Explore the building blocks of modern architecture--from first idea to finished building
The Fundamentals of Architecture, like the other books in the successful "Fundamentals "series, gives a comprehensive introduction to the basics of its subject--the building-block ideas behind architecture, interior design, and the graphic language of planning space. From the first ideas on a new architectural project, to siting, context, and historical precedent, to development of the structure, materials, and the relationship of design concept to the building process, The Fundamentals of Architecture reveals and illuminates the thinking and planning that goes into great building design.
One-volume introduction for students and everyone who admires great architecture Written by leading scholars Readable and beautiful
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Since 1966 architects and builders have specified millions of roof and floor trusses engineered by the staff of Alpine Engineered Products, Inc. These trusses, manufactured by truss plants in every state and province, are used in one of every five homes built in the U.S. and Canada today, as well as in many commercial, institutional and agricultural buildings.
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Mortars, Cement and concrete technology, Blocks (building), Construction systems parts, Masonry work, Render, Plasters, Walls, Ceilings, Binding agents, Lime, Composition, Designations, Properties, Performance, Type testing, Quality control, Conformity, Construction materials
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Mortars, Cement and concrete technology, Blocks (building), Construction systems parts, Masonry work, Performance, Designations, Properties, Chlorides, Air, Compressive strength, Adhesive strength, Thermal conductivity, Type testing, Quality control, Marking, Conformity, Construction materials
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Glass, Soda lime, Silica glass, Glazing, Construction materials, Dimensions, Size, Defects, Quality, Visual inspection (testing)
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Glass, Soda lime, Safety glass, Ceramic and glass technology, Window glass, Construction materials, Conformity
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Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method for Heat and Fluid Flow
Author: Roland W. Lewis, Perumal Nithiarasu, Kankanhalli N. Seetharamu | Size: 12 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Year: 2004 | pages: 356 | ISBN: 0-470-84788-3
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Lecture 4 - Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations
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Lecture 3 - Shallow Foundations, General Considerations
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Lecture 5 - Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations, Geotechnical Design
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Lecture 8 - Spread Footings - Structural Design, Flexural Design, Mat Foundation (Part I)
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How to Build a Reinforced Besser Block Retaining Wall
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Reinforced Besser Block Retaining and Basement Walls consist of a reinforced concrete base which anchors the wall against overturning and sliding, and a stem of Besser blocks. The stem is reinforced with steel bars placed vertically and horizontally, and all cores in the blocks are filled with semi-fluid concrete, known as ‘grout’. The vertical reinforcing bars in the cores are lapped with shorter ‘starter bars’ embedded firmly in the reinforced concrete base using a hob to correctly locate the bars. These short bars allow easier blocklaying, and the longer bars are put in after all blocks are laid and before grouting. The length of the lap is critically important and must be shown on the drawings
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