The book advances the sate-of-the-art by not only documenting how to monitor the environment, but also referring the reader to other more detailed comprehensive books. This nicely illustrated book should be useful at the senior undergraduate level, as well as to students initiating graduate studies in environmental sciences.
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A resource on vibration that imparts a deep physical as well as mathematical understanding is critical to students who first encounter the subject. Books with an overly mathematical focus can leave them without a grasp of the underlying physics and mechanics. Those that attempt to be reader-friendly often oversimplify the mathematics and mechanics, leaving them with a lack of depth and unprepared for advanced work and complex problems. With a carefully balanced approach, Engineering Vibrations provides a systematic and unified treatment of mechanical and structural vibrations along with rigorous yet approachable mathematical development.
This text advances abstract concepts from first principles. The author weaves together the physical interpretation and fundamental principles with applied problem solving and uses illustrative examples and case studies to reinforce the concepts, encourage effective interpretation of results, and assist in learning the techniques and procedures. Accompanied by more than 500 two- and three-dimensional drawings, the book offers tabulated results of case studies and a table of operators of various one-dimensional continua. It also contains problem-solving flowcharts for solving forced vibration problems for discrete and continuous systems. For each class of system, it explores the fundamental dynamics and studies free and forced vibrations under various conditions.
Buildinga solid understanding of the principles and bases for mechanical and structural vibration, Engineering Vibrations offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to the subject of vibrations and progresses systematically to advanced topics.
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Posted by: zeljko2 - 02-12-2012, 08:03 AM - Forum: Archive
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I need this book:
A. Ghali, R. Favre, M. Elbadry
Concrete Structures: Stresses and Deformations: Analysis and Design for Serviceability
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for the needs of my work in the field of non-destructive testing of structures I'm searching for these standards:
1. ASTM C 876 - 09 Standard Test Method for Corrosion Potentials of Uncoated Reinforcing Steel in Concrete.
2. ASTM E797 / E797M - 10 Standard Practice for Measuring Thickness by Manual Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Contact Method
Please, don't upload earlier editions, because I have them.
Thanks in advance.
Does anyone here in civilea have access to CNKI journal. I would like to request for these two following paper.
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seismic isolation and energy dissapation-theorical basis and applications
Author: maria rosaria marsico | Size: 4.48 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: university of napoli federico | pages: 185
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In the last few decades economic losses due to natural disasters have increased exponentially worldwide and little progress has been seen in reducing their rate of fatalities. This also holds for earthquake disasters and is mainly due to increasing population and industrial density in high hazard and vulnerability areas. Although the prediction of earthquakes is not yet practicable, current technology allows prompt identification of the onset of any dangerous seismic event. Hence early warning and rapid disaster information systems are becoming important means for strengthening prevention and social resilience against the adverse effects of major natural events and should therefore become the keystones of disaster mitigation.
The term early warning is now widely used with various meanings in scientific, economic and sociological communities. Even in the scientific world the term is used in slightly different ways although there is a growing consensus in defining early warning as all the action that can be taken during the lead time of a catastrophic event. The lead time is defined as the time elapsing between the moment when the occurrence of a catastrophic event in a given place is reasonably certain and the moment it actually occurs. Typical lead times are of the orders of seconds to tens of seconds for earthquakes, minutes to hours for tsunamis, and hours to days for landslides, floods and volcanic eruptions. In more general terms, early warning is the provision of timely and effective information, through identified institutions, allowing individuals
exposed to a hazard to take action in order to avoid or reduce their risk and prepare for effective response. Although the definition of lead time for non-seismic hazards may be
ambiguous (the term “reasonably certain” may need a more precise probabilistic definition), for earthquakes the definition is unequivocal as the lead time will start when the first waves are released by the earthquake source. Indeed, the physical basis for earthquake early warning is simple: strong ground shaking is caused by shear-waves and by the subsequent surface waves which travel at about half the speed of the primary waves and much slower than electromagnetic signals transmitted wireless and/or by cable.
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In-Structure Damping and Energy Dissipation
Holmes Consulting Group - Design Guidelines
Author: Trevor E Kelly | Size: 1.81 MB | Format:PDF | Quality:Unspecified | Publisher: holmes consulting group | Year: 2001 | pages: 144
the best guide to viscous damper design from the powerfullest consulting company in this field.
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when I want to create a mirror link, then to make a good post I have to open post generator, typing on the appropriate box, hit the generate button copy and the paste the link.
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