustrated. The book includes bibiliographies and indexes to encourage further reading. It will be an influential resource for graduate students and advanced undergraduates in mathematics.
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Finite Element Analysis Of Reinforced Concrete Structures Under Monotonic Loads
Author: Hyo-Gyoung Kwak, Filip C. Filippou | Size: 1.03 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Department of Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California | Year: November 1990 | pages: 124 | ISBN: -
This study deals with the finite element analysis of the monotonic behavior of
reinforced concrete beams, slabs and beam-column joint subassemblages. It is assumed that
the behavior of these members can be described by a plane stress field. Concrete and
reinforcing steel are represented by separate material models which are combined together
with a model of the interaction between reinforcing steel and concrete through bond-slip to
describe the behavior of the composite reinforced concrete material. The material behavior of
concrete is described by two failure surfaces in the biaxial stress space and one failure surface
in the biaxial strain space. Concrete is assumed as a linear elastic material for stress states
which lie inside the initial yield surface. For stresses outside this surface the behavior of
concrete is described by a nonlinear orthotropic model, whose axes of orthotropy are parallel
to the principal strain directions. The concrete stress-strain relation is derived from equivalent
uniaxial relations in the axes of orthotropy. The behavior of cracked concrete is described by
a system of orthogonal cracks, which follow the principal strain directions and are thus
rotating during the load history. Crushing or cracking of concrete takes place when the strains
lie outside the ultimate surface in the biaxial strain space.
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Author: J. Toby Mottram, Christopher T. Shaw | Size: 9.92 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: Mcgraw Hill Book Co Ltd | Year: March 1996 | pages: 276 | ISBN: 0077090934, ISBN-13: 978-0077090937
Increasing use is being made of commercial software to demonstrate the applications of finite element theory to mechanical or structural design. This book is aimed at those who are new to using commercially available finite element software for mechanical or structural design and those who are contemplating using this software. It emphasizes the practicalities of modelling with commercial software rather than the theory of finite elements. A step-by-step approach is used to describe the analysis process and a series of teaching examples, using simple test cases and real engineering problems, are provided to complement this.
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