The purpose of this study is to investigate the P-Delta effect on bridge piers with consideration of soil-structure interaction effect. The traditional P-Delta effect was calculated assuming the base of the structure is fully fixed. However, all structures in real life are supported by soil, and soil is deformable. Therefore, under wind or earthquake loads, the additional lateral deflection of a bridge pier
caused by the deformation of the soil, which supports the pier, should be considered. The traditional method regarding the computation of the deflection of a pier caused by wind or earthquake loads does not take soil-structure interaction effects into account. In this study finite element analysis method will be used to investigate the additional overturning moment introduced by the soil-structure interaction effect.
Advisor: Assoc.Prof. Dr. J. Kent Hsia
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Dear Friends
i need paper
"Settlemet of Raft Foundations"
by Kay.J.N and Cavagano.R.L
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering division of ASCE 1983
vol 109 pp 1367-1382
could anyone share it?
thanks in advance
with best regards
This book is an introduction to surgery theory: the standard classification method for high-dimensional manifolds. It is aimed at graduate students, who have already had a basic topology course, and would now like to understand the topology of high-dimensional manifolds.
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Author: Romeyn Henry Rivenburg | Size: 5.2 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Scanner | Publisher: American Book Company | Year: 1914 | pages: 80 | ISBN: B006CN21OW
The object of this book is to provide a thorough and effective review that is necessary in order to prepare college candidates for the entrance examinations and for effective work in the freshman year in college. This is the 1914 edition.
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I had been developing a spreadsheet for the calculation of Elastic settlements in foundations on granular soils using theory of Elasticity . I had problem for calculating "Depth Influence Factor" . I can only find a chart in literature generated using Fox's (1948) equation from where every time i had to read values and insert in the cell.
Can any one guide me that how can I find this Fox's equation or any other alternate way to get this factor without reading chart for every time.
Posted by: ziggywas1 - 01-22-2012, 08:14 AM - Forum: Archive
- No Replies
I'm looking for the following parts of ISO 17123 Optics and optical instruments - Field procedures for testing geodetic and surveying instruments:
Part 1 - Theory
Part 3 - Theodolites
Part 4 - Electro-optical distance meters
Part 5 - Electronic tacheometers
Any edition (standard, draft, for comment) would be appreciated.
Nuclear Safety is a comprehensive reference for heath & safety and engineering professionals in the nuclear industry and related bodies, including regulatory authorities, environmental and energy scientists, students, researchers and consultants.
It provides the methods and data needed to evaluate and manage the safety of nuclear facilities and related processes using risk-based safety analysis, and provides readers with the techniques to assess the consequences of radioactive releases.
The book covers relevant international and regional safety criteria (US, IAEA, EUR, PUN, URD, INI). The contents deal with each of the critical components of a nuclear plant, and provide an analysis of the risks arising from a variety of sources, including earthquakes, tornadoes, external impact and human factors. It also deals with the safety of underground nuclear testing and the handling of radioactive waste.
. Covers all plant components and potential sources of risk including human, technical and natural factors
. Brings together information on nuclear safety for which the reader would previously have to consult many different and expensive sources
. Provides international design and safety criteria and an overview of regulatory regimes
. Includes case studies and analysis of major accidents with data and calculations on accompanying website
Gianni Petrangeli has 40 years of experience in the nuclear industry. He was Director of the Departmental Area for Integrated Systems and New Technologies of ANPA, the Italian Regulatory body responsible for nuclear and industrial safety. He is a consultant to the United Nations Atomic Energy Agency and a researcher for nuclear safety for the European Commission. He lectures on Nuclear and Industrial Safety at the University of Pisa.
* Covers all plant components and potential sources of risk including human, technical and natural factors
* Brings together information on nuclear safety for which the reader would previously have to consult many different and expensive sources
* Provides international design and safety criteria and an overview of regulatory regimes
* Includes case studies and analysis of major accidents with data and calculations on accompanying website
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Minimization of welding distortion and buckling: Modelling and implementation >> Edited by P Michaleris, Penn State University, USA
Author: Edited by P Michaleris, Penn State University, USA | Size: 15.92 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Woodhead Publishing Limited | Year: May 2011 | pages: 314 | ISBN: ISBN 1 84569 662 X ISBN-13: 978 1 84569 662 7
- provides a systematic overview of the methods of minimizing distortion and buckling in welded structures
- focuses on understanding welding stress and distortion featuring computational welding mechanics and modelling the effect of phase transformations
- explores different methods of minimizing welding distortion discussing differential heating and dynamic thermal tensioning
Welding is a cost-effective and flexible method of fabricating large structures, but drawbacks such as residual stress, distortion and buckling must be overcome in order to optimize structural performance. Minimization of welding distortion and buckling provides a systematic overview of the methods of minimizing distortion and buckling in welded structures.
