This specification covers two types of uncoated stress-relieved round high-carbon steel wire commonly used in prestressed linear concrete construction. These two types are the type BA used for applications in which cold-end deformation is used for anchoring purposes and type WA wire which is used for application in which the ends are anchored by wedges, no cold-end deformation of the wire is involved. Required tensile strength, yield strength and elongation shall be evaluated using stress-relaxation test. Heat analysis shall be used to determine the percentage of specified elements especially sulfur and phosphorus to meet the required chemical composition.
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Glass, Construction materials, Glazing, Window glass, Transparency, Opacity, Airborne sound insulation, Sound insulation, Acoustic properties and phenomena, Performance
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BS EN 357:2004 Glass in building. Fire resistant glazed elements with transparent or translucent glass products. Classification of fire resistance
Size: 401 KB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: BSI Group | Year: 08 December 2004 | pages: 16 | ISBN: 0 580 45021 X
Glass, Window glass, Construction materials, Glazing, Fire-resistant materials, Fire resistance, Classification systems
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Glass, Coated materials, Construction materials, Construction systems parts, Buildings, Glazing, Glass coatings, Type testing, Conformity, Quality assurance systems, Quality control
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This in-depth review of water-resources engineering essentials focuses on both fundamentals and design applications. Emphasis on fundamentals encourages readers’ understanding of basic equations in water-resources engineering and the background that is necessary to develop innovative solutions to complex problems. Comprehensive design applications illustrate the practical application of the basic equations of water-resources engineering. Full coverage of hydraulics, hydrology, and water-resources planning and management is provided. Hydraulics is separated into closed-conduit flow and open-channel flow, and hydrology is separated into surface-water hydrology and ground-water hydrology. For professionals looking for a reference book on water-resources engineering.
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Publication Date: September 2011 | ISBN-10: 184593797X | ISBN-13: 978-1845937973
Agriculture is strongly affected by changes in soil hydrology as well as by changes in land use and management practices and the complex interactions between them. This book aims to expand our knowledge and understanding of these interactions on a watershed scale, using soil hydrology models, and to address the consequences of land use and management changes on agriculture from a research perspective. Case studies illustrate the impact of land use and management practices on various soil hydrological parameters under different climates and ecosystems.
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Dear members
Please tell me which of the software selected for the design of steel structures.
I have 2 options: Tekla structures and Advance steel.
What advantages and disadvantages which have these softwares.
or maybe you have other suggestions ?