Can soemone help me get those two articles for my friend:
A nonlinear regression model for weekly stream temperatures
Omid Mohseni, Heinz G. Stefan, Troy R. Erickson
WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 34, NO. 10, PP. 2685-2692, 1998
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Stream temperature/air temperature relationship: a physical interpretation
Omid Mohseni, Heinz G. Stefan
Journal of Hydrology
Volume 218, Issues 3–4, 24 May 1999, Pages 128–141
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Shear failure is an important failure mode for pile caps, civil engineering structures in
reinforced concrete, often used as substructures for bridges. However, while relatively
thin slabs, such as flat slabs for office buildings, have been subjected to intense research
in the past, there is a lack of generic models for thicker structures today and building
codes are still based on less appropriate empirical or semi-empirical models. For this
reason, the design of pile caps for shear failures, and punching failure in particular,
often results in dense reinforced structures. A rational approach to shear failures in
three-dimensional structures is needed to provide a safe and efficient design of pile
In order to comprehend the complex cracking and failure process in pile caps, the
different shear transfer mechanisms of forces in structural concrete, as well as shear and
punching failures of flexural elements are described in this thesis.
A review of the design procedures for shear and punching proposed by the Swedish
design handbook (BBK04), the European standard (Eurocode 2) and the American
building code (ACI 318-08) is conducted. The models of BBK and Eurocode are
applied to the analysis of four-pile caps without shear reinforcement. The comparison
with the experimental results indicates that the analysis with Eurocode predicts failure
loads more accurately than with BBK, however both standards result in significant
variations between similar cases, mainly because they accord too much importance to
some parameters, while neglecting others.
In light of these facts, strut-and-tie models appear to represent a suitable alternative
method to enhance the design of pile caps. Strut-and-tie models have been developed
and used successfully in the last two decades, and present a rational and consistent
approach for the design of discontinuity regions in reinforced concrete structures.
Though, the guidelines for strut-and-tie modelling in the literature are mainly intended
to study structures in plane, and it is questionable to apply them in the case of pile caps,
structures with large proportions in the three dimensions. Adaptations seem required for
the geometry and the strength of the components.
A strut-and-tie model adapted to the design and analysis of pile caps has been developed
in this project. The model is based on consistent three-dimensional nodal zone
geometry, which is suitable for all types of nodes. An iterative procedure is used to find
the optimal position of the members by refining nodal zones dimensions with respect to
II [/align]the strength of concrete under triaxial state of stress. Away from nodal regions, a
strength criterion is formulated for combined splitting and crushing of struts confined by
plain concrete. In addition, the specificities of shear transfer mechanisms in pile caps
are considered and a combination of truss action and direct arch action for loads applied
close to the supports is taken into account, hence reducing the required amount of shear
The method developed is compared to the design codes predictions for the analysis of
four-pile caps. The results obtained by the strut-and-tie model are more reliable, both
for assessing the failure loads and the failure modes. The iterative procedure is
presented in some design examples and guidelines are given to apply the method to pile
caps with large number of piles.
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Fundamentals of Project Management (Third Edition)
Author: JAMES P. LEWIS | Size: 1.60 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: AMACOM | Year: 2007 | pages: 177 | ISBN: 978-0-8144-0879-7
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Project Risk Management Guidelines - Managing Risk in Large Projects and Complex Procurements
Author: Dale F. Cooper, Stephen Grey, Geoffrey Raymond and Phil Walker | Size: 15.6 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Ltd | Year: 2005 | pages: 401 | ISBN: 0-470-02281-7
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Multi-Agent Systems for Traffic and Transportation Engineering
Author: Ana L. C. Bazzan, Franziska Klügl | Size: 12.5 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Information Science Reference | Year: 2009 | pages: 447 | ISBN: 978-1-60566-227-5
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Author: Dr. Arild Palmström and Prof. Dr. Håkan Stille | Size: 25 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: Thomas Telford Ltd | Year: 08/07/2010 | pages: 408 | ISBN: 9780727740830
The first book to focus on risk and uncertainty, Rock engineering explains the geological principles and concepts required for successful geotechnical design and engineering of underground excavations.
With over 80 years combined experience, the authors use their unique practical and theoretical knowledge in applying geology in rock engineering to provide the reader with an understanding of how to work with the inevitable uncertainties in ground conditions on tunnelling and underground projects. Guidance is given on how these uncertainties should be considered in the selection of design tools and how modern information-based systems, such as observational method and dualistic quality control, can be used to deal with unknown conditions uncovered during construction.
Key coverage:
Interaction between the ground and project related features
Investigation strategy and derivation of investigation results in ground information assessment
Methods for detection and analysis of risks and implications for design
Uncertainties and strategies for handling them during construction
Principles, applications and limitations of the various tools and methods in rock engineering.
Rock engineering is the essential, internationally applicable, practical guide for engineers and geologists who need to consider ground conditions on underground projects., aAn informative resource for clients, consultants and contractors hoping to understand the risk and uncertainties that can affect the project, this book is also and a valuable reference for advanced students on rock engineering and engineering geology courses.
Geology in rock engineering
Investigations and measurements
Derived ground information and location of project
Ground behaviour
Ground conditions and properties
Rock engineering design tools
Rock engineering in planning
Rock engineering and excavation
References and Appendix
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Petroleum geoscience comprises those geoscientific disciplines which are of greatest significance for the exploration and recovery of oil and gas. These include petroleum geology, of which sedimentary geology is the main foundation along with the contextual and modifying principles of regional, tectonic and structural geology. Additionally, biostratigraphy and micropalaeontology, organic geochemistry, and geophysical exploration and production techniques are all important tools for petroleum geoscientists in the 21st century. This comprehensive textbook present an overview of petroleum geoscience for geologists destined for the petroleum industry. It should also be useful for students interested in environmental geology, engineering geology and other aspects of sedimentary geology.
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