CP 102:1973 Code of practice for protection of buildings against water from the ground
Size: 1 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: BSI Group | Year: 20 October 1973 Confirm 01 October 2007 | pages: 34 | ISBN: 0 580 07671 7
Gives methods of preventing entry of ground and surface water into the building from surrounding areas. Section 2 describes methods of prevention at or below ground floor level, section 3 deals with methods of providing damp-proofing of walls and floors at ground level by use of d.p.c. materials to BS 743.
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If you like to download files, but aren't ready to invest in a premium download account or take a chance with a premium multihoster, you're likely downloading files using free download services as either an unregistered member or a free member with limited access. While this option is doable, it oftentimes leads to slower downloads, but more importantly, daily or hourly download limitations.
Here are a few tips and tricks that can help you bypass some of these limitations on today's popular direct download filesharing sites.
Filehoster Registration
There's a saying in multiple markets that, "Membership has its benefits", and this can certainly be true when downloading files from a filehoster. Even if you're not ready to splurge on a premium account, there may be some small advantages to registering as a free member on these sites.
Namely, you may be able to lower your download timer wait time, you may be allowed to download more files per hour or day, or your download speeds may increase when compared to those of an unregistered downloader. While not all direct download filehosters offer additional benefits for registration, some do and that can translate to faster download speeds or shorter wait periods for downloads.
Clearing Cookies / Cache
Some filehosters implement download limitations for free or unregistered users by way of cookies. If you delete your browser's cookies and even internet history after downloading a file, you may be able to 'reset' your download history and thereby increase the amount of data you can download or download from a file download service sooner.
Changing your IP address
Alongside cookie tracking, many download services use IP-address tracking as a way to restrict free and unregistered users' downloads. If you change your IP address, either by changing the IP address that your ISP has assigned to you, or by using a VPN service and sometimes even a proxy, you can essentially reset your download limitations with a particular direct file download service.
If you're going to change or mask your IP address to try and bypass free file download limitations, you need to be sure you at least delete the cookies tied to the filehoster you're going to download from. It's better overall, however, to just clear your cache, cookies and internet history to be safe.
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On the Flow of an Electrically Conducting Nonlocal Viscous Fluid in a Circular Pipe in the Presence of a Transverse Magnetic Field in Magnetohydrodynamics
International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research
DOI: 10.1615/InterJFluidMechRes.v37.i2.70
pages 190-199
M. N. L. Narasimhan
Oregon State University, 4210 NW Spoon Place, Portland, USA
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Applied Finite Mathematics covers topics including linear equations, matrices, linear programming (geometrical approach and simplex method), the mathematics of finance, sets and counting, probability, Markov chains, and game theory.
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Author: Robert V. Demicco and George J. Klir | Size: 4.69 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Original preprint | Publisher: Elsevier Academic Press | Year: 2004 | pages: 366 | ISBN: 0-12-415146-9
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