Following an introductory chapter, part one focuses on understanding welding stress and distortion, with chapters on such topics as computational welding mechanics, modelling the effect of phase transformations on welding stress and distortion and using computationally efficient reduced-solution methods to understand welding distortion. Part two covers different methods of minimizing welding distortion. Chapters discuss methods such as differential heating for minimizing distortion in welded stiffeners, dynamic thermal tensioning, reverse-side heating and ways of minimizing buckling such as weld cooling and hybrid laser arc welding.
With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Minimization of welding distortion and buckling is an essential reference for all welders and engineers involved in fabrication of metal end-products, as well as those in industry and academia with a research interest in the area.
Introduction to welding residual stress and distortion
P Michaleris, Penn State University, USA
- Types of welding distortion
- Formation of welding distortion
- Distortion control methods
- Book outline
- References
Understanding welding stress and distortion using computational welding mechanics
L-E Lindgren, LuleƄ University of Technology, Sweden
- Introduction
- The Satoh test
- Thermo-mechanical analysis of welding problems
- Eularian and Lagrangian reference frames
- Nonlinear heat conduction
- Nonlinear deformation
- Finite element techniques in computational welding mechanics (CWM)
- Heat input models
- Material models
- References
Modelling the effects of phase transformations on welding stress and distortion
J A Francis and P J Withers, University of Manchester, UK
- Introduction
- Types of transformation
- Transformation strains
- Equilibrium phase diagrams
- Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagrams
- Significance of transformation temperature
- Metallurgical zones in welded joints
- Effects of phase transformations on residual stresses in welds
- Transformation plasticity
- Current status of weld modelling
- References
Modelling welding stress and distortion in large structures
L Zhang, Link-Belt Construction Equipment, USA
- Introduction
- 3D applied plastic strain methods
- Application on a large structure
- Conclusions
- References
Using computationally-efficient, reduced-solution methods to understand welding distortion
T G F Gray, University of Strathclyde, UK and D Camilleri, University of Malta, Malta
- Introduction
- Context and rationale for reduced solution methods
- Computationally-efficient solutions based on mismatched thermal strain (MTS) and transverse contraction strain (TCS) algorithms
- Verification of MTS and TCS algorithms
- Multiple welds
- Fillet welds
- Hybrid and stepwise strategies
- Selected case studies
- Future trends
- Sources of further information and advice
- References
Minimization of bowing distortion in welded stiffeners using differential heating
M V Deo, Cummins Inc., USA
- Introduction
- Welding induced residual stress and bowing distortion
- Mitigation of welding induced bowing distortion
- Experimental verification of transient differential heating
- Results
- Conclusions
- References
Dynamic thermal tensioning for controlling welding induced distortion
W Li, The University of Texas at Austin and J Xu, Strategic Global Sourcing, USA
- Introduction
- A simplified finite element model
- The dynamic thermal tensioning method
- Mitigating buckling distortion using the dynamic thermal tensioning method
- Conclusions
- References
Minimizing buckling distortion in welding by weld cooling
J Li, Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute and Q-Y Shi, Tsinghua University, P. R. China
- Introduction
- Welding with intensive trailing cooling, the dynamically controlled low stress no distortion
- (DC-LSND) method and its influence on welded joint (structure)
- Mechanism of DC-LSND method
- Restriction and industry application
- Conclusions
- References
Minimizing buckling distortion in welding by hybrid laser arc welding
S M Kelly, R P Martukanitz and E W Reutzel, Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Laser beam welding
- Hybrid laser arc welding (HLAW)
- Hybrid laser arc welding for reducing distortion in marine construction
- Conclusions
- References
Minimizing angular distortion in welding by reverse-side heating
M Mochizuki, Osaka University, Japan
- Introduction
- Experimental
- Mechanism of reduction in welding distortion
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgements
- References
